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Pranking the PrankKing

Pranking the PrankKing



Chloe's just an ordinary girl with a little brother. Her father had abandoned she and her mum years ago. So they had to move several times due to her mum's job. Chloe had been enrolled into a school meant for rich kids by her mum but Chloe was socially awkward and had to adjust to her new school. Jayden Black is the well hidden son of the most influential business tycoon in the city but had to assume the identity of'the prank king' to hide his real identity and entertain his bored self. What happens when Jayden for the first time pranked someone mistakenly, didn't apologize for it and that person was Chloe ? Will Chloe be able to prank him back? Will they become prank enemies or buddies or even progress more than that?

Chapter 1 Brownies

"Grrn grrn grrn grrn"the alarm clock rang.Chloe turned over and mumbled something in her sleep.Knowing the noise wouldn't stop,she sat up and looked at the at the alarm clock as if it was an enemy trying to invade her in her sleep.

"What!! 5:45,I don't want to be late for school again "she said and ran to her bathroom.After bathing,she wore a blue bathrobe and a large towel wrapped around her head then went her little brother's room to wake him up for school.

"Zach,Zach you need to wake up now.We have school today" Chloe said trying to wake her eight year old brother but he turned over and carried on sleeping.

'what am I gonna do ' She thought.

Should I play a blarring music on my phone. Nope, he's gonna have a headache. Or should I ....

"Zach,did you know I made your favorite brownies because you're the best brother in the whole world and if you don't get up now,I'll ....…." Seeing that he didn't even budge,she decided to take plan B into action.So she carefully removed his PJs and took him into the bathroom and turned turned the shower.

"AAA ah! what am I doing here" Zach screamed after being abruptly woken up from his sleep.

Isn't it obvious,you're taking a bath"

"But I don't remember walking in here "

"That's because you were sleepwalking sweetie,you didn't know when you stepped in here and turned on the shower"

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me"

"Why would I lie to you,don't you remember that there was a time when you fell asleep on the couch and woke up in your room"

"But I ..I "

Chloe looked at his face and couldn't help laughing.

"Haha ,look at your cute confused face .l was only pulling your leg and since you refused to wake up,I brought you here and turned on the shower"Chloe said ruffling his damp hair.

"And you think sprinkling some water on my face isn't an option"Zach pouted his lip as he crossed his arms on his chest.

"That wouldn't be fun,would it? Jokes apart,you need hurry I don't wanna go to school late today.Am gonna make brownies and some sandwiches now" Chloe said ran down to the kitchen.She mixed the ingredients of the brownies and put in the microwave.After setting the timer on,she back to her room.She sat in front of her dressing mirror using the hairdryer to dry her waistlength raven black hair and ran through it with a comb. She stood up and went to her wardrobe.After some minutes, she decided to wear a black T-shirt with four hearts imprinted on it with a pair of jeans and a black sweater because of the cool weather. She tied up her hair into a ponytail leaving a few strands on either side of her face alongside her bangs.She applied some mascara to her long eyelashes,some pink lip gloss on her full cherry lips and some kohl under blue eyes.Chloe took a turn to her brother's room only to find him struggling to wear his shirt.

'Weren't eight year olds wise enough to put on their own clothes' she chuckled.

"Hey Zach, let help you" she said trying to hide her chuckles.

"No!! I can do it myself besides everyone my age can do it"Zach said trying to pass his head through the armhole. Some minutes later,"Chloe I think this shirt has gotten too small for me"

"Come here ,see easy peasy " Chloe said as she helped him pass his head through the right hole and helped him comb his hair.

"Thanks,I wish mum was here I miss her so much "

"Oh,mum was only gone for two days and you're already missing her that bad.

Am sure if I were to leave for a year,you won't even remember I exist" Chloe said faking hurt.

"Chloe,don't say that I won't miss you.I'll miss your scolding,your smile,your anger,your care and most importantly your brownies" Zach said with a cute and sincere smile.

"Aww that's so .....wait a minute did you just say brownies,oh I forgot them"Chloe said running towards the kitchen with a look of panic on her face.

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