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Billionaire Bachelor

Billionaire Bachelor



Arthur Salvatore Reeves is caught between three friends as he finds himself in desperate situation who will he choose or rather are they after his fame and wealth Before that he's the richest young tycoon in his family with Philip Churchill as his rival and always competing for his parents love. Arthur tends to stay away from home to avoid communication with him which brought him to Manchester where he met the three girls whom will change his life forever. "you're unpredictable acting all innocent and coy here you are dining with my cousin" teased Arthur still touching her " Get your hands off me you and I don't have history and I don't need your permission to do anything' said Jane angrily " then why are you trembling ? you tremble anytime I touch you how do you describe that? she took another step and he followed her then walked very close to her listening to her rapid heartbeat. " I'll not force you to be with me but don't force me to break my principle" then he walked around her leaned from her back to her ear " don't let him touch you again. you don't want him to see us kissing. do you? he said then left Jane regained herself and cursed herself for being so calm every time he intimidated her.

Chapter 1 Trifle

" watch your tongue if you don't know what to say just leave," said Nina who was so mad that she was criticizing her because of a boy.

"Then I'll be leaving. I have a house after all" said, Jane

" Jane you know she didn't mean it. said, Thea who was trying to prevent them from fighting or hating each other?

'Okay. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I really love this v.v.i.p guy" said Nina trying to explain to her friend how much her support means to her regarding her new crush but she didn't get it because to her it's the same thing. One minute she's in love and the next she's isn't. She couldn't understand why her friends were like that. So she doesn't listen whenever they mention boys.

"Whatever. I have to go. Bye girls"

"c'mon she just apologized," Said Thea.

"Forgotten but I have to go. I have a mail that I'm expecting."

They bid her goodbye as

she leaves and continued their discussion.

"you're really in love with this guy"? Asked Thea.

It's not like Nina to fall in love. she was trying to understand what she said to Jane. Nina understood her curiosity.

" This is different. I'm really in love and I know it."

" I'm glad. why don't you call him" suggested Thea.

Although she believe her friend she wanted to hear the guy's side of the story if he had the intention of dating her friend.

" That's a good idea " smirked Nina as she dials his number.

" Hello. who is this?? Asked Arthur.

Hearing his voice Nina was on the moon. she was smiling so brightly till Thea snapped her finger on her face reminding her that she was on the phone with someone

"It's me, Nina Richards. The personnel manager you met at a party on Saturday"

"Oh Miss Richards. I remember"

she sighs" thank God you remember me"

"Is that a fact? What can I do for, you Miss Richards?? Asked Arthur.

Surprised at the sudden all. He had to be certain of calls thinking it was about business.

She thought for a while because she wasn't expecting him to say that.

"You promised me a date," said Nina.

"No, I didn't." Denied Arthur

who couldn't remember saying such a thing to her.

" Yes, you did say Nina.

trying to make it look convincing

and it did.

"Okay. I'll keep to my word. I'm not in the UK right now. I'll be in the UK by Friday for some paperwork next week. I'll give you a call if that's alright with you" said, Arthur.

The truth is she was very excited and couldn't believe it worked then she thought he was an easy-going kind of guy.

"Yes yes. Anything you say. I'll be waiting for your call. Can I call you anytime?? asked Nina

"This is my business line. I'll call you with my personal number"

knowing what she meant. how dare he not give the initiative

" ok. is now or later?? asked Nina. she wanted him to give her his personal number that moment to avoid him changing his mind .

" do you want it now?? he asked

" yes, I do. I do" he called her with his personal number and she saved it. being very happy she screamed out of her voice and Thea was surprised by the way they spoke and was happy for her friend.

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