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Tempted by the Vampire

Tempted by the Vampire



New York City's inhabitants, love, dangers, and supernatural beings. As a teenage girl abruptly tempted between two vampire best friends, creatures of unfathomable evil lurk underneath this town. Ahmar and Ambroz return to their birthplace in New York after years of feuding.

Chapter 1 Ahmar and Ambroz House

Katherine's Point of View

I looked around at my small room blankly, still, my mind is not at ease. I love my room, but it's not like how I see it anymore, something is missing. My family's car accident is still fresh on my mind, I can't believe now that my mother and father are now gone. The accident is still vividly clear in my mind, and my little sister is still young, she's only 10 years old, but the tragedy she saw, can't be forgotten.

I went to check my parent's bedroom, I miss them so much, their scent is still here, the vanilla scent that will surely last here. My parent's room is big enough, a wall with white paint and a soft bed and comfy pillow and blanket. My tears went down my cheeks. I need to be strong for my little sister, I need to be strong enough.

I'm preparing our dinner, I can't help but think of the memories we had here every dinner time, we are always complete, but now it's just two of us.

"Rina! Let's eat."

Rina walks like a zombie, as she sat on her chair I saw in her eyes that she was longing for my mother, my mother loves cooking for Rina. Rina is my 10-year-old sister.

Next day.

In Caddel University.

I'm waiting for Glinda, Diana, Darcy, Lucas, Ethan, and Jed. They are my friends ever since. I have already texted them that I'm at the university's gate.

After 30 minutes. Finally, they are all here. We are all in Freshman Year. Since high school, we know each other well. In our section block, there are two new faces, in my 14 years of studying here in New York City, the students here look familiar so much. This new face looks intensely to me, he has fair skin, dark handsome eyes, thick brows, and pink-red lips. I just smiled at him and smiled back.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Lunchtime! My friends and I usually gathered in Caddel University Eatery first, but this new face blocked the way out the door. He suddenly smiles at me and says, "Hi, are you, Katherine Parker?"

"Yes, that's me, why?"

"Uhm, nothing, goodbye! enjoy your lunch Katherine." he suddenly left me there hanging. He's weird, I just laughed secretly and walk fast to the eatery.

At Cadell's University Eatery.

There he is, walking and looking in my direction, this weird handsome guy huh.

"Hi there Katherine, can I invite you to our house later after school? I just need you to help me with school activities, our dean told me that you are the smartest girl in our block," he says to me straightly.

"Uhm, did the dean tell you that? Is that true?" I asked him curiously.

"Yes, if you don't believe me then go to the office of the dean."

"Sure, wait for me at the gate," I answered coldly.

He's a bit weird, let me rephrase it, he's so weird! Yes, I'm top of the section but I don't know why he feels like he's a VIP student here. I rolled my eyes in the air.

At the gate.

"There you are." the new face says at me while smiling.

He's so weird, why he's always smiling at me? Duh, we're not even close! I just smiled shortly at him.

"So, what's your name? Bugging me all day, huh, and I don't even know you or your name, Mr. New Face!"

"Easy, ease yourself Katherine." he laughs at me.

"How can I ease myself if you are so strange!"

"Hey, Katherine, I'm Ahmar Cooper, I just got back from a mile away from City, this is my hometown, and I'm not strange, I promise." he seriously says to me.

After a long walk, finally, we arrive at their house. Their house is located near the woods, it's dark here but there's a lamp post near the road, it's kinda creepy.

"We're here Katherine."

I just looked at him and he opened their big door.

"Ahm, Katherine, feel free at home, I'm just gonna get you your snacks, feel free to roam around!"

"Sure, sure Ahmar."

I roam my eyes to their living room. Their house is big, their living room has a big fireplace, a big dark red themed sofa set, wide old paintings, and their living room wall paint with white and dark red and pale red. Their house is a Lil bit dim. I love their house, he said to feel free to roam and feel at home, their second-floor looks scary because it's dark but there's something about there that makes me want to go to the second floor.

Their stairs are gold with dark red carpet with dim lights. I don't know where the light switch is, I don't have my phone beside me to use as a flashlight, I feel like I'm brave enough to go upstairs. I can't see anything, I cling to the dark, I can't find a light switch or any light, I touch a cold wall and someone grabs me inside that room beside the cold wall.

I touched the hand covering my mouth, it's a masculine arm, so it's a man huh, I'm scared because I thought Ahmar is living alone. I don't know what to do, their house feels strange. This room has a dim light, it's just right that you'll see the human face or beings. He removed his hands from my mouth and locked the door. I'm panicking but I can't show him because he might harm me.

"Hello, little girl." he sexily says to me in a joking tone.

"Who are you?!" I asked him angrily while my voice is shivering.

"I'm your future boyfriend hun." he winked at me.

"Why did you do that to me, and seriously, who the f-CK are you?"

"I'm Ambroz Cadel, Ahmar's best friend."

"What do you need from me? I think Ahmar is looking for me, let me go okay?"

"Wait, what's your name?"

I just stared at him blankly.

"What? I need to get your name at least before I let you go" he says to me while smiling and looking at me intensely.

"Okay, I'm Katherine, Katherine Parker, can I go now?" I said sarcastically.

