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In love with a billionaire

In love with a billionaire

loretta Campbell


Emily Frost was a young girl from a small town in Ashland she had one friend Sally so when Emily turn 18 years old Sally told Emily to come and visit her in Birmingham Emily went and told her parents Scott and Cathy Frost when Emily went and told her parents that Sally want to her visit her in Birmingham Emily parents was all for her going to spend time time with her Sally so when Emily Heard her pay say that she went and call Sally and said yes she wanted to come Birmingham to visit her so Sally brought Emily a plane ticket to Birmingham and told Emily start picking she would meet at the airport in Birmingham so Emily went up stairs started picking up her clothes and heading to the airport after checking in at airport she aboard the plane to Birmingham she call Sally and said she on the plane now so Sally went to airport waiting on Emily to get off of the plane Emily get her stuff and went with Sally to her her mansion where Sally parents was waiting to see Emily they where excited to see Emily they her since they moved to Birmingham and Sally and Emily spent some time with her parents and than ask Emily if she wanted to go on the town Emily speak up and said yes let paint the town red Emily ask Sally what should she wear to put on their night on the town Sally said she already get take care of dress that Sally picked out for Emily made her look like a goddess and the dress that Sally chance for her made look a queen as soon they where dress they hit the road going the club called Kitty twitch Sally had told Emily that all of friends where there waiting for them to come because Sally as information James that her best friend Emily was in town to visit her when they step in the club all eyes was on them Emily feel a little nervous Sally told there was no need to be nervous her friends going to love her James can't take his eyes off Emily Sally said I think James just found his first love Emily ask who would that be Sally said you girl look how he looking to you I never see him look at a girl like that before Emily hit Sally arm and don't talk shit that man is not into me Sally laugh I been know him for over 10 years I think I know what I about talking about girl well let get some to drink and than go over and join the at the table as soon as they sit down James ask Emily would like to dance and Emily said sure and they dance all way to midnight when the club was about to closed James ask Sally and Emily if they would like to get something to eat with him Sally and Emily look at each other and said at some time yes so they went a restaurant called mountain view it a restaurant own by James family it had all kind of food anyone could get what ever they wanted too after they done eating James drive them back to Sally house and look and said will y'all join me to have dinner at my house tomorrow Sally and Emily both said yes love to James said good I be her at 10:00 and dinner will service at 12:00 clock Sally and Emily said see you than goodnight James they said as they get out of the car by time Sally and Emily get home Sally parents has already left for work so they had the whole house to themselves Sally ask Emily what do think about James Emily said without think he get a hot body and he pretty handsome too Sally said good because he taking a liking to you his parents may want to you together Emily said that fine with me let get some sleep 10:00 clock be here before you know it alright goodnight Emily was up before 9:00 clock she went down and cook breakfast for Sally parents she get a waffle and with do get dress to go James house Sally was already dress she had laid Emily a dress out when Emily put on she look like a queen right on for James was down stairs waiting for them as soon James see Emily his jaws hit the floor Sally and Emily just laughed and told James to pick his jaws off the floor James ready to go they both said sure do get in James cars and headed to James house he said everyone waiting for you girls when they get to James house his mother greeted then in the living room James way coming down stairs and when they both saw Emily they can see what there son like about Emily she was beautiful and a kind young woman I was think if we can James and Emily together they would be happy Jessica told Ryan that she wanted to get James to ask Emily out on a date James don't mind he look Emily would like to go a date with me Emily was looking a little nervous Sally told Emily you have nothing to be nervous about they like you so Emily said yes would love too go on a date with you they dated for couple months and then James mom ask James so when or you ask her marry you James I get a engagement party setup tomorrow what will be when I propose to her mom go I don't want nothing to go wrong James told his not worry I rented a banquet hall for the party mom and Sally know about the engagement party and told Emily to dress up and the dress she chance made her look like a royalty Emily ask Sally were they

