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CEO's Sweet Love

CEO's Sweet Love



Since five years ago, Melissa had been suffering from a painful incident due to which all her emotion, feelings were also lost with that incident. She only had a great attachment towards her book which was very precious more than her life, which holds a very precious memory of her life. But One day, a guy in black suit let her precious book fall in the ground and mistakenly stepped on the book. She was really mad and directly slapped in his face twice. What happened if she discovered her new boss was the guy whom she slapped?

Chapter 1 ~Precious Memory~

Feeling intense pain over her head, she woke up from the bed as she reached out for her cell phone, staring at the screen, it was almost 7 in the morning.

She put her phone back on the table and went straight to the bathroom.

She took a warm bath relaxing her slender body, then gazed at her reflected self in the mirror.

Water droplets dripping from her wet hair racing to her chest, she looked completely different.

Her slim and slender body, smooth and soft skin, long and lovely eyelashes with steep eyebrows, long and black hair, sexy thin lips, were making out her whole appearance unbelievably graceful, glorious and elegant like a noble.

But— Her lifeless eyes were clearly stating ~She doesn't care anymore~.

Belief, enthusiasm, passion, or feelings, those kinds of emotions no longer existed in those lifeless eyes.

Honestly, she even herself can't identify it out, what kind of emotion now existed in her lifeless eyes anymore, or it just deserted with nonentity around where it is surrounded by a strong barrier.

~At company~

"Good morning, Melissa." Everyone greeted her with a huge smile who looked like a model in her company uniform.

She greeted them back without any emotion on her face, nor with a smile, nor with a cold face. Everyone in her company was used to her emotionless complexion.

At first, when she joined the company, employees used to assume her as a weirdo woman and of course, they still do. Well, as the time passes by, they all got used to her emotionless completion.

"Hey! Listen, Listen." Sizu came rushing to the office as everyone's gaze falls on her.

"Our new boss is going take over the company within this week." Sizu announced excitedly "Guess, who is it?"

"New boss?" One of the employees inquired in surprise "Don't know, Who is it?"

"Well... it's our company's boss, second Son." Sizu announced with excitement.

"Second Son?" One of the female employees stood up from her chair "Really? I heard that he is extremely handsome. He even used to be a model for news articles when he was a kid but then, he left for a foreign country to study. He must be very handsome.

"Yeah! Yeah!" One by one of them started to converse about the new boss in the office.

Sizu claps her hand, drawing everyone's attention towards her "Aa-hmm! Well... so everyone why don't we prepare a welcome party for our new boss?"

One female worker who was sitting quietly refused "No we can't. It's in our company rule, if we broke the rule then, we have to bear a huge consequence."

"Yeah! It's true but at least we can welcome him by giving him a beautiful flower."

Everyone agreed with her opinion.

"Well, that's it then. Let's welcome him with a beautiful flower." After saying that Sizu strolled straight to Melissa "Aren't you excited for this?"

"For what?" Melissa asked working on her file without peeking a glance at her.

Sizu gave a heavy sigh "I had already expected this from you so don't worry, I'm not surprised. I'll tell you. Our new boss is going to attain within this week."

"So...?" Melissa responded without any excitement or emotion.

"So?" Sizu grabbed her face and turn towards her, fixing each other gaze "So... our new boss is our retired boss's second son. I heard, he is truly handsome and he is young?"

"Does that have anything to do with me?" Melissa asked gazing at her in a quite voice.

"Well... not really... but yeah... I mean if we got a chance to hook up with our boss then..." Sizu began to have a daydream with a drool.

"Can you let go of my face now? I have tons of works to do." Melissa wasn't interested at all.

All of a sudden, Sizu's excitement was vanishing because of Melissa's empty reaction as she began to feel bored "I knew you would respond in something like this way, but even so, I wanted to share my happiness with you. I mean... Ugh! Leave it!"

Melissa didn't mumble anything as she continue to do her work.

"It's the same as always. Why are you even bothering to tell her?" The soft voice came from behind.

Sizu immediately avert her gaze to the voice "Oh! Jenny, I know." She let out a helpless sigh.

She chuckled lightly and strode towards them "So, you're still working, huh!"

Jenny and Sizu had always admired Melissa, who was outstanding at her work.

Jenny extended her hand towards where Melissa had put her precious book beside the computer.

Melissa instantly grab her hand like a poisonous python and glared at her with a cold, lifeless face.

She shortly withdraw her hand from Melissa and raised her hand upward as if she entirely surrendered herself to her "Don't worry! Don't worry! I don't want to die so soon at this young age. I was just going to take that file, not your precious book."

Melissa's cold face gradually disappears and returns back to normal "Ask me first, I'll give it you by myself."

Sizu cackled and patted on jenny's shoulder heavily "I honestly believed that you were going to die. I even had already imagined how would the funeral look like but sadly, it shattered into pieces."

"Shut up! That's not funny." Jenny took a file from Melissa, "I'll return this back to you tomorrow." After saying that, she went to her way.

"Hey! Melissa, I want to go shopping today. Let's go." Sizu hold Melissa's hand and looked at her with a watery puppy eye knowing "Please..."

"No!" Melissa instantly rejected her. Sizu knew that she would reject her but she wasn't ready to give up yet. She requested her until she agreed to go with her.

Even though Melissa didn't wanted to go, she had no choice but to agree with her. Otherwise, she wouldn't have leave her alone.

After shopping, they went at the Park. As always, Melissa was holding her precious book on her chest carefully.

"'ll bring juice, you wait here okay?" Sizu went to buy juice near the park stall.

Melissa saw a garden with variations of beautiful flowers in front of her eyes which made her remind of her precious and beautiful memory.

She ambled closer to the garden recalling those precious memories of her life.

The more she was losing herself in those beautiful memories, the more she started to feel an intense pain right over her head as if the huge stone was hitting right back to her head heavily.

Her whole body halted starting to feel weakness and breathless as if her whole being was giving up on her. She couldn't even stand straight properly.

She searched for her medicine in her bag just to find out that she had forgotten her medicine on her office desk.

She wanted to take that medicine so badly, to reduce her crazy unbearable pain. Fortunately, Sizu came at the right time.

Sizu frowned anxiously "MELISSA!! W-W-What happened?"

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