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Marrying Mr. Villian

Marrying Mr. Villian



I need her in the same way that I require oxygen to breathe. I disgust him like trash in a dumpster. I want her like a beggar wants food in the street. I don't want to see or feel his face. In the back of my mind, I adore her. I despise him to the galaxy in back. Because he had broken me, I wanted to ruin every single one of him. Let's see who wins now. Love or enmity. A happy-go-lucky playboy who doesn't want to marry, but when his father dies, he has no choice but to marry the girl named in his father's will.. He may be able to say no, but he will not be able to obtain anything. He is about to marry a lovely, innocent girl who happens to be in love with one of his friends. But also, it appears, his long-lost childhood sweetheart. When he learns that her father is to blame for his parents' deaths, he begins to fall in love with his soon-to-be wife. Is he still in love with her, or will he punish her for her father's crimes? What kind of punishment is that? break her heart, beat her to death, or make her a sex slave for the rest of her life. That makes him smirk... However, as the girl walks away, he immediately regrets hurting her. because he understands that he can't live without her. He also finds that his wife is going to have a child. She is carrying his child, but she is nowhere to be found.

Chapter 1 1- met


"Louise," I hissed, clenching my teeth, "my name is Ryker, and I'm not your fucking ex-boyfriend." I'm not sure why, but every time I recall she was in love with someone else, I want to scream. I couldn't stand the rage I was feeling inside.

Louise said seductively, "Ryker..." and then pushed me to kiss.


Did I mention she likes magnets because she could magnetize me and make me immobile? I had to stop her, didn't I? She was drunk; she has no idea what she's been up to; we're both strangers to each other.

But it's fantastic. She's far too appealing for me. I can't keep from deepening the kiss...

"Aaahh!" No matter how hard I try, a groan emerges from my mouth.

After that, my kiss becomes more passionate. I doodle on her entire body. The two perky crowns of her mountain, though, were my favorite part. It was so alive and begging to be sucked that I did it for her since I was so excited about it. Fuck as hell, I wanted to own it.

My... I'm kissing every part of her body while she begs for more, and then we're both naked and I'm kissing every inch of her body.

I shouldn't be doing this right now. Her moaning, on the other hand, pushes me to keep going.

Her entire body was as soft as a piece of cotton. My fists were even clenched. When I took off her underpants, I convinced myself that there was no turning back.

I gently slipped it off my enormous erect shaft and into her moist sweetness, but I could see the pain in her wonderful face...

Fuck! She's still a virgin!

I was surprised. I didn't feel like I was being sprayed with cold water. Louise gave me an odd look as a result of this.

"I'm sorry Louise, you should have informed me sooner..."

She smiled and replied,

"Why? Don't you want to fuck a virgin? Don't worry, I'm not going to go after you; if others can do it, why can't I? So keep going, Ryker. Please..."

I close my eyes and attempt to be calm.

My, she has no idea what she's been up to, and when she wakes up, she might regret it.

My sensible thought vanished, and I was astonished to open my eyes when the woman who haunts his fantasies appeared, grasping his cock too hard to lead it through the entrance of her heaven, and I submitted.


When Louise held it like that, my general down below became enraged, and I cursed. She wasn't a first-timer, but she was a quick study.

However, as time goes on, the environment grows increasingly hot. I surrendered to the heaven that only this girl could provide.

I'm not sure how many times I fucked her that night...


Our kiss grew more passionate till I fell into a deep slumber.

This is the first time I've slept soundly since my father died.

So, what was the cause this time around?

Should I go to the bar?

There's no way...

Did I get a little tipsy?

There's no way...

I'd smooch a...


"What exactly is it?" I panic and hurry to my feet, slipping out of bed in the process.

"What is going on?"

I took a step forward and inquired, still concerned.

"What is your name?" What am I doing here? "What have you done to me?"


I covered my ears to shield them from additional harm.

"Easy tough girl," I chuckled, raising my hands in the air, and she screamed again, throwing everything she could at me.

She hurls pillows at me, which I use to cover myself.

"Stop hey!"

I yelled after she had already seized the vase. "Shit! "Don't toss that!" Terrified, I exclaimed.

"I swear I'd do it!" she screamed, raising her voice.

"Stop it!" My head was throbbing. I tried to stop you despite the fact that we were both drunk last night. "Yet you persisted, I swear."

I looked at the clock next to my bed, which read nine o'clock in the morning. I doubt you're telling the truth! That is not something I would ever do. What has brought me here? Is this your residence? "What brought you here in the first place?"

