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Secrets In Disguise

Secrets In Disguise



Only one girl in an all-boy athletics high school... Pretending to be a boy... What is her secret.... Will anyone find out that secret of hers... What is her reason... Can sustaining her identity will be easy when this handsome fella becomes her roommate, who has some kind of connection with the beautiful part of her tragic past...

Chapter 1 The New Guy

National Athletics and Sports Boys High School:

A high school only for boys where they are prepared and well trained in their fields with the best coaches. Graduates of this high school can be seen in National level sports and have achieved many many awards for their country "X". Moreover, not even a single girl can be seen here. It seems to be a sacred place for males where no female can step a foot. Something is bound to change here...

Wearing a loose yellow-colored T-shirt and blue ripped denim jeans a very elegant and not so sturdy guy walks through the gate of the high school looking pissed off to step into this school.

"Ahhhhhhhh" He exhaled with frustration and ruffled his dark black hair in defeat.

"If it was not for father, I would have never stepped into this foolish, filthy, nasty place. Ughhhhhhhhhhh." he looked above his head into the sky, his purr black gaze was piercing the air.

"Mom, why father does not understand my feelings whyyyyyyyy." he said as if complaining to his mother about his father's unjust behavior towards him.

"What am I even talking about. He and understanding my feelings. Things like this do not belong in one sentence." he just exhaled a deep breath trying to brush off the frustration.

Finding his way towards the Principal's office another guy spotted him on his way. With being skinny and tall, he had hazel-colored eyes, a very defined jawline, and was wearing a basketball team uniform, his name boldly written on his top with a number.

Without hesitation, that guy approached him with the intention to help. "Are you new here? I never saw you around?" the basketball guy asked. The pissed-off guy seemed to be annoyed by this approach.

"What a busy body..." he mumbled and ignored him, moving away. The basketball dude looked offended as he heard what the new guy said.

"You looked lost so that's why I was trying to help but it looks like someone has attitude problems." now the basketball guy looked pissed too as something he did not like was someone showing attitude.

The new guy ignored him yet again and proceeded to go ahead but the basketball guy stopped him.

"You are so arrogant that you are ignoring a senior. You have no manners. I am clearly trying to help you but you are being an arrogant a**." clearly showing that he got offended by the new guy's attitude.

"Mister number '99' can you stop being a busy body I am clearly not interested in your help." the new guy said in annoyance.

The basketball guy scoffed hearing the new guy calling him number 99. He felt like punching on the guy's face but still controlled himself or else he would get in trouble and would have to face detention.

"You can clearly see my name... my great name written on this shirt above this number 99, still you called me 99. You arrogant brat." the basketball guy said though his gritted teeth while controlling his fist to not take any actions.

"Listen... Umm. Michael or whatever you are, you may have a lot of time to waste but I don't. My every second is precious unlike you who is being a busy body first thing in the morning." the basketball guy was annoyed to the point he started to scream internally.

"I will let you off this once since it's your first day. Don't think I will forget this encounter. I will not let you off the hook next time we crossed the path." before the new guy could say anything else, he stormed away from that spot.

"Ah... Mom, look it's day one and I got into an argument already. Father knows that I can't tolerate guys around me still he sent me here. After this, I will never agree with him about anything. Just need this shit to end. Once the problem is solved, I will not sit still." The new guy again complained to his mother.

He then continued to find the principal's office.


The new guy stood outside the big door where "Principal's Office" was written boldly on a nameplate. He then knocked on the door. "Come in" a calm voice came from inside and he stepped inside the office, and without even greeting the principal he shoved a piece of paper on the table. The principal frowned and took that piece of paper and after reading the paper he looked at the new guy.

"Welcome my dear, your father already wrote a letter to me before and told me the situation and I gladly accepted to help you because of our past. And I must say you have grown a lot. I almost could not recognize you."

'This old man is quite a talker.' he thought but did not dare show any signs of annoyance to displease his father's old dude. "Sir, it's nice to meet you and as you are already aware of the situation, then allow me." the new guy said trying his best to stay polite.

"Oh yes, yes. Just wait a minute." Principal made a call and asked for someone. After 1 minute there was a knock on the door. The principal allowed that person to enter the office, he seemed like a janitor.

"Yes Sir." the janitor said.

"Ah. Mr. Simpson could you please lead this young man to his dorm." said the principal while giving the new guy keys to his room which he had personally kept with him since the new guy was quite special and not like any other student. While he also gave a brand-new mobile phone to him.

"Ma... I mean young man you should use it for the time being." and he accepted the mobile gratefully.

"Thank you, Sir." the new guy showed his gratefulness towards the principal just as he has always been taught and went towards the dorm to settle his things so he could leave for the first class afterward.

After reaching the dorms the guy was happy that he had no roommate. There will be no more guys to invade his privacy as long as he remains inside the dorm. He started to change into his uniform.

"Well, at least the uniform is my style. I like it." He stared at himself in the mirror and nodded his head with satisfaction.

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