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She is the rebel princess of her family, loved y all. But a tragic incident took them away from her. A family of four narrowed down to one. The once most feared art in the mafia world went extinct and was never heard of again. Revenge became her only motive and nightmare. He once was the ideal man, but relationships turned him into a beast, heartless, not until his heart skipped again. Buried in those blue orbs he vowed to have her, in hope of discarding her later. But relationships of the heart don't work like that. Join this two Xavier knights from the now most feared mafia family 'Art of power ' And rebel princesses now known as June from the art of disguise family. As a lot of mystery unravels itself and their hate turns into love.

Chapter 1 Finding Ava

June POV

I tossed and turned around the bed, clutching tightly to the sides of my small bed, as sweat poured down my whole body like rain. My nightmares kept reminding me of my painful past, a past filled with pain and revenge, a past that became the main reason for my existence.

My ringing tone echoed through the small room causing me to jolt up from my very tormenting dream. I sat up on my bed panting heavily as I tried to calm my thumping heart.

My phone began to ring again which reminded me that I had a call. Lazily I put my hand underneath my pillow where I normally stash my phone to avoid pushing the phone down in sleep and pulled out my phone.

The call had stopped but a message popped up almost immediately. I opened the message and saw that it was from Ava.

*Help!* a short yet an agonizing message

Immediately my eyes dilated in horror as I realized that this was a distress message and it was from my best friend. Without any further thought, I dashed out of the apartment still in my pajamas.

Panic struck as I kept trying to call Ava again and again to get information about her whereabouts, but the calls kept going straight to voicemail.

I could feel my chest constricting as a wave of fear washed over me, I felt powerless and confused. I stared deep into the space as my eyes danced around the street looking for anything that might point me to where Ava might be. I never believe in miracles but for a split second I prayed for one

Almost immediately my mind ambled back to my earlier discussion with Ava.

"I heard that Leon is hosting a party at a club tonight, guess what?" She asked and paused for a while. "He specifically invited me to it," Ava announced beaming with smiles, she has always had a crush on Leon.

"That's nice," I replied nonchalantly.

"Common!" Ava exclaimed, throwing one hand in the air as she rolls her eyes

"What?" I asked, focusing my attention on the book I was reading and on Ava. "Do you need me to congratulate you as well? well then congratulations my dear " I said with a fake accent and a smudged smile before positioning my eyes back on the book I was reading

"Is that it? Don't you want to come with me?" Ava asked, confused.

"Most certainly not." I retorted

" why?" Ava whined with a pout

"Aww, you look cute with that face on. But For starters, I don't like that crush of yours, secondly I, most certainly am not a party kind of person so thanks but no thanks go have fun yourself " I explained flashing Ava an apologetic smile.

"You are such a boring miss, I'm leaving you, our relationship is over, I tell you." Ava jokingly threatened, causing me to roll her eyes, with a little chuckle.

"That's not news anymore," I muttered a little smile dancing on my lips.

"I am going to have fun at the 'drunken club' without you.* Ava stated before stomping out of the room.

"Have fun."

Realizing my friend's location I broke out of the short trance and hailed down a carb, told him the address, and tried to calm myself down.

I spent the whole thirty minutes of the ride, blaming myself for any possible thing that might happen to Ava if I had just gone with her then maybe she wouldn't be in trouble

I kept trying her phone but still the same news my call gets kicked off to voicemail and this made the matter worst for me, maybe even worst for Ava I reasoned

'i'm a failure' was all I kept muttering under my breath as unannounced tears rolled down

"Faster driver" I shouted again for the tenth, but what could the poor can man do he was already going as fast as he possibly can but in a situation like this reasoning gets pushed to a curb

I considered my reviled as I kept on losing the people that mattered most to me. My heart kept beating erratically as I wished there was a way to get the carb teleported right to where Ava was, but I knew it was impossible and all I could do at the moment was chew at the bottom of my lips hard that my taste bud met with a metallic taste as I try to be as patient as I possibly can.

The carb man arrived at the destination after a very long while, with me jolting out of the carb in haste. I could hear the carb man calling out to me for his pay, but I was in so much haste to delay any further.

I tried getting into the club, but the bouncers stopped me immediately and eyed me with disgust only at this moment did I realize that I was still in my PJs

"I'm sorry miss but you can't go in." one of the huge bouncers said sternly.

Fighting my way in was no problem for the Rebel in me but for June it will be a whole load of trouble, and I knew very well not to create a scene or I might end up buying unnecessary attention and I might end up blocking all chances of going into the club and finding my friend, so I took a detour quickly ran towards the parking lot.

At the entrance, I was taken aback to see two bodies lying in the pull of their blood. I was almost sure that they were security in charge of safeguarding the parking lot. Their uniforms gave it away. I immediately sensed danger but I was too preoccupied to care about anything other than getting Ava at the moment.

Taking note of the CCTV camera I maneuvered my way past them cause I know that whatever I am about to do is considered buying a trailer load of trouble but who cares I don't.

