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ENTANGLED: Leading Me To My Star

ENTANGLED: Leading Me To My Star



Getting married to the only man her heart beats for, has been her only dream, which she always wants to make it happen. But what happens, when just a single mistake, shatter everything? Meet Emily Guidotti, a twenty three years old hard working lady, who desires nothing in her life, but to be with Arnaldo, the only man of her dream, but what happens after she bumped into the famous billionaire, Jayden at a mall, where he forcefully kissed her, to get away from the lady, who's bugging him for relationship? What happens when their pictures became the trending topic on internet, as the latest couples? Do you think Arnaldo will still continue the wedding, even after finding out that the man on the internet with his fiancee, is his very own cousin? What happens when Jayden's parent, insist that he marry Emily? Do you think Emily will agree to this, especially when she still have feelings for Arnaldo? Watch the deepest secret about Arnaldo, reveals itself. Too many twisted fates…

Chapter 1 BIG MESS!

Emily POV


"Come back here you spoilt brat!" Henry, my elder brother snapped, as he kept running after me in the living room, trying to catch up with me.

"Henry I'm warning you now, don't come close to me, I don't want to hurt you." I threatened, as I finally stopped running.

"Why are you always treating me like an outsider? Why are you treating me like I have no place in this house? This is our father's house, you're my brother for heaven sake, you're supposed to be protecting me, not hurting me! What on earth have I done wrong to deserve this from you?" I yelled.

"Wait a minute, did you just said protecting you? You're so foolish to think that I would do that. That useless thing you call a mother, should've taken you with her, when she was leaving." He snapped, glaring hard at me.

A drop of tears slid down my cheeks, as I stared at him in pains, my heart tearing into pieces. This is what I go through everyday of my life, this is the pains that keeps repeating itself with each day that pass. Outside the house, I'm this cheerful girl, but back here, I'm nothing but a piece of trash, I'm just my brother's money machine, I do the work, while he spends the money, this is what have been happening from onset.

After mom left us to the hands of the cruel world, and ran away to God knows where, this is the pains I've been going through, in the hands of the person I called my brother.

Henry is what you can refer to as a beast, he beats me everyday, take all the money I work hard to earn, and at times, send me out of the house.

"I'm going to leave you today, make sure you bring money home by tomorrow, because if you don't, that's where the problem will start from again." He glared daggers at me and with that he started off to the door, and opened it before storming out of the house.

Dragging my feet to the couch, I let my weight down on it, as more tears came pouring from my eyes. Just what have I done to deserve all he's doing to me now?

What wrong have I done for life to be so unfair to me?

When fate knew that mom was going to abandon us, why didn't dad stayed alive? Now I have to suffer for what I don't know anything about.


The sound of my ringing phone jolted me out of my thoughts and bringing it out of my jean trouser pocket and a smile crept its way on my face as I behold the caller.

It's Arnaldo, my fiance. He's the only one that makes me happy. Wiping away my tears, I cleared my throat and sniffed before pressing the answer button. Well, I'm using a small button phone, if you must know.

That's the only one I can afford from the little savings I had. Arnaldo had sent money several times to get a good phone, but Henry always took all of it from me, and I always ended up giving Arnaldo one excuse or the other.

"Hello Emily." His sweet and sexy voice came on from the other end, and my heart flustered. I really love this man with everything in me, that's one reality that can never be denied.

"Hello, Mr Williams. How are you doing?" I chuckled dryly. I prefer to always call him that.

"I'm fine, just missing you here." He whined, and I couldn't help, but chuckle.

"Awwwwn! Don't miss me too much, stay focused on your work, and stop kidding around, boy." I rolled my eyes and burst into laughter, even if he can't see me.

"There you go again." He scoffed.

"Have you eaten yet? Where are you now?" I asked.

"Yeah, I took coffee before I left home, and right now, I'm at the airport, going to take the second flight to New York." He said sarcastically.

"Are you kidding me?" I gasped sharply, covering my mouth, with my eyes widened. Is he being serious right now?

"I'm not babe, will soon be in new York, at least, in a few hours, got some business deals to seal with a client, and once I'm done with that, I'm coming down to see you." His voice rang through the phone again.

"Oh my God! I still can't believe this, I think you're trying to play around with me, but not to worry, I'll be here, waiting for you." I rolled my eyes like he can see me.

"Ok then, I'm gonna surprise you. Alright babe, I gotta go now, our flight is almost ready. Take care, see you soon. I love you." He said, before ending the call.

Staring at the screen of my phone, I couldn't help the smile that settled on my face. It's been a couple of months, since we last see each other, and I've really missed him alot.

Letting out a sigh, my eyes darted to my finger, which has a diamond ring fixed on it. Arnaldo gave me the ring as an engagement ring. He already proposed and promised that we're going to get married soon. I can't just wait for that day to come soon, so I can finally leave this hell of a home.

I gasped sharply, as I behold the time.

Gosh! I'm so late for work, it's almost 9am. This is all Henry's fault, that jerk.

I quickly stood up, and stormed out of the house, not after picking my small bag from the table.

Once I got to the roadside, I flagged down a cab, which took me straight to the café.

Stepping out of the cab, I rushed to the entrance, and pushed the door opened, before storming in, with my heart, thumping heavily against my chest. My manager is a strict person, so I know I'm in for some shit.

"Ah you're finally here." One of my colleagues, Aaron, breathed out, as he walked up to me, holding a tray, which contained some mugs.

"Manager Leo has been asking after you for the past two hours now, he said to report to his office, once you're here." He said, before walking pass me.

Oh God please save me, I hope this won't be the end of me here...

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