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Deborah Anthony


At her young age Sylvia watch her mother murdered and the last word she said to her is hide your identity, she grew up with the help of her nanny and fell Inlove with a strange guy behind the mask. SCARLET is the name of the three demi god who are the most famous and richest in Korea Royal being the leader whose desire lays in exploring the world, he decided to disguise himself as a poor handsome guy without the world's knowledge to seek for true love

Chapter 1 Heartbroken



As I walked into the classroom am godsmack at what am seeing

Anyway my name is Sylvia, beauty is not suitable for me am what they called goddess" I decided to attend GlassGlow high so as not to expose my identity to the world.

As I walked into the classroom, I met Arthur hugging and kissing a new girl, am hurt and heartbroken at what am seeing, I can't control myself so I let the tears flow.

My best friend Valery walked up to me.

"Bea" she called and i turn to her

Arthur 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

Immediately Sylvia walked into the classroom,I immediately hug the new girl to get her jealous and get back at her for what she did to me


I cried until I could no more cry again

"Bea you see that handsome dude you fell for, his not worth your love" Valery said

" I wonder what you see in that poor guy anyway" Catherine chirped in

" But I love him, I don't know how! But it hurts so much to see him with another girl" I couldn't help but say

" it's just few days before we finished high school, my dream is to attend Scarlet school" Valery said dreamingly

"I will be going home" I said bitterly

"To cry? Of course I know why am I even asking,I know that already" Valery said angrily looking all motherly

I dragged my backpack and left the school with a broken heart,I can't just Stand it


Sylvia have not been in school for few days now,I regret hurting her,I love her so much,I just couldn't help but try to make her feel jealous and now my heart is bleeding,I feel so empty and lonely inside

You guys must be wondering who I am, it's not necessary now I will tell you later

I walked up to Valery who is sitting round a group of girls

" Valery please do you have any idea of the whereabouts of Sylvia" I asked and she scoffed

" Because my friend is in love with you, so you treat her like an idot, I wonder what she See's in you, why are you not with your new girl anymore" she said and they girls bust into laughter

I can feel tears welling up in my eyes

"I can't wait to go to SCARLET to see my Royal, I wonder why he chooses to wear that masks unlike a poor brat like you" one of the girls chirped in and they girls bust into a mocking laughter.

This girls don't even know who I am, yet their saying rubbish

Anyway the only thing I want now is my Sylvia,I can't loose her for any reason.


They family is seen having breakfast when Mrs Antionia comes up with the bombshell question

"Derek where's Royal ,his line is not going through, his personal line is not connecting too, am so worried he's gone for too long, Derek you and Daniel are closed to him am sure you will know his whereabouts"

" Mother we have no idea,I think we forgot something in the swimming pool, let's go get it" Derek replied

"but you can ask one of the maids to do it for you" Mrs Antionia insist

" We will right back mother" they quickly said an stood up giving her a peck then leave

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