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Once upon a Time in Ashland

Once upon a Time in Ashland

loretta Campbell


There once was a king and queen that lived in Ashland the king and queen God of a horrible death because of the wicked witch the king and queen on the heir one air to accept the throne

Chapter 1 The death of the king and queen

The death of the king and Queen the whole town was stroking about the death of King James and queen loretta.

the wicked witch come to the people of Ashland and told them that they would have to pay her half of theirs paycheck to live in Ashland so when the Town people heard that the king James and queen Loretta had two sons they went out to found the two Princes they went everywhere looking for children that had loss theirs parents in the past when the adopted parents heard that the town people where looking for the prince's they stepped Ford and said we have The two princes but they wanted to keep them safe until they where grown so the town people praised the adopted parents and told them if y'all need anything to let them know and they would get it for them the adopted knotted theirs head and agreed but the parents told the town people to be careful not to alert the witch the town people told the parents not to worry they had it under control the adopted parents reminded them that the witch can't found out about the two princes until they are grown up and a lot stronger than they are now so the town people told them that would say it charity if there questions they would not let the witch get to the two princes so the town people did ask they ask everyday the town people would go to town buy the most expensive food for the family that had adopted the two princes and when the day for the prince's to claim the throne the princes where 14 and 11 but the oldest Prince had austim and don't know how to lead a Kingdom all on his own so the town people is getting the prince Corey everything that he needs to learn from education and how to help his brother Ashton to run a kingdom so everyday the two brothers would go see the psychologist to help his old brother Corey get where he needs to be the psychiatrist told the town to hang in because the oldest Prince is getting close to where he needs to be so the psychiatrist said that Corey will grow in to the roll of the prince and with the other princes help and guidance.what they need to do is to throw the wicked witch out of theirs Castle now and move the adopted parents in the castle now without let the witch know about the two princes because if the witch know about the prince's she would ordered someone to hunt them down and kill them to don't know one know why the witch has search a grudge against the king James and queen Loretta because all they know is that the king and queen help everyone come and ask for help from the royal couple so one understood the witch. so one day one of the town they need people where out buying some food for theirs family and over heard a conversation with the witch and and the mayor the witch told the mayor that she went to the king and queen for help to have theirs the guard to hunt down and kill this poor child in school so the king and queen laugh and the witch and said why would we that the poor child never offended them the witch no but Child had offended her daughters the king and queen said sorry we can't help we abide by the law so that wicked witch just told them to help her or loss theirs life the king and queen said we will loss our life instead of killing an innocent child the witch laugh and innocent nothing the what if the child was making fun of your child what would you do the king and queen said will we would go have a talk with the child family let them hold that themselves. We will not hurt innocent child just because you wanted revenge for your daughters. so kill us because we will not break the law because of your daughter's the witch said fine she ordered The Goonies to kill them after that she would move in theirs Castle and rule over the kingdom and make the town people do as she said are they will loss theirs life if they don't abide by her rules she wanted half of theirs paycheck.and she said anyone who refuses to give her half of theirs paycheck would dead just like the king and queen did.so the town did as they was ask hope and pray that one day they would found the two princes that was adopted parents no one know about but the king and queen had already talked to this couple if anything happens to them for them to move in theirs Castle and rise theirs children. When the person heard that they hurry back to and told everyone in the town what they just heard so everyone get together to come up with a plan to run the witch out of theirs town and out of theirs life because the town people jas been going missing everyday and they thought bit was the witch but couldn't prove it but now that there was a person that had heard the conversation with the mayor and the witch they know it the witch involved in the disappearance of the town people.so they all rally up to together to over throw this wicked witch out of theirs home town and over the adopted parents of the two princes Corey and Ashton Campbell in theirs own castle so the fight will be on now they had to come up with a plan the adopted parents said we have a some rich friends theirs names is Moore's jimmy and Donna Moore we can get them to fake a arranged marriage with the witch daughters because they have to very handsome sons and they will not be influence by the witch or her daughter's neither so we can count on them to help us out with getting get rid of the the wicked witch and her wicked daughters too but we have to be careful because we don't want no more of our town people to go missing anymore.

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