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He has my heart

He has my heart



Meeting sheikh Omar changed her life. Amber never really appreciated it when people tried to control her life and that was exactly what Omar did he wanted her to marry him and didn’t give her much of a choice…

Chapter 1 The day I met you

Amber p.o.v

Who the hell does he think he is dealing with , he thinks he can come into my life and make a life changing decision for me . he seems to think that because he’s a sheikh he’ll just order me to marry him and I will fall at his feet willing to do what ever he asks? well he has another thing coming. as soon as I find him, I walk up to his office and ask the two guards stationed there to let me in and they replied saying his highness has asked not to be disturbed. I stare right into one of the guards eyes and I said if you don’t let in right now I’m going to be causing a huge scene here and your prince wouldn’t be happy about that would he? The prince comes out to ask what the problem is and why the guards were making so much noise and then he see’s her and tells the guards to let her in immediately. they close the door behind me, And I go off on him, you are a crazy, arrogant and Slubberdegullious Poltroon. you think at your command the world would come falling at your feet The world doesn’t revolve around you asshole I say standing tall poking at his chest with my index finger and I’m definitely not going to get married to an airhead who thinks he has the world in his palm I can’t even stand in the same room as you and not want to murder you and your talking about getting married? I can’t stop myself from laughing at how absurd it is and all he do is just sand there looking at me as though I’ve got something on my face and it riles me up even more He finally opens his annoying beautifully shaped mouth and says you don’t have a choice but to marry me miss amber and I stare at him with my mouth opening and closing and I can’t get a word out that’s how angry I am so I turn to leave and as my hand reach for the door he says I know you want me so you can do us both a favor and stop fighting it ,it will save us both the stress. I walk out of his office feeling so much rage at him but also more at myself because I know it’s true I do want him who wouldn’t he’s tall and has a natural tan he’s got so much muscle underneath those clothes I know that because its as obvious as the sun you can’t say you don’t see it and his face oh good lord he eyes they seem like they are looking into the depths of your soul they are so consuming you could get lost in them they are a sea foam green or blue i never know because they change every time his mood changes and he has the most chiseled jaw ever they look like they could cut through anything he’s nose is straight sharp and flawless and his lips, oh they look so soft and pink I often find myself wondering how they’d feel against mine Oh God I don’t know what’s gotten into me because he’s character should make all this attraction go away but the more arrogant he is the more I find myself drawn to him I know I have to find a way to get him out of my head.

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