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The Secrets Of Meera

The Secrets Of Meera



Meera Thakur goes from India to NY to establish a new branch of her very successful NGO, where she meets Arthur Guild, a successful businessman. Whenever they meet, they end up fighting. They both hate each other. But fighting is not the only reason Meera hates him. Arthur is the prime suspect in his girlfriend's murder. Meera’s real motive to move to NY is to find out what happened with her friend, Alice. Gradually, the hatred between them turns into love. Meera has to figure out if Arthur is really involved with Alice's murder while dealing with her feelings for him.

Chapter 1 Character Depiction

Meera Thakur – An average height, pretty, curvy girl with brown eyes and armpit-length black hair. She is the CEO of Spriha, an NGO. She is one of the richest people in India and established the NGO with her family money.

Neha Singh – A beautiful, tall, slim girl with brown eyes and short hair. She is Meera’s Junior from college. She works in a world-renowned company Guild Corporation and lives with her fiancé Vivek.

Vivek Sharma – A baby-faced, tall man with a killer smile who is Neha’s fiancé. He too is Meera’s junior. He and Neha met in college. After finishing college, they got engaged and now they live together in NY.

Oliver Spaulding – A short man with rugged features, blue eyes, and a well-toned body. He is Meera’s friend (nickname Liv) who was her classmate during their graduation days in India. They are best friends.

Arthur Guild – A tall, lean, muscular man with curly black hair. He is the owner of Guild Corporation, a Fortune 500 company. He is egotistical, condescending and a strict boss. The entire corporation is scared of him except Ryan Brown.

Ryan Brown – A rectangular-faced, heavy, athletic man with blue eyes who is Arthur’s friend, guide, and confidant. He is the corporate secretary in Guild Corporation. Wherever Arthur goes, he follows.

Daniel Westside – A bulky man who is always dressed in dapper suits. He is the Director of Corporate Responsibility of Guild Corporation. He invites Meera to increase the efforts of his company to improve social responsibility.

Alice Colfer – A happy girl who is the embodiment of sunshine. She was shot dead a year ago but her murderer is still walking free. She was Arthur’s fiancé.

Abhirati James – A tall, highly competent, nimble person who works as a Detective in NYPD. She is responsible for handling Alice’s murder case. It’s been a year but there is progress regarding the same.

Mateo Gideon – An average height, bald, bulky man who is Abhirati’s partner and working meticulously on Alice murder case.

Captain Abena – A tall, slim, lanky woman with bushy hair who is Abhirati’s and Mateo’s boss. She meets Meera on the flight to New York and they become friends.

Anthony Hunt – A handsome man with blue eyes, in his early forties. He is the Chief Financial Officer of Guild Corporation.

Jordan Pear – A very capable doctor who is the Chief Medical Officer in Guild Medical Centre and he is also Arthur’s family doctor.

Aura Guild – Arthur’s mother who loves to embarrass him at every turn. Her only mission in life is to get Arthur married to a rich sophisticated woman.

Holly Sebastian – A pretty, full-figured girl who is Arthur’s secretary. Many people are under the impression that Arthur is dating her.

Maurice Jade – A lawyer friend of Oliver’s who helps Meera in need. So, she hires him to work for her till she is in New York.

Samuel Lopez – An old, homeless man who befriends Meera after she comes to New York. He came to New York to find his daughter.

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