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Queen Star

Queen Star



Barbie centered his eyes the three handsome men who gets his eyes active seeing the world. His admirers men were all alluring. His action looks manifest the people around him. Clark pulls her eyes unexpectedly when Barbie declares the best player on the stage, because of him, the games ended. Nobody sees the suspects even if the world looks pretty. Barbie declares as blind gay, it makes his opponent happy to know it. However, the star's men got disappointed as they know the truth. Each of their eyes desired to donate for him, but Barbie's eyes were very unique. Although it would be hard to accept the reality, but Barbie dreams to smell Carl, Tyler, and Dwayne. His doctors can't operate him because the eyes look alright. But Barbie didn't recognize such condition, indeed he couldn't chew over the varied objects beside him. He starts to sleep at night, but the window moves including his bed, and then he hears the awesome lyrics. It contains how valuable his heart for Dwayne, when he turns his eyes at the right side; a cool man starts to kiss his lips," I love you Barbie, open your eyes to see my heart. I will marry you as soon as possible." He asks about the nature of this guy. "Who are you, baby? I can't see you." The guy starts to open his eyes; indeed he slightly see the room with the cool man. "Accept it, you'll be my star gay." It's located beside the beach where the king shark desires to against their dating.

Chapter 1 Eyes were painfully injected

One stunning night, there is an event in the Gayland place which facilitated by the gay known as his name as Ms. Barbie, he’s twenty-six years old, enchanting, red lips, nice shape, talented, awesome voice, single lady. His heart filled with happiness to make this program, enchanting like him, though he’s not officially a girl, but everyone likes beauty, especially the best basketball players. With the prepossessing light which keeps to sparkle the whole basketball player.

His beauty is considered the main star tonight, then his main function would be the sport announcer. Alongside the basketball court, the audience likes his voice and face which have motivated them; to witness the affairs, while the basketball players performed their best to be appreciated by the gay. Each of them welcomes that gay because they don’t have a sweetheart yet who gives sweet eyesight. In silence, their ex-lovers were waiting beside the court, to wipe the perspiration from them.

Mai is a twenty-five years old girl. Her finest friend is officially Ms. Barbie. Her presence advocated the event to be shined with her images. There would be 12 men basketball players who have played their ball. Each of them was a good-looking guy, among the said players; Carl, Dwayne, and Tyler were the best players so far in the first round.

(How awesome to view them? I hope to meet them personally after their game. But can they entertain me? If they do, would it feel natural? Maybe I can’t understand my environment at that time.)

As I surveyed their red lips and macho bodies, they did not turn their eyes on me! If I am not mistaken, each of their eyes were staring at my friend. Can I act as a sports announcer? But my friend did that, she asked.

In the story, Ms. Clark is a twenty-eight fetching lady, her height is normal, coca-body, pink lips, white teeth, small face, and curly eyes which have made her unique to the audience. Her aspiration to be sport announcer this night; to be heard by her infatuated guys specially mention to Carl and Tyler. Based on her observation, the three men have given their attention to Ms. Barbie. Instead of approaching her, she dislikes doing that.

When she possibly went there? My mind thought that her talent is not qualified to act as a sports announcer. But why did everyone get amazed by her? Why not me? What should I do now? Can I cut the electronics beside the stage? I desired to fill in my gratification tonight, but the man who looked at me was not the best player, she imagined.

She won’t be back home unless she hugged and talked to her admired basketball player. The eyes viewed the injection machine beside the slipper which came from the sky. Her hand has intentionally got it. Upon holding such material, the brain got intricate to such purpose.

Jerald is a twenty-five years old guy. His personality is sophisticated, humble, and love to socialize with everyone. He had already known about Clark's presence, but his heart stayed a little distance from her. According to his perception, his ex-lover admired the basketball player very much. He honestly didn't know how to play such a game, but he longed to play such a game for her. (Can I throw this injection machine? But I spent time holding it. Maybe there is a reason why I found it somewhere.)

“Hello Clark, why are you trembling to hold that? Can I throw it there?” His face is literally big.

“Hi Jerald, are you a participant tonight?” She asked. In a respect, deep inside her heart won't entertain him, she desires to show that she has already found another guy.

“No Clark, I'm just here to view your beauty. If you have the hassle to touch such an object. I offered myself to hold it. Can I?” Gerald asked. He interprets that his ex-lover has displayed his good relationship with him.

“I won’t tolerate your purpose, but I just want you; to push such a needle on the sports announcer. You must leave her after, make sure that no one can see you,” she commanded.

Ms. Barbie turned off the main light due to the overlapping. Anyway, his face is still looking like a star and the body seems like an artist. Everybody approves of her action, since millions of sparkles were showing its multiple lights.

I desired to shut many balls to the ring for my star gay may liked me. My heart was fortunate to see her breasts and lips. Oh! I personally got yummy for him. Can he wipe my moisture perspiration? Maybe it would be smooth like the shining star, Carl imagined.

I was unfortunate this night because my co-player is always looking at the announcer. I did the same, but my heart would only feel attractive to him. Hey Ms. Barbie, please show your single smile now, Dwayne requested by air.

I almost finished shutting the ball; it was fortunately successful due to the shining voice of Ms. Barbie. Can I record her voice? But I cannot multitask my time now, Tyler imagined.

Ms. Barbie felt clumsy, and uncomfortable to rotate his leg, hips, shoulder, while his right eye aspired to turn the right side, to turn on the lights.

Ten meters away from him, "oh! Who’s the man beside my friend? Is that possibly Tyler? I won't accept if that guy would attach to my best friend because he is mine," Mia thought.

When Ms. Barbie pulled the dark which kept blocking her mindset. Unfortunately, the injection machine entered her right eye. That needle scattered to his brain and heart, "oh no! Please help me guys! I can’t see the world now! My friend, turn on the lights," she requested.

Jerald left secretly to the gay, his mind filled with conscience, but his heart casted back to Ms. Clark’s portrait, while the games has ceased due to the unexpected bad event.

Mia approached her friend due to the nervousness. She was actually ignoring such calls until the basketball players came in. The eyes witness Ms. Barbie whose body is being carried by Carl and Tyler, the most handsome men in the basketball court.

“If he has made it, he can accept my bad reward. I began to admire playing the gem for her! But it happened like that,” Dwayne said.

“My plan finally succeeded, but the players were gone because of Barbie’s situation. I hate you so much Barbie, you were the reason for my sadness tonight,” Clark said.

Ms. Clark runs to the man who had done with Ms. Barbie, when she turns her head,“ you were eventually seeing the result. I hope you may allow me

to stay beside you, Clark. Can you respond positively?” Slowly," hey man, where did you put the machine injection?"

"My heart filled with darkness tonight. I won’t explain the reason because it’s so obvious!" Since James looks guilty to the audience, fortunately the lightning does not appear to their eyes. When he opens his mouth to explain her, Clark quickly leaves her ex-lover, so Gerald remains enraged. His mind needed to be appreciated for his effort. But it still failed to happen.

For now, Carl offered himself to bring this gay in the expensive hospital, while Tyler got his money in the bank; to support financially to her. At Dwayne’s situation, his desired to make a magic in order for her star gay; to flirt him," my tiredness has gone if I could touch him, am I falling in love to you,. Ms. Barbie?"

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