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Just a Doll Face

Just a Doll Face



Quinn Claire Hughes; she was named so because both of her parents are influential people in the business world and they wanted their child to be as wise and as bright as her name but not everything turns out to be how it is dreamed of and just exactly that happened to Quinn. Instead of taking the business world following her parents’ footsteps, Quinn decided that she wanted to be a photographer and not just any photographer, she wanted to be the world’s most popular photographer. She has now a graduation project along to submit and she happened to see the most handsome and the most elegant guy she had even seen in the entire universe. He was so beautiful and so mesmerizing that Quinn was not going to be satisfied if he was not going to be a part of her graduation project. But unfortunately, he rejects her but Quinn was a stubborn one and was not going to be quiet with one no. Let’s join Quinn on her journey to get her Mr. Doll face to accept her request while we get to know the stories regarding both of their lives.

Chapter 1 Quinn Claire Hughes

Quinn Claire Hughes; she was named so because both of her parents are influential people in the business world and they wanted their child to be as wise and as bright as her name but not everything turns out to be how it is dreamed of.

Quinn had always been interested in photos, they reminded her each and every time that how many memories that small thing could hold in itself, especially when she would look at her pictures with her grandparents, and the whole chain of memories and emotions would rush through her mind as if they were just there with her at the moment, right by her side, being her favorite people in the entire universe. Photos became a part of her hobbies and interest as she grew up but it did not become a solid choice for her until one point came in her life that changed everything for her.

Her parents were falling apart as the days went by. She was in the first year of high school when they finally decided that they were going to live their lives separately, free of any duties towards each other, and also decided that they were not going to officially get a divorce for the sake of their daughter, although it was quite clear that their relationship had already caused a bruise in Quinn's heart which she always successfully hide behind her cheerful personality. The business that was joint when the two of them married also split into two even without a divorce, leaving Quinn in the care of none as her mother left the country to pursue her dreams on a bigger level and her father, who was still in love with his wife keeping himself busy with his part of the business all the time.

Quinn would have just accepted being in the business world if her parents wouldn't separate but all those things just opened her eyes. The main cause of the separation was the freedom that her mother missed as she felt trapped in the recent years of her marriage, having a long history of twenty years, she felt she could not go further while she was bound to the obligations of being a wife and a mother and after quite a few years of approval and disapproval and several other matters, the couple finally separated before their twenty-first anniversary could strike the calendar.

Quinn had turned sixteen by then and felt lonely because of all happening around her, it was not like she was ignored completely, and since her parents did not file for a divorce so they would not affect her mantle health. Her mother contacted her every Sunday and had promised to visit her every month or two and her father would give her anything as she just had to say the name but all of those things were just not enough for her and at such a time, photos were her only friends and photography became her passion instead of just a hobby or a mere interest. She joined the high school photography club and did different projects for schools, gained certificates and a lot of praise for her talent as she was not just interested in photography, she was also good at it, and good might be an understatement for her, she was marvelous and she was brilliant and she knew that and in no way, she was going to let go of the peace and happiness that photography gave her so naturally. So, when it came to college, she wanted to major in nothing but photography.

Her parents were hesitant at first as they certainly wanted her to live a very successful and comfortable life, just like they have always given her or at least what they thought they provided her but when she explained that she just did not only want to be a photographer, she most certainly NEEDED to be one and photography had become a big part of her life. She made them understand that just as her mother could not give up on her dreams for her family, she also just could not sacrifice photography for the sake of their interest. Slowly and slowly, both her parents agreed to let her be what she wanted to be, and let her pursue her dream.

She got admission to the finest university in the country, Blouin University School of Arts with the highest scores. She spent the three years of university in pure joy, feeling like she had certainly stepped into her dreams, she felt the freedom and connection with the world of photography and it also made her realize that what her mother did was not as selfish as she had assumed in the first place.

The fourth year into the university and the last project for her graduation, both only had six months remaining and Quinn was working very hard for it from the start of the academic year. Not only it was compulsory for graduation, but also very important because the best student with the best project was going to get the class of international photography program scholarship in Canada, where that student will get the chance to work with big names in the photography industry, they will travel for a year in the whole of Canada, visiting different places, learning new things, getting news skills and Quinn was downright ready for all of it.

It was not like Quinn was no one right at the moment as she had gotten quite famous on her social media for the aesthetic pictures she put there and she had done many jobs and part-time gigs to get more experience but currently, she had stopped everything and was only looking for places and models that could make her work more precise for the graduation project.

The project was to make a photo book with twelve different concepts and one could simply hire a model and give them twelve different looks and aesthetics and complete the work but Quinn had always begged to differ and her thought process was always precise and unique, so she was not going to do just so. She loved capturing both people and nature so she was definitely going to introduce some nature into her project as well.

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