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Enchantress Girl; Broken Heart Healers

Enchantress Girl; Broken Heart Healers



My money can’t replace my heart. Although my family urgently needed the gold, I won't sacrifice myself. The person whom I love did not notice my warm interest. In time of full moon,” please heal my painful heart, Cattle, I study medicine as my second life, however I’ll be satisfied to feel your wonderful talent. So, please give me an opportunity to love you.”

Chapter 1 One trillion dollars for relationship

One day, Dr. Bryce was considered as a famous medical doctor in the city. His talent in healing is quietly amazing, indeed everyone is looking for his talent. His personality is simple, though his age is thirty-two years old. His main duty is his profession as his main purpose is to exist on this earth. His physical appearance is fair, however his brain is genius, and then his words can motivate someone who will back his side.

His work is full of pressure, indeed he wouldn't take his night off, at least to serve humankind wholeheartedly. He did not have ample time to meet his family and friends, even with his colleagues, however he did not value it. To live in the world, to provide better contribution better, yet he's so humble with his amazing talent, except the forthcoming woman who shall heal his stress and pain.

(Might the almighty father give an opportunity to be loved by a plain woman? I have been wishing to engage with any woman, but the sun continues to revolve without my listening to my request. Sometimes, I could consider the world as fake.)

In the astounding town, there's an enchantress girl who is usually sexy and attractive to the eyesight of men. She remained single because she did like to face her future responsibilities. Although she meets a romantic man who will change her bad mood. Her character is unsophisticated, hardworking and congenial to anyone.

Her emotional quotient is similar to the distance of sky and sun. Beside from it, a fetching eye may have altered the world whoever man will purely view it.

Asuncion, his daddy, is longing to introduce his daughter to a rich boss who allures Cattle very much. His profession is business and architecture, indeed he earned a lot of money with it. He is forty-years old looking forward to any girl who shall choose him. Frankly, he's so standard in choosing a woman.

His mind is always thinking about the reputation in family, he owned a big business in the city. But it started to fall down because his best friends competed in it. He sometimes corrected his plan to engage with his daughter to his boss. But he seemed like no hope may come soon.

With that, he is desiring to borrow; money with a worth of 200,000 British pounds. When his daughter learned of it, nevertheless, she opposed him and corrected her father. At that time, Asuncion got worried about how to convince her daughter.

When the fat man sleeps beside his wife, his phone is ringing, he won't answer it, but he saw the text," 500,000 pounds," his heart is convinced by the golds, indeed his ankle and veins were excited to meet with him in the hotel.

Cool morning, he meets his previous old boss in the hotel. He feels confidence to attach with his agreement. At the back of him, a little footstep is walking on the door. His intention is to surprise his friend.

"It's my pleasure to meet you, my favorite manager. I feel the stars in my heart as I hear your soft voice. I might not want to ask this topic, but you can possibly help to provide peace in my heart," (He is tightly holding the shining picture of his daughter.)

"Do you know this enchanting lady? I honestly disclose that she is my vitamins in my heart, I had been undergoing medication for almost 2 years. Once I smelled her portrait, it had automatically cleaned up the illness that I have," boss said. That moment, the fat man is attempting to depart him, yet the story seems better to allure.

In a loud voice, "she's my only daughter, how far have you loved her? I sincerely share with you that she is not engaging with any men yet. I will let you live under her wings forever," father informed.

The boss captivated to overview her picture, his heart dancing upon looking at that image, "can I meet her tonight? If you could motivate her to sincerely love me. In that condition, I will give you 1 trillion dollars. I will certainly help you to pay your debts, and build a new business." His facial expression seems real, indeed the wall is slowly dancing to advocate with him.

In the middle of the night, "I will bring my daughter to the hotel where you shall be convenient to talk about that matter," he said. His statement is apparently serious, indeed he did not mix a joke with it.

"I am sitting over the moon to hark your unusual offer, if this time would be tonight, I must be uttering my strong attraction for her from the bottom of my heart," he said sweetly. He desires continuing their conversation, however he feels excited to meet the next scene of his story.

A fat guy is optimistically expecting his boss's money. He would ask a favor to the celestial object for he can induce her daughter, while the rich boss is taking an imagination to his room in order for him to court fruitfully on her. That period, the atmosphere is considered cool which would motivate him more to sit beside that fetching lady.

Myrah, Castle's mother, has a complexion identical to her daughter, but she handles things to be simple like the present weather. Her mind is expecting the lofty income in the enterprise which is presently handled by her darling.

But she sometimes shocks several people who called over the phone to her husband. With them, she is getting green with envy to observe their dialogues, but Asuncion said, "don't worry darling, they are my business partners from another country. You may just trust my effort if you won't be satisfied with it. Well, I urge you to visit our establishment." His internal brain won't agree with it, but she's avoiding engaging in a conflict with him.

"Okay darling, I hope my sincere trust shall not be falling down. As you notice, I work with you, though I have an illness because I won't complain," she said. In a silent, "how to erase my jealousy? Is this sign of love for him?" She kept on observing her darling, even though she's fully satisfied with his words.