Chapter 1 The engagement party

The engagement

Everyone was scared at Holiday inn the most expensive motel room in Birmingham everybody was laughing everybody was la oh James my boyfriend I miss you so much I didn't know we were getting engaged today why didn't you tell me I would have dressed nicer James Laugh said haha bitch this is not your engagement this is my name Emily's engagement you need to get the f*** out of here before I call my bodyguard to kick you out of here sail with a stubborn old b**** she looked at James she said I'm not leaving until I talk to you about all times in school I think I deserve it right to talk to you James fine Sarah Sarah said room 101 I see you in a few minutes when James got to room 101 Sarah was was stressed in a sexy Teddy laying on the couch real sexy leg she knew James will come after James knocked on the door still open the door said oh boyfriend and your family here would you like something to drink James I guess a glass of wine please while James was in the living room said when in the kitchen to pouring a glass of wine what shoes in the kitchen not only did she put my glass of wine she also put cocaine into drug and so that way he won't know what the world's going on when she when she takes advantage of him it was like an hour later and everyone down down in the ballroom was talking about how Sarah she come up at across trouble for Eminem James and the engagement party that bitch Sarah needs to die she's all damn time trying to fuck up somebody's happiness when Emily and Sally noticed it's been an hour since James has been going to Serge movement they go they got very worried inside they're going to go to room 101 to check on James when they got there they noticed James was on the bed and still on top of him cleared her t throat and said what's going on here James happened to hear Sally's voice very clear and happened to come out of what in the world he was in he he looked and not the stupid bitch off a mess and what in the world you think you doing I've be soon s married man

you can't be doing this fucking to me I'm not going to get you pregnant with my child so that way you take advantage of my family and all wealth Emily couldn't stand to watch anymore so she looked at Sally's salad grabbed by them a little little back to the bottom James went to the bathroom and finally finished finally finished jerking off in the bathroom before he went downstairs when James got downstairs both his parents and Emily's parents were standing around Emily was crying they all asking me what was going on Emily said I just called James and Sarah having sex in her room James's both parents was very serious with James and ask what the hell was you thinking why'd the hell did you go that bitch room game is so cute that he don't fuck everything up with Emily he went running back downstairs and hauling Emily Emily I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I didn't know what the world was happening to me until it was too late James explained sir she drugged me with cocaine and took advantage of me that's the reason why I was gone so long Emily please tell me believe me Emily said of course I do I love you and there's no way Sarah's going to come between us with her stupid shit they said I'm glad you believe me because I still want to marry you. They all made the announcement that Emily and James's fixing to get engaged everyone gathered around with hauling and screaming all excited for the engaged and then after that James said well in a week we're going to have a wedding Sally Emily and her mother went wedding dress shopping Emily bought the most beautiful beautiful wedding dress that money can buy it was flawless the train went all the way down all the way down to the floor it covered half the floor when she walked Sally asked her as her sister if her nieces and nephew nephews can be in James and Emily's wedding and her sister niece to be the flower girl and the nephew to be the ring bearer Emily's parents got the preacher that they go to church to to perform the wedding ceremony the preacher was very excited to see Emily and James getting married he always thought the world of Emily and he thought it was about time for her to get married and start a family.

Back at Sarah motel room she said Emily just had to come in interrupt me and James didn't she I was going to get pregnant with James baby so that way that his family cannot turn her away

anymore he's always been look down on me because of Sally and now Emily's gotten in Sarah way Emily must die because she's in the way of me shit James so I thought herself I have little bit of money but I can always hire somebody to kill Emily for me my hands to be clean and James wouldn't know nothing about him then he would come running back to me because I'm his beloved woman not Emily the next day Emily went to the went to to the dress up to pick up her dress wedding because her wedding was the next day at the beginning the wedding dress Emily noticed that car that was falling at taxi that she took to the wedding dress shop anyway it was raining the taxi driver's car trying to run them off the road Sarah was so scared she called James James something's going on there's a car chasing the taxi that I'm in can you help me James said just tell the driver keep driving I'll be there soon when James got there he he recognized the car it was Sarah's car she was trying to kill Emily the day before her wedding when James got there he noticed Sarah was sitting in the car he walked over the car slap on her face and told her told you try to kill Emily again I'll kill you bitch

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