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The four years deal

The four years deal

uniee bea


Everything started with a deal,an unknown deal.... A deal which ruin her life...... Imagine being sold out all in the name of money.... Marrying your crush.... But not given the least stuff you could ask for... L O V E Here is Morris Hansel...a young multi millionaire who careless about nothing but women and money. A man who sees killing as a hobby and sex as a fore play. He is known for his non to be heartless and merciless when it comes to deals. Rumour have it say that he killed his family when he was 7 just to take over his parents company and wealthy. Meet Nancy Herbert,a 19 years old who lived a crazy and naughty life.....she is known for her wealth and bossy perspective.she maybe naughty but doesn't do much of boys. All she ever wanted was to get married and live a free life... Nancy never knew it was the other way round... What happens when Miss crazy meets Mr popular?

Chapter 1 Wedding

Chapter _1

Nancy's POV

The sun ray flash through my eyes lids as I lay quietly on my empty huge bed,while trying to turn away from the gaze,I felt a splash of water on my skin.

"Wake up my lady, remember you have a special guest today!!" My personal maid Brittany alarmed .

"What? Really? Have you prepared my bath Britt? And my make up too? Is he here already?" I asked in a panicked tone.

"Calm done my lady.,your bath is ready and Mr Morris isn't here yet" she replied in her usual calm tone.

"Oh thank goodness...I need to go take my bath now" I said running into the bathroom.

It took me some time to get ready I wore my favorite crazy Jean and a pink top.

It still seems like a dream to me,I can't believe after so many years I could finally meet my crush.

I was so excited when I got the news from my dad...I never knew my dad was in touch with the great Morris Hansel.

"Aren't you suppose to be scared my lady?" Britt asked as she dressed my hair.

"No Britt,why should I?" I asked.

"I'm sure you've heard about the rumour they....

"Cut the craps Britt,they are just rumours and you know I don't believe in shits except it got said from the horses mouth" I reminded.

"Yes my lady,I'm sorry my lady for saying ill word about the master" she said.

"The master?" I asked in shock.

Britt have never called anyone master before,she use the word ''Lord" when describing my dad.

"Yes,Mr Morris" she answered.

"Oh...okay" I said.

"How do I look Britt?" I asked staring at the mirror.

"You look beautiful my lady" she praised.

"Ma'm your guests awaits you" liens said from outside the room.

"I'll there in a minute" I replied.

"I need to go now Britt" I said rushing through the door.

"Look who we have here" I heard my dad say as he watches me come down the stairs.

"Good morning Dad" I said giving him a peck.

"Hmm...Britt!!!!!!" He yelled instead of replying.

"My Lord" she replied rushing down stairs.

"Take her back to her room and get her some decent cloths to put on" My dad said getting me in shock.

"But dad.....

"Take her with you Britt" he cutted me off.

"I'm sorry about my daughter's nonchalant attitude Mr Morris" my dad apologised.

I turned back and saw a cute man in a business attire with a void face on. I wonder how his gonna look when he smiles.

"Arrgh,how dare my dad disgrace me this much" I muttered.

Reaching half way to my room,I ran back to the sitting room with a sad expression on.

"Tell me Mr Morris,don't I look cute this way" I said making a puppy face,hoping to get a good reply.

"No,you look like a half eaten donkey" he finally replied after some minutes which looks like an hour.

"What really?" I exclaimed.

"Yes dear" he said with a smirk at the Conner of his lips.

"You guys are unbelievable" i said walking angrily back to my room.

Morris pov

I watched as the blonde girl walked angrily upstairs. She looks quite stubborn and crazy too.

I don't care if she is pretty or not all I care is getting her on my bed right now and listening to her moanrish music.

"Impressive! Isn't it?" Mr Herbert asked.

"Yea,is she aware about the contact Mr Herbert?" I asked.

"No Mr Morris and I need you to keep it away from her,I've already lost my wife and I can't bear to loose my only child too" he said foolishly.

"Do you think we can hide this away from her?" I asked curiously.

"Yea,of course. All we have to do is keep our mouth sealed" he said.

After some minutes the blonde hair girl came down with a blue ball dress on.

"We need to move now" Mr Herbert said as he held his daughter's hand.

