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In the streets of Manhattan

In the streets of Manhattan

Bree Sei


Juan-Pablo is a single father who was abandoned by his wife when their children Julio and Adrianna were three years and three months old respectively. She left her family overnight because she could no longer stand living in poverty and also because she met a very rich man with whom she wanted to rebuild her life. Several years passed and the two children grew up with their father without their mother. Later, they got a scholarship to the best university in Manhattan and it was with a saddened heart that they left their sick father on a wheelchair, but they were still happy to know that a certain mother Theresa would take care of them. They arrived in Manhattan and found a very beautiful and different place from where they had lived. They also liked their university, but what they didn't know was that...

Chapter 1 On the way to Manhattan

It's 7am, the bell of the "Alma de Maria" church has just rung.

It's the weekend but people are already up. Some are at the farm taking care of the animals, others are walking their horses, some are cultivating wheat, and let's not forget those who are at the church preparing for the next day's service, like Mother Theresa for example.

This woman with a heart of gold, as she is called, is a Mexican woman from the 60's who immigrated to New York, more precisely to the village called "Bousco" to pursue her mission: that of being a servant totally dedicated to the Lord.

Not very tall and chubby, she is like the mother of all the sisters of the church and even of all the inhabitants of the village and especially, the one who comes after the priest. The latter trusts her completely and entrusts her with the important tasks of the church.

After finishing the preparation of the service, she walks for about ten minutes to the home of a family she knows very well: the PELEGRO family.

**** PELEGRO family.****

This family is composed of the father, Mr. Juan-Pablo, the son Julio and the daughter Adrianna who is the last of the siblings.

It is a day rich emotionally because Julio and Adrianna are about to go to Manhattan which is 8 hours away by train to continue their studies in order to have a better life later.

- Have a great trip to Manhattan my children! I love you guys! their father said, sitting on his wheelchair.

He is in his late 40's and has a heart condition that was aggravated by a very serious deception from his former partner.

He can no longer make any physical effort at the risk of worsening his situation.

- Thank you daddy! I love you very much you know! Take care of yourself! I promise you that we will be very wise, my brother and me! She replied with tears in her eyes.

- And that we will do everything so that you are not in this state anymore. It is a promise dad, a promise of your son!

They are crouching in front of him and each one holds his hand.

- I count on you my children. Don't forget all the values I have instilled in you. I'm sorry I couldn't keep your mother with me so we could raise you together.

He breaks down. The pain is too great. He hasn't forgotten this painful time in his life so he lets the tears flow from his eyes.

Adrianna rushes to find a handkerchief which she uses to wipe his tears with then, she says to him:

- Don't worry dad, you did your best. You took care of us with love and that's the main thing. And as for the one who turns out to be our mother, who cares, Dad? Julio was only three years old and I was three days old when she left us after leaving that damn letter telling you that she was tired of being poor and that she had found a rich man to continue her life.

She is full of anger when she talks and her tears don't stop.

- I am proud of the wonderful young woman you are today. And you Julio, promise me that you will take good care of her.

- She is my beloved little sister, Daddy! I will take care of her as I have always done, even more! Trust me!

At the same time, Mother Theresa's footsteps can be heard outside their house, which is many years old and has old walls.

- I'll go get her, Dad," says Adrianna.

She gets up and rushes out.

- Mother Teresa, hello!

She throws herself into his arms!

- I am glad you are here!

Mother Theresa leans on her cane and continues to walk towards the living room.

- Thank you, my little Adrianna! I came to say goodbye and to take care of your father.

Since the tragic event that had affected the family, Mother Teresa had vowed to take care of them by raising Julio and Adrianna as if they were her own and also by taking care of their father.

She was like a mother to these two children...

She enters and settles down.

- Hello Mr. PELEGRO, are you feeling better?

- Good morning, Mr. Pelegro! I'm fine, but I'm still sad because in a few minutes, my children won't be here anymore!

- I see! They are grown up and it's time for them to think about the future Mr. PELEGRO and don't worry, we will visit them often in Manhattan.

Everyone smiles.

She gives them some advice like a mother gives her children before they go on a mission.

- Be wise my little ones and above all, don't forget that you can always count on me! I will take care of your father as I have always done. You know, you have grown up before my eyes and life has not been easy! Fortunately the Holy Mary was and is by your side.

She makes the sign of the cross before continuing:

- And I believe she has a bright future for you in Manhattan. A future that will not only change your life, but your father's as well. Be wise my little ones!

Adrianna cries as she listens to these touching words of encouragement.

Mother Teresa consoles her and asks her to come into her arms, and she does.

With a trembling voice, the little one tells her:

- Mother Theresa, this is a difficult separation although it is temporary.