In the blue night, Asuncion motivated his daughter to take their dinner in the hotel excluding his wife. His main promise to give an advance gift for the approaching birthday. A fat man is unable to explain why they would intentionally leave their mother, but he further gives another motivation which is money.

Cattle, is anticipating a nice flow in their business, since her father did something better for her. That time, Myra is waiting in the family room for their honeymoon. It takes twelve hours to wait, but no one arrives in their cool room. Her mind expects that maybe her partner will work overtime for their business.

While the father is driving his car, his phone is ringing loudly, his daughter informs him, but he did not give any attention to it. He only instructed her to ignore the bell. When they passed beside the lofty building, her father instructed her to follow him.

In the hotel, Cattle sits in the black chair where her father joins the macho man. She is longing to ask about their purpose, but they have gone quickly at the back of her chair. What she could remember; the guy had entirely looked at her leg and face. She used her towel to cover it, but the air against her position.

(What might be his possible reason? Why did he join my father? My mind is full of unanswered questions, but nobody is answering them yet.)

In the second room, Asuncion and his rich boss are having their conversation about the enchanting lady. They make sure to make their voice not pellucid, although the windows and floors are all closed.

"You can accept these nine billion dollars, but you must assure your daughter accept my heart. If not, I will get back such an amount," he said straightforwardly. And then, he looked at the side of his buddy towards the hidden reaction.

"I can't give you perfect assurance for that. What I could utter, I will return that money if there will be a negative outcome, but I always try to motivate her," he told him.

Asuncion takes his billionaire night off at the third room, while the manager is going back to Cattle's table. His image seems awkward to sit in this chair. (Cattle shocks to glimpse him, she is unable to write her words on paper.)

"Hey man, where is my father now?" I asked confidently. Her eyebrow is round to overview a cool man. Her expectation is that they will take their dinner.

"He is buying cakes and salad for us. Do you like these foods?`` the rich boss asked. His voice sounded like lying to him, and then his words were not completely stated. Moreover, his attention is not focusing on the pretty girl. (A beautiful girl didn't answer her.)

(I never declined such foods as long as my father may sit beside us. I am even more pleased to live in a place where I fill with the coldness) (At the back of this boss, somebody is carrying delicious foods for them.)

"Do you want to take these foods inside our room? I can give you that, it won't waste several dollars for me," he said.

"Sorry sir, I don't have an interest, that's why my father has not come back yet?" she told. She starts to stand up, and looks over the hotel. Although the lightning is not so clear.

"Don't mind your father, maybe the vendor is not entertaining him yet. Do you know my purpose for meeting you tonight? I love to say, you are head in my business. This would be apparently progressive because of you," he said.

"Sorry to reject it because I am still 22 years old. But if my heart may knock to love you soon. Well, I will let heaven accept yours," she said.

"You are such a selfish Cattle, you did not view my situation, if I will discourage you from building my business. If this shall turn down, you will be the cause of this deterioration." rich boss told.

Cattle, is departing professionally to the rich boss. Her mind is worrying about the possible aftermath of the manager's business, yet she is trying to look at her future, since her education status is still undergraduate.

That time, Asuncion begins to build his collapse business again, and then he pays his debts to the other people, but he is unable to give any amounts to his sweet girl. His mind is not capable of predicting the unfortunate things that may happen soon, whereas Myrah is highly anticipating that the business keeps on rising because of these three cars which have been purchased by her hubby. Accordingly, they can use their own car whenever the family goes, such as red car-Cattle, green car-mother, and blue car-father.

In the apartment, the rich boss called his best friend about the result. His major intention was to obtain the money because a flawless lady has blocked his heart, and of course it would have a bad impact on his business.

"Sorry to hear about your bad experience dear, I cannot guarantee to return the amount, which I can currently send you, which is worth 200 dollars only. Is this okay?" he asked smoothly. Deep inside, he gets enraged towards his daughter, his aim is not fruitful towards such an invitation.

"No, I want to receive the exact amount. Remember my heart is very expensive for her. In relation, you must send the full amount instantly," he said. He won't need another satisfaction since the earth hates his heart to love again. His globe doesn't give space to seek a cool girl.

Asuncion craves to get his money from the debtor, but it cannot be since that would take years until he will pay for it. He wants to get his business profit, unfortunately it has not ameliorated yet, even if he used one million dollars for the investment. On the other hand, he tries to ask himself for the right solution, but his heart and mind disabled to define how downcast he was. (Can I sell my new car? But I already gave it to my wife as her gift.)

On a lonely night, Asuncion drives his car quickly to the apartment, "I won't go home to meet my family because I feel feeble to think about the root of this problem. Oh! My goodness, why did I come up with this worse situation. I have been struggling with my business since 2020, but now it arrives at this big problem."

When the driver is unintentionally crossing a small road beside the cottage. A little distant from him, there is dumb track which hit his moderately blue car. He tries to climb up from the front seat, but the front mirror breaks up directly. And then, his leg throws at the right road, while the main body moves to the left corner. It is a sad moment because his opponent has left the accident area.

Will he survive the injury?

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