"Where are we heading to daddy?" She asked in shock.

Seems she is lost in everything...I really do pity this young blonde.

"You're getting married today Nancy" he said as I stared at her face waiting to see an angry expression on her face but instead it was an overwhelming expression on her face.

"Really daddy? I'm gonna get married? I'm getting married!!!" She yelled in excitement.

"Yes dear now come with me" he said leading us into a place which I guess it's a basement.

"Are we not suppose to wed in a church?" She asked.

"Yes darling but since your husband is a very popular man he insisted we do it secretly to avoid over crowding.

"Hmm...but my friends aren't....

"Enough with the words Nancy and by the Britt is here to witness the wedding" he stormed as he took her closer to me.

"You can proceed priest" I said.

"Do you Miss Nancy take Mr Morris to be your lovely weded husband,in sickness or in good health,in pregnancy or in flat stomach,till death do you apart?"

"Yes I do" she replied happily.

"Do you Mr...

"Yes I do" I replied inaudibly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife,you may now kiss the bride" he said making me steal a glare of her lips.

"We can do that at home,we need to get going now Mrs Nancy Morris" I teased.

"What about the rings?" She asked worriedly.

"I'll get that on my way home,right now I have a meeting to attend" I said as I guide her out the basement.

"All your the things you need are in here my lady,I wish you a Happy marriage life" The Britt lady said as she hug the blonde girl.

"Take good care of yourself dear" Mr Herbert said as we got into the car.

"Bye daddy,love you! Bye Britt pls do take care of daddy okay? " she said as she wave through the window before I zoomed off.

If only she knows the game her dad plays she would probably careless about her dad. What a greedy father.

The journey took an hour before getting to my mansion. All the maids and drivers were assembled in front of the mansion.

"Good morning sir! Good morning ma'am!!" They greeted unionism.

"Good morning everyone" the blonde replied.

"Dearest this are my maids and drivers,I would have love to do the the introduction but I'm partially late" I said going through my watch.

"Take good care of yourself dear and make sure have a beauty sleep because I may not be back today. Take her to her room Flora!"I said before leaving.

I could the the questionable expression written on her face but it's a pity I'm not in the right place to tell her anything.The gate was opened by the gate keeper.

Nancy's POV

The maid which was called Flora took me into a room which was decorated with girlie materials. I wonder if Morris love girlie stuff or is this my personal room?

"Does Mr Morris sleep here too?" I asked before I could control my lips.

"No ma'am" she replied honestly.

"Oh....take me to his room" I requested.

"No ma'am,Mr Morris is the only one who is in the right position to do that" she said getting me confused.

"But why?" I asked.

"That's a question I can't answer ma'am" she replied as she kept

"Flora right?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes ma'am" she replied.

"You can take your leave Flora I can take it from here" I said taking my clothes from her.

"Alright ma'am,whenever you're done please come downstairs for lunch" she said before leaving the room.

It took me some minutes to arrange my clothes in the closet.

"I need to give Steph a call" I mummered as I took my phone out of my bag.

I dialed Steph's number on my cellphone...it rang for some seconds before she picked up.

🗣️ Hello Bea...what's popping?

🗣️I'm cool Steph what about you?

🗣️ Same,I got something to tell you!

🗣️ Same here but go on...

🗣️ I caught Danny cheating on me!!!

🗣️ What!!! Oh dear I'm so sorry about that,I'm sure you'll are heart broken now.

🗣️No I'm actually happy to be single by the way there are lots of young boys out there who would give up anything just to be with me...so, what's your news.

🗣️ Well,I got married to Mr Morris today.

🗣️ What!!! No way! And I was not invited!!!

🗣️ I'm sorry for not inviting you Steph the wedding came as a surprise to me, Mr Morris requested for to wedding to be in secret so as to avoid excessive gathering.

🗣️ OMG! I'm happy for you Bea...hope you're gonna be in school tomorrow?

🗣️ Yes I will.

🗣️ Looking forward to hear the remaining part of the story...bye dear

She said before hanging up.

I'm so exhausted,I don't think I'm gonna have lunch,I'm just gonna eat supper tonight. I thought before sleeping off.

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