I sigh...and then recall that I have a personal CCTV system installed inside my room. My father wanted it installed, but I was the one who was in charge of the monitor. He's been overly careful since my mum was murdered. Nonetheless, he was assassinated.

I take a deep breath and remind myself that now is not the time for this; I need to solve an issue.

"Yes, this is my residence." You're here because I invited you. Look, I'm not solely responsible for what happened to us. "I hope you remember this."

I spoke it slowly.

"Is that correct? Why did you bring me here instead of helping me return home?" As if nothing had happened, she inquired. I'm guessing she's starting to recall things now. I imagine portion of her memories was still being processed.

"You're too inebriated. When you pass out, you can't think clearly. Now tell me how I can contact you and get your address."

I ask mockingly, standing up and crossing my arms across my chest.

She flushed for a split second before smiling.

Her arms and chest are crossed as she asks. She throws tantrums like a sweet little kid.

"OK, OK, I'm done; should I thank you before I leave?"

"Well, if it's not too hard for you after destroying my room," she says.

I looked around before returning to her.

"Thank you," she said with a shrug, "and may I leave now?"

She, on the other hand, did not wait for my reaction before taking her purse from the side table of my bed. She was looking for her dress when she noticed her ripped-off panty and hissed at me. Then, of course, I'll leave my room. She is having difficulties walking, but she hides it by walking gracefully.

"Rude nasty girl." I murmured quietly. I went down the stairway with her.

"At the very least, could you tell me your name before you leave?" "How about a cup of coffee or some breakfast?"

I questioned, expecting that we may still see each other; nevertheless, this is not me yet; there's something about her that I can't explain.

"It's not necessary for you to know who I am. And thank you for the offer; I'm OK; all I need now is to get home." She shrugged and proceeded on her way.

"I hope my father didn't see." she mumbles, as if I didn't hear.

"Sir, in the living room, you have a visitor."

While waiting for me downstairs, one of our maids mentioned how astonished she was to see me with a girl beside me; I nod and say,

"Please tell my visitor to wait a bit."

"Yes, sir."

"So this is the end, huh?" Turning to face her, I inquired. "Yes, bye," she murmured as she walked further into the living room.

"No manners tsk," I remark, but she immediately stops as we walk into the living area.

I direct my gaze to where she is looking. An older man is sitting comfortably on my sofa, but as he notices the woman, he jumps to his feet.

"What are you doing here at this hour, young lady?" The elderly gentleman inquired. "Don't tell me... you've met... is he your boyfriend?" "How come you didn't tell me?"

"Dad, stop! It's not what you believe it is."

My gaze was drawn to each of them as we talked.

"What exactly is it?" You didn't say." Didn't you stay at home last night because you were curious about your fiance? I hit it off with him and spent the night with him.

"Says the old man,"

"Dad, what are you talking about?" the girl said.

"What exactly is going on?" What exactly is going on? I'm not able to keep up with you."

The elderly gentleman exhaled a sigh.

"I suppose you are the son of my late business colleague, Mr. Ferrer, and it is a pleasure to meet you."

I accepted his handshake, but I was still bewildered.

"I've come to talk about your wedding," he added, looking both at the girl and at me.

"Louise Yantisco, your soon-to-be bride, is my daughter, and my name is Fred Yantisco." "I see you've already gotten along great. "


Both I and the female yell at the same time.

We exchange sidelong looks. And we both take a step back from each other, like if we're sick.

"Your Ryker Ferrer?" she says, astonished.

"And you're my fiance," I sneered, "who I had no idea existed until my father died."

"We don't need to know each other, do we?" What exactly are you talking about? Wow, simply wow! This is not going to happen. "Dad," I scowled.

" Could you please?" We don't have to marry because we don't know each other, because we're stronger, and because I'm in love with someone else."

When she says that, it irritates me a little.

"Someone who broke your heart, which is why you were so drunk last night."

I murmur loudly enough for her to hear me.

She looked at me as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Don't tell me that you agree with this shit?"

With a smile, I said,

"What's the harm?" It's in everyone's best interests. I'll receive my inheritance, all of my employees will be saved, and your family will have a stake in the company. Not bad, isn't it?"

My glance fell on Mr. Yantisco as I mockedly responded.

"I'm sorry, Ryker, but that's your father's plan, and I don't have a choice." I only got by because I owed your father money for his help with my business."

He agreed to let us merge our businesses on one condition: that I agree to your and my daughter's arranged marriage. "

I busted out laughing again.

"Of course, my father... "Well done, papa."

Mocking, as I already stated...

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