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Race To The Future

Race To The Future

hashibira Insk


Agatha Lee, an 18-year-old high school girl, is a beautiful and sweet girl, but who would have thought that. Wendy is a child who likes to go out of nightclubs and races just for the fun that she doesn't get from her home. Also, She has an eternal enemy in the racing world named Black Rider, the only person who can defeat herself in the arena. Also, at school, the enemy is the student council president with all the members. Not only outside school, but Agatha is also a troublemaker in school. Only because of her professionalism in the arena and her pride. Did she make a decision that made her justify the phrase "Start from an enemy, become lover"

Chapter 1 ONE




"Are you sure you're going to race tonight?" A beautiful and sweet woman in black, orange, gray with a purple touch, asked the woman who was now busy playing with her cellphone.

"Hmm." The woman muttered in response without looking at the woman who asked.

"Then I'll go to the stands," she said.

"Hmm." once again was just a mumble in response.

The beautiful woman just sighed roughly and left the woman, who was still busy playing with her cellphone.

Not long after. The woman got up from her seat. Walk with a helmet and headed for her motorbike, which was already in the parking lot in the arena.

The woman saw the figure of a man walking casually wearing all black clothes with a full-face helmet of the same color. She could see the disdainful look in the eyes of the man figure directed at her. They both ride their respective motorbikes located next to each other.

"It seems, tonight you have to prepare to lose to me," she said confidently.

The male figure just clucked and still maintained his disdainful look.

Tonight, the woman was confident enough to win.

The woman in minimal clothing, carrying a flag in her hand, leads to the center of the arena counting, down from three to one. Then the sound of the roar of a motorbike along with the screaming sound of the audience shouts the name of their champion although, the most is the name of the woman and the figure of the man dressed in black earlier, known as Black Rider. The figure is so mysterious that he always wears black, and his full-face helmet never comes off. If he doesn't wear a helmet, he will wear a mask and don't forget the fact. This figure is her rival.

Because only Black Rider is the only person who can beat her in every race but tonight seems to be her lucky night.

That woman managed to beat Black Rider tonight, it's not her first win, but the sensation is always the same.

"I told you tonight I will beat you."

The figure snorted, hearing his opponent's lead in a victory.

"Tomorrow, I will make sure you keep your mouth shut in defeat." The figure sped away with a roar of motorbikes.


Seen a woman with a uniform that is far from neat, a coat that is not buttoned, she also unbuttoned the top of her shirt, exposing her collarbones and brown and purple hair. The woman's appearance did not reflect a student walking towards class while chewing gum.

"Hey, bitch." Agatha greeted when she sat in her chair.

"Do we know each other?" she said sarcastically.

"I told you breakfast with something spicy isn't good for you, Fang Alina Yin."

"I haven't even had a damn breakfast yet" the woman named Alina laid her head on the table.

"How was last night?" Agatha asked.

"Loss, my allowance for a month is floating." She answered languidly

Losing what Alina means here is her defeat last night playing poker. If Agatha races, she will play poker in the arena because the arena provides many facilities, including bars and casinos, although not too big. And just like Agatha , Alina has an enemy in black clothes wearing a mask called Black As. The person who beat her last night made her have to be willing to give up a sum of money that was worth millions.

"No wonder you look like a ghost now, gloomy and scary," Agatha said while pretending to get Goosebumps.

"Damn you." Alina immediately beat Agatha brutally.

"Aw...that hurts, stupid. We better go to the canteen, I will pay for it." It's better to lose the money than to have her body made into a living bag by Alina.

"Don't lie to you," Alina couldn't immediately believe what Agatha said. Because Agatha had often gone with her every time, the case of paying the woman would make the same excuse 'I left my wallet behind' a hassle.

"I'm serious this time."

"Watch out. If you lie, I'll take your intestines out with my own hands." She said as she looked at his hands raised in the air.

"You sound like a psychopath, you know." Agatha said with a little goosebumps.

"Whatever, let's hurry to the cafeteria."

The two cute girls got up from their seats. When they were a few steps away from the classroom, they heard one of the students talking.

"I heard there will be a hair check today, is that right?"

"Luckily, I didn't dye my hair."

"Wow, even though the red color matches your hair."

Agatha and Alina didn't listen to the conversation because their focus was on each other's hair.

"What is your plan?" Alina asked.

"Skipping" said Agatha casually.

They immediately left the classroom in the middle of the journey. The entrance bell had rung automatically, the exit gate was closed.

"Tsk, troublesome. Let's go behind the school."

Alina just followed Agatha . She was too lazy to think and argue.

"Me first," Agatha said again when they had reached the back of the school. In front of them was a wall they had to go through to get out, this is not the first time they have played truant too often, and there are many other violations they have committed.

They are not afraid of hair checks, but today they are too lazy to argue with other student council students, especially now that Alina is in a bad mood she will rage, like a hungry lion in the student council room.

Agatha , who had reached the other side of the wall, shouted at Alina.

"Get over here bitch."

"You think I'm playing ludo here, I climbing, stupid." said Alina annoyed.

And it seems that bad luck is on Fang Alina's side today.

"What are you doing up there. Hurry down." Agatha 's patience is running out.

"Wait a minute. My pants are stuck. In a nail in this damn wall."

Like the proverb that says, has fallen, struck down the stairs anyway.

"Hey over there, stop" a voice interrupts them.

Alina saw a man running towards her.

"Aish, that bastard." Alina was still trying to get her pants off the spikes.

"What are you doing? Hurry down from there, Fang Alina." Agatha , who heard a voice other than the two of them, panicked.

"I -" Just as she was about to get down, a hand grabbed her leg, so Alina's legs were still straddling the wall.

"Get off my foot, you bastard." no matter how many times Alina cursed today.

"No, come down quickly." Said the man who was called a bastard by Alina earlier. The man said while pulling Alina's leg.

"Agatha help me. This bastard keeps pulling my leg," beg Alina, because a m

an who was called a bastard earlier pulled Alina's leg.

Agatha didn't want to lose, and she stupidly pulled Alina's leg. While the man behind the wall also grabbed Alina's leg. It happened, over and over again, without thinking about the person they were pulling the leg, While Alina herself tried to hold her body from falling.

"FUCK, THIS HURTS. STOP RIGHT NOW." Imagine how painful it would be to be Alina.

Agatha and the man immediately let go of their grip on Alina's legs.

"I told you to come down soon." The man said while grimacing at Alina was holding her crotch area.

"Damn bastard, I don't want to." Already prepared to run away again, quickly lost to the man.

"Psst, Lin," Agatha whispered, towards Alina in her hand she was holding something.

Alina looked at Agatha and immediately held out her hand when Agatha handheld out something.

Alina's smile immediately broke when she knew what she was holding.

"Hey, Gavin Lee." After a long time finally, Alina called the name of the man.

"What-" Gavin's words were cut off when he felt a sting in his eyes from the ground Alina had dropped from above.

Alina immediately came down from the wall, then after that came the sound of satisfaction laughter from Agatha and Alina.

"Deputy student council president, we are allowed to skip school, okay?" Agatha shouted while laughing.

"Don't forget, go to the infirmary to clean your eyes." Alina taunts.

"See you later." The two beautiful girls immediately left from there.

“BASTARD, Agatha Lee, FANG ALINA” Gavin shouted angrily.

Poor Gavin Lee.




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