I looked around to confirm no one was there, luckily it was so quiet that even a pin sound could echo in it, I passed all sorts of luxurious cars until I finally stopped dead in my tracks when I found the one car I was looking, without a warning I picked up a fire extinguisher and smashed the glass to pieces, Immediately tearing out a wire, which stopped the car's alarm.

I had the urge to reduce this car to ruins but time was not on my side. I did make a mental note to deal with Leon once Ava's safety is secured.

I took off my pajamas and skilfully redesigned them by putting both my legs in one of my pajama trousers legs and the other empty leg around my neck. My pajama pants now hung around her body like a beautiful dress, exposing her back and shoulders. Although I was smothered by how tight I felt in this, I just had to make do with it for now.

I picked up some broken piece of glass and scraped the paint off Leon's car, picked a lip balm that I happened to find in his car, applied it on my eyelid, and then poured the car paint which I had just scraped on the eyelid, the balm helped it stick and this looked almost like glitter though a little rough but great for an alternative.

I rubbed the balm on my brow and lip-picked up a little ash from the ashtray inside Leon's car. I patted it gently on my lower lips to create an ashy kind of lipstick color. I proceed to slap my cheeks hard to get a blush effect. Sprinkling a little bit of alcohol on my hair and clothes, I smiled with satisfaction. 'perks of coming from the 'AOD' clan'

"Time to play the drunk card," I muttered before finally exiting the parking lot staggering. Leaving behind the feeling of being watched I had no time to be paranoid cause I have a friend to get to

"Let's get the party rolling baby," I yelled as I forcefully took a large gulp of the whisky from the bottle of alcohol I took from Leon's car. Standing in front of the bouncer he stared at me from head to toe but immediately stopped at my foot. I noticed this but remained calm, with a smile I had to ditch the Crocs I came here with because it wasn't flowing with the vibe I was going for.

"Who wears shoes when they are ready to rock and roll? " She asked the bouncer with a wink. "But I'm sure Leon wouldn't mind since I dropped my shoes with him" I leaned over and acted like I was whispering that part

I added that last part knowingly, but I had already seen through the bouncer's stern face and realized that he was a softie inside, I also noticed that his hands were looking rough with lots of small cuts which means that he has been working hard on various jobs for a while now, this brought me to the conclusion that he needs this Job so if anything he wouldn't want to mess with his bosses or their acquaintance.

On hearing Leon's name the bouncer's eyes immediately softened and allowed me to without further hesitation

"Have a pleasant night." He gestured and I almost resisted the urge to burst out laughing

Still playing the drunk card, I scavenged the club in search of Ava; trying hard to avoid being smudged by crazy drunk men who kept hauling me over for a drink.

Until I noticed five men exiting a room with lots of bodyguards keeping them in place, one of them holding Leon's hand tightly. I clenched my fist tightly upon seeing Leon and I had to stop myself from doing anything stupid. at least not until I find Ava and. After making sure the area was clear I decided to search the room those men exited from earlier.

I looked around the room but couldn't find a single soul, so I resigned after finding the lounge messy but devoid of a human soul and decided to search elsewhere for Ava.

As I made to step out a little whimper caught my attention thanks to the soundproof door. The music did not stop me from investigating the source of the noise as I had a strong feeling that it could be Ava.

At the back of a couch, I found the source of the whimper, and although I wished it was from Ava my heart fell at that painful tone and I wished it wasn't her, but it was my friend lying on the floor covered in bruises and blood, almost naked if not for a blazer covering her up.

I had the urge to punch the living daylights out of that son of a b**ch. I have always known he was bad news but I couldn't stop Ava's undying crush on him. Seeing Ava lying there, I didn't need any other explanation for what had happened.

I held back a tear that was threatening to slip. I knew I couldn't have Ava see me being weak. It would demolish her. She has been through a lot. The least I can do is be strong for her because just like me she hates it when people pity her or feel sorry for her.

"Y_you came," Ava stuttered softly with a little smile. I can't believe she is trying to act strong after all she has been through this night

"Of course I did, I wouldn't dare ignore your calls," I said, assuring her with my forced smile.

I helped hoist Ava from the floor, and helped her wear the blazer, thankfully it was long enough to reach her mid-thigh, placing one hand around her neck. I held her firmly as she casually limped alongside my support.

I was pretty sure that animal went hard on her, gosh I can't just begin to imagine it.

After a while, we finally made our way out of the club, with a lot of gawking eyes passing weird looks towards Ava. At some point, she buried her face in the crook of my neck. I could feel her hot tears on my neck as they streamed down her cheeks, which fuelled the rage in my heart.

Luckily the angry crab man I came with still patiently waited, after taking note of Ava's situation. He decided not to say anything and opened the back door for me. I helped Ava sit at the back as I tried to sit beside her, just then my eyes landed on outside the car window, someone that made my blood boil, someone to whom my newfound anger is addressed. guess who ….* Leon*.

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