- You are right! But be strong, my child. It is not a vain separation, it is for a good cause.

- Thank you so much, thank you so much for everything, Mother Theresa. Mary will repay you for all the good you have done and continue to do.

- Thank you my little one and may it be so!

She makes the sign of the cross and kisses the rosary around her neck.

All together, they embrace.

Then, Julio and Adrianna take their bags and go to the station where they take the train to Manhattan. It's 10 o'clock and the trip will last 8 hours.

Mother Theresa stayed with Juan-Pablo to take care of him.

She gave him the traditional medicines that only she knows how to make and then she made him his favorite tea before taking him outside for his morning walk from his wheelchair.

****In the train.****

Sitting in the back, everyone admires the village landscape with great nostalgia.

Adrianna can't help crying because she is beginning to miss her father Juan-Pablo and also because she is aware that her heart problem is serious and that it could take her away at any moment.

Noticing his sister's sadness, Julio can't help but do something.

He puts his arm around her shoulder, gives her a tender kiss on the forehead before telling her:

- I understand your pain but trust your big brother. Dad will be treated well by Mother Theresa. She has always taken very good care of him and us since mom left for that fucking rich man!

An anger appears on his face as he speaks.

- I was only three days old Julio, three days and you were three years old. She could at least wait for us to grow up but no, she didn't! She left Julio! She dared to leave that damn letter to dad! A letter that made his situation worse forever! Look, now he's in a wheelchair because he doesn't have enough strength to stand for even ten minutes!

- If you knew how much I hate her, Adrianna! I swear that if I ever meet her again...

Men are known to be insensitive beings, beings that rarely cry but when they do, their tears are sincere and this is the case of Julio.

He let a tear fall is the continuation of his sentence because sometimes, the words are not enough.

- Do you even know what she looks like? I have no memory of her!

- No, not really! But maybe if I see her, the memories of my childhood with her will surface in my head.

- I don't hate her but I hate her with all my strength and soul even though my eyes have never laid on her! She is worse than a devil that woman! Did you see what dad was like? Julio, dad's condition is serious! It's God who keeps him alive for all these years, otherwise he wouldn't be here!

She bursts into tears once again.

Her brother takes her in his arms and wipes her tears. After a few minutes, she falls asleep.

With only two hours to go, she is woken up by her brother.

- You have to eat. Here you go!

He takes out a piece of bread made by Mother Teresa and gives it to her.

- Thanks, but I'm not hungry.

He touches her neck to see if she is sick by any chance.

- At least you're not overheated and that's good! You are not sick!

- Yes, everything is fine! I'm just a little tired.

She falls asleep again.

Julio puts the bread back in the bag and falls asleep too.

Later, the sounds of bikers, trains, cars and urban songs wake Julio up and at the same time, a noise is heard from the train: "Welcome to Manhattan - Bienvenido a Manhattan - Bienvenue à Manhattan".

He wakes up his sister immediately.

- We have arrived, we are in Manhattan Adrianna!

He is dazzled by the beauty of this place. There are tall, well-built buildings everywhere. The cars are nothing like the ones in the village. Everything is new for him.

At that very moment, he looks like a child who has just opened his Christmas present and says, "Wow!

At the same time, Adrianna wakes up and looks at the landscape.

- It's beautiful here Julio!

- Ah yes, it's beautiful!

She looks at him, smiles and gives him a hug.

It is exactly 6 pm when the train pulls up and all the passengers get off with their luggage.

Once off the train, they call the number of the state housing association that gave them an apartment because of their scholarships obtained to study at Beverly Hills University to be picked up.

While waiting for someone to come, they walk the streets of Manhattan, not far from the train station of course, and they visit.

- Now I'm on the streets of Manhattan! This is a dream come true Julio!

She is happy.

Right next door, there is a bar that plays festive music: "Amaral - Mares Igual Que Tù".

Adrianna knows this singer very well because it is her favorite. She knows all of her songs and often performs them with her guitar.

- How about a dance to celebrate?

They put their bags next to them and start dancing in front of the passers-by.

The latter smile when they see them and some do not hesitate to take photos and videos.

The owner of the bar is so happy that he gives them a bill of money to encourage them and this act encourages other people who do the same.

They are so happy. When the music stops, they thank them before taking their luggage and at the same time, a number calls them.

- We are in front of the bar "la barea", says Julio.

- We are in front of it, in a yellow car. It is a cab.

He takes a look and sees the car, then he waves to Adrianna.

- They are there, let's go!

They go to the cab and find a man driving with a woman in the passenger seat.

- I have been asked to bring you back! Let me introduce you to my wife!

Greetings and introductions are made quickly. They install their luggage behind and settle in the car.

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