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Taming Her Mated

Taming Her Mated

Tofunmi Nikky


He's charming and on the other hand dangerous. He's the power to ruin the world in just a second,,, within a twinkle of an eye His anger was uncontrolled His power increases each day,,and the powerful he becomes,,, the more the beast in him grows. But there's only one solution,, just one person who could turn him back to his normal self. And that's his mated,,,, There's nowhere in the world he hasn't searched for her,,and the last day he decided to stop his search and die being a beast He found her! . . .

Chapter 1 Giving her a taste of him

Chapter 2

By: Tofunmi Nikky

Tears rolled down uncontrollably from Lisa's eyes as the man walked closer to her,,,she just couldn't imagine she'll be losing her virginity this way.

"Please sir, let me go"she whimpered in fear and just like a flash, he had her against that wall.

"Stop being stubborn, just this once"he said, taking his hands up to trail down his chest.

Her eyes fell on his big muscles, telling her there's no way she can possibly escape.

"It's happening, it's really happening"she closed her eyes and the words began to echo in her head.

"Sir, please open up!"A knock sounded on the door, making Lisa snap opened her eyes.

"Go back and come later"he said and looked back at Lisa.

"But Sir... it's your wife, she's here"the person at the door said back.

"Geez!, bad timing"the man cussed and left her to walk to the door. He brought out the key from his pocket and pushed it into the lock.

"Yes Franco?"he asked, opening the door.

"Your wife is...."Franco trailed off as a lady pushed his boss aside and ran out.

"F*vk!!"He tried running after her but stopped.

"Why did you let her leave?"he turned and faced him angrily,with his hands at akimbo.


Lisa opened the door and walked in shuttling it behind her gently, turning she met her stepmother standing at the staircase with folded arms.

She walked to her slowly with a heavy heart, how will she tell her she isn't with the money? she knows all hell will be let loose.

"Where is my money Lisa?"she stretched out her palm and said immediately she reached her.

Lisa without been told quickly got on her knees.

"Ma'am....I...I...the man you sent me to tried to rape me. I was lucky to have escaped"Lisa said I'm between stammers.

"Like that's any of my business, where is my money?, don't let me ask again"she said, trying all that's in her not to raise her voice.

Still on her knees, she starts to move backward.

"He insisted I come and take it myself, I almost did when he grabbed me and attempted to rape me"Lisa stated.

"So in short, you mean to tell me you didn't collect my money"she shouted as she couldn't control it this time. She starts to boil in anger.

"Yes, what's going on here?"Mr Myers demanded, climbing down the stairs.

"Nothing honey"she faced him with a smile that immediately covered her frown.

"Daddy"Lisa stood up and ran to him hugging him tightly, in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh baby!, smile fot daddy"he asked, teasingly.

She looked up at him and smiled broadly.

"Yes, that's my Darling,"he said and she hugged him back with a giggle. Mrs Helen just walked away with an eye roll.


Tyson opened up his eyes and it scanned the room, he walked out of bed and went for the window, looking out of it.

"Tyson, you're up?"his mom ironically said, walking into the room with Rhett.

"Yes Mother"he replied, turning to them.

"Why don't we find someone who would try taming you?,just look at what you did few hours ago"his mother said worriedly.

"Seriously mother, you and I know I can only be tamed by my mate"he said scoffing.

"Come on Tyson, why don't we give it a try. And it is not like we haven't searched for your mate or is it until you turn into a beast completely?"she moved closer to him and reached for his hands, taking it in hers.

"But Mom, I..."he looked up at Rhett who quickly gave him a convincing look.

"Fine, you can bring her"he reluctantly added, making his mom smile succeedingly.

She cupped his cheeks charmingly before hurrying out,"Yes, that's my boy."

"And what about the rude Mr Arnold?"he asked Rhett who had stayed back.

"We released him with your bracelet. You won't want to see how he'd took to his heels in a funny manner"Rhett said and laughed as he remembered.

"He deserved it"he said firmly with no remorse whatsoever in his voice.

"Huh, maybe,"Rhett shrugged.

"Let's go on the search Rhett"he toned out to him suggestively, as he turned back to take his jacket from where he hung it on the chair.

Night Time....

Gael opened the door to Lisa's room and walked in, hr dropped the covered plate on the small table next to her bed.

He then jumped beside her on the bed.

"Lisa.... Wake up!"he said lowly in a hushed tone, yanking away the blanket from her body.

"What do you want? your Mom shouldn't find out you're here"Lisa said alarmingly; quickly sitting up on seeing him.

"But she won't Lisa....if we are quiet"he hushed, placing his index finger on his own lips.

She nodded and smiled at him. She likes how the boy isn't like her stepmother and step sister. He's four years old and about to clock five.

"I have got you something"he got down from the bed and she watched him keenly.

He returned and sat back on his position.

"This is half of my food"he spread opened her two palms and placed the plate of food in it.

"There is no need for this Gael, you shouldn't have"she said looking at him and back at the food.

"I would love to apologize on how my Mom and sister are treating you. Even today she didn't give you dinner, kindly forgive her on my behalf"he muttered, putting his palms together.

"Come on Gael, what did you know?"she nudged him forward with a teasing smirk.

"I know a lot"he said with a frank.

"Anyways, thanks for the food. I definitely own you something"she said and then took her bottom lip in.

"It's nothing. You're my blood right?so we must stand for each other"he said, giving her a thumb up.

"Get going so she won't find out"she said.

"No, I won't. I only will when you're done eating so I can take the plates to the kitchen "he shook his head in protest.

" What a cutie pie..."she tucked her hand into his hair and roughed it, causing them both to laugh as she added, "Thanks."


Giselle placed two glasses of water on a tray in the kitchen. She's just arrived in the mansion and right now she's going to serve the guy she will be getting married to.

She walked out with smiles plastered on her lips.

"Perfect way to start up a conversation"said to her by her inner mind.

Tyson-still on his seat scribbled down on the paper, his hand moving fast.

He paused when he starts to hear footsteps.... Who could that be??.

"Hi...!"Giselle came up dropping the tray on the table before him.

Tudo just get mute; not saying a word.

"Yeah"he cut her short

"Oh!, you know already"she said seating on the chair opposite him.

"You are more cuter than I was told"she said drooling as she fixated her gaze on his perfect face and he couldn't help but let out a smirk. What a b*tch.

"Well, I have got you water"she quickly changed that topic seeing he wasn't interested in the talk. His face filled with distaste.

He looked down at the water, fixing his eyes on it.

"Water?, No...I guess you are trying to say blood"he said raising his head to look at her.

"What...? what do you mean?? "she furrowed her brow at him in confusion and looked down at the glass cup.

Her eyes widened; almost popping out of its socket at the sight of blood.

"Blood......How possible?"she shuttered I'm dismay.


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