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My Unknown Wolf

My Unknown Wolf



Drake Stevens is a typical teenage boy. School life, Popularity, Girlfriend….. But something strange is starting to happen as he nears his 18th birthday. Why does he have such an attraction to the red head down the street? Who is his best friend really? What mystical secrets are in his past and how will they affect his future?

Chapter 1 Watch Over Him

Luna Freida looked over her shoulder as she ran at full speed in her wolf form through the dense forest. She could hear the wolves behind her in pursuit. On her flank was Fitz, the Blood Dawn’s Beta, also in wolf form running beside her. The memory of the brutal and bloody attack that she had just witnessed flashed in her mind. Thoughts of her Alpha and his red stained fur filled her head. She shook away the grief that started to overwhelm her. Luna Freida knew she had to keep going. Their lives depended on it…

Suddenly, she sniffed the air and smelled humans. She knew that there was a small farmer’s town inhabited by humans just south of the Blood Dawn’s pack lands. She and Fitz ran along the southern border. She could hear the pack of wolves that were chasing her. They were closing in. Luna Freida was frantic. She spotted a small cabin on the edge of the woods and motioned to Fitz. Fitz glanced at the cabin and nodded in understanding. It was the only way…

He carefully took the small bundle that Luna Freida was delicately holding in her mouth and ran toward the cabin. He cautiously looked around and placed the precious package near a log pile toward the back of the cabin and then took off running in the opposite direction toward his Luna.

He met up with Luna Freida a few minutes later. Freida was overcome with grief and trembling. He bowed his head in respect to her. She shook the thoughts of her dead husband away and they took off in the opposite direction from the cabin and ran at full speed. They stopped to evaluate their surroundings and was almost instantly surrounded by snarling wolves. Freida and Fitz stood back to back in their wolf forms and bore their teeth. They snarled and growled at the unfriendly wolves approaching them. They were ready to fight for their lives.

A large Black wolf came forward gnashing his teeth at the duo. The Luna thought once more of her bloody Alpha as the black wolf lunged at Freida’s neck. She fought valiantly against him as Fitz fought off the other attacking wolves. Fitz, being a Beta, was strong and was able to kill many of the attacking wolves. Sounds of growls and high pitched barks filled the air. Fitz could smell the thick scent of blood and knew that several were mortally injured. He fought until his body gave out and unconsciousness overcame him.

After what seemed like hours, Fitz regained consciousness. His leg was badly injured and his fur was covered in blood. He glanced around to see if he was still in danger and when he did, he noticed a mound of blood-matted golden fur about 20 meters away…. Luna!! He crawled with his bad leg over toward his Luna. He could smell the thick stench of blood and whimpered when he saw her badly injured body. Fitz nuzzled her body to see if she would respond, and to his surprise, her eyes fluttered a little. He spoke softly to Luna Freida. “What can I do, Luna?” She shuddered and Her eyes closed as her last breath left her body… on her last breath, she whispered “Watch Over Him”.

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