"Sure, see you around my Katherina." He said in a husky voice and he gave me a peck kiss on my lips.

Just what the gell! He's annoying, that jerk he kissed me easily, that's my first kiss! What an asshole he is! I'm so angry, what's the meaning of that kiss? Huh.

I went down immediately, and I need to go home, right now, as in.

"Ahmar! Ahmar!" I shouted Ahmar's name loudly. The first day of my freshman year but my first kiss is now gone!

"What is it, Katherine? Why are you shouting?" He asked me disconcerted.

"Sorry, Ahmar, but I need to go home, right now, I'm going to teach you more next time, I promise!" I said in a hurried tone. I'm nervous and embarrassed at the same time.

"Ahm, sure, sure, you want me to drive you home?" He asked me sincerely.

Ahmar is a gentleman huh. "No need, but thanks, just text me when will be our next teaching lesson!" I gave her my number card and I hurriedly walked out the door while my voice is shivering.

Next day.

They said our town is dangerous and scary, but for me, it's not, it's safe, but a lot say that the vampires from this town 100 years ago is back here and vampires are roaming around this City, a witch, and werewolves, but until now I can't believe that it's true, I've never seen creatures like vampires. But I don't know why the car accident happens to us without anything on the bridge that might cause the accident and suddenly we are drowned in the water, and there was no one to help us, but a miracle happens, Rina and I woke up in Caddel's City Hospital. Until now, that night is still confusing, how come it's just us who are alive. My view is blurring, because of my tears.

I'm preparing myself, I need to look okay, that's all I can do for my little sister, I need to be brave, and I hope we will be okay soon. I need to go to Ahmar's house, I need to catch up with him about my studies and the University.

Ring... Ring... Before the third ring, I immediately answer it.

Unknown Calling...

"Who's this?" I asked the unknown caller.

"Hey, it's me Katherine, Ahmar, hehe." He answers shyly.

"Ahm, no need to call today, I'm going to your house to catch up with the things you need to know because this sem we have a freshman party, I might be a little busy because I'm one of the student council."

"Is that all? Just kidding, you speak so fast, eh." He's laughing at me.

"Whatever, I'm going now, see you!" Then I ended the call so fast, he thinks he's funny huh, but no, he's annoying.

At Ahmar's House

I knock a few times before I was opened by this idiot who stole my first kiss yesterday. I rolled my eyes at him, I can't even recall his name.

"Why are you still here? Huh?" I asked him in my most annoying and b-tch voice.

"Why? I own this house little Katherine, come in," he answers me in a mocking tone.

He's handsome hehe, still I don't like his attitude from the very first day we met.

"Are you saying that this is your house? How come? I thought Ahmar living here alone, never mind, Mr. Jerk." I told him kindly but angrily though he was hot.

"Just wait for Ahmar." He said in a baritone voice, then he averted his eyes from me.

I just rolled my eyes at I'm, as I watched him drinking his bourbon. It's too early but he's already drinking bourbon.

"Pst, hey," I called to him in a low voice.

He just looked at my lips then my eyes, after that he looked away.

"I sad, hey!" I shouted at him, he just looked at me as if he heard nothing.

"What? You're so noisy Kathe." He said in an annoying voice.

"Can you give me one glass of your bourbon?" I said shyly.

"Why? Are you allowed to drink? Huh?"

"No, but I'm turning 18 this week so I want to taste it. Puh-please." I said in my cute voice and puppy eyes.

"Here, your so naughty Kathy." He handed me a glass of bourbon.

'Thanks, let's cheers, what's your name again?" I asked him in a happy tone.

"I'm Ambroz, Ambroz, okay? Always remember that." he was annoyed because I forgot his name? what an idiot.

"Okay, O-kay, cheers to this f-cking world Amb! Haha!" I said while laughing at him.

I drank the whole bourbon in the glass, and I started to remember the accident that happened to us, I can't help but cry.

"Hey, why are you crying, Kathe?" He asked in a worried tone.

I just cried a little and now he was sitting next to me.

"It's nothing." I smiled at him and laughed a little.

"Really? You won't cry if it's nothing. Come on, spill it, I might help you to ease that pain." He's so worried at me huh, do I look like a helpless teenager.

"It's just that, my mom and dad passed away recently, we have a car accident, but some things are blurry to me when it happened, it's too heavy." I cried hard again.

"It'll be okay soon, okay?" then he hugged me softly, I felt his muscles tightening.

I just nod at him.

Beep. Beep.

I got a new message. Ahmar.

'Hey, Kathe, sorry I can't meet you now, I have more important things to do, we're gonna catch up at university okay? I'm sorry, take care.'

I ignored his message. I think I need fun and comfort right now or just need to rest.

"Amb, I want to go home, I want to rest," I said to him without emotion.

"Sure, let me take you home." Here smiled at me handsomely.

I removed his hands from me. he embraces me so tight, I felt a little comfort. But after that, he kissed my forehead. I didn't say anything because I'm comfortable with him today and he comfort me though we just met yesterday.

We finally arrived in front of our house. "Thanks for riding me home Amb." after that he removed my seatbelt and I kissed his cheek. He was shocked by what I did but for me, it was just a friendly gesture, and it's my way of saying thank you to him.

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