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Alpha Blade

Alpha Blade



Alpha Blade returns home after six years of staying away. Although he is not welcomed with open arms by his brother nor the rest of the town, he stays nonetheless in search for a solution to his recent bloodlust. Blade and Emily, his brother's would-be Luna get attracted to each other and have a reckless one night stand which leads to Emily getting pregnant. . Unaware of the pregnancy, Blade leaves town and goes back to his pack. With Blade's crazy Luna, Brianne by his side, would Emily and Blade ever have a chance of being together? And how would Blade's brother react to Emily's pregnancy?

Chapter 1 One

The sound of the roaring train trembling along it's rail woke me up. That was how I woke up almost every morning, the only difference being that today, I wasn't in my room but was in a shady dark-blue room which blinking blue and red lights at it's corners and the smell of cigar and drugs filled the air.

I sighed as I remembered what had happened the previous day— Jona, my colleague at work had persuaded me to come and liven up and free myself from all the stress of work, and she had been absolutely right about the whole stress thing as I had worked my ass throughout the last two years. About taking me to a street club to release my stress, that was all Jona's idea. Although I felt really good, one million percent better now that I had felt in years.

Had Jona been right after all? I questioned myself as I lazily yawned aloud.

My question was immediately answered when I stared at the two female figures beside me.

I gasped out in shock and fear of what I saw.

They were both stack naked but that wasn't the problem. The only issue I had was that they were both dead.

God! Their faces were pale and stained with blood. I could see bruises all over their body and on their necks were bite marks.

Unmistakably, that was my wolf, Jordan. The fact that their heads were barely still connected to the rest of their body said it all.

The whole bed was soaked with blood. Even I was soaked from head to toe.

"Damn it!" I said, disappointed in myself.

I jumped out of bed and instantly ran to the shabby bathroom.

I washed away the blood stain on my face and rinsed my mouth to get rid of the odious scent of blood.

Lucky enough, I had been wearing only briefs so my shirt and jean weren't stained at all.

I stared at the mirror before me and I despised what I saw. My eyes were glowing red and my veins had popped out all over my body. My blood was on fire and my nerves were crazy.

I felt above the third heavens and I hated myself for it. My stomach whined but I knew that no normal meal would ease my hunger. I was desperately in need to feed.

Irritated with myself, I walked out of the bathroom and just as I was about putting on my shirt, I heard a loud bang on the door.

My heart jilted as the door rattled.

"Tom!" Jona called out. "C'mon let's go!"

"I'll be out in five minutes." I replied.

"I give you one." She said.

I knew Jona so well, when she said one minute, she meant thirty seconds.

I quickly got dressed and got into my sneakers. Then, I placed a clean spare bed cover over the dead naked club girls.

I had one more problem. The scent!

I reached into one of the girl's bag and brought out a body spray.

Although it was cheap with offensive sharp scent, I sprayed it generously on myself.

Before leaving the room, I turned to face the dead girls and did the sign of the cross.

I walked out of the dark, grotesque club, trying my best not to think about the corpse I had left behind.

I met Jona waiting outside, standing by the side of her dark-green Chevrolet sports which she loved more than anything.

"What took you so long?" She asked, raising her head from her phone.

"I did some washing before coming out." I said as I saw myself to the passenger's side.

"Or you decided to go another round." She said, chuckling.

I managed a smile.

"The girls in there are the hottest and baddest bitches in the country, so don't tell me they didn't keep you busy." She continued.

I knew keeping silent wasn't going to work with Jona so I played along. "They did. To be honest, you were right. I really needed this."

"So, Fridays?" She said.

"What?" I asked.

"So we're definitely coming here every Friday?" She asked, as she opened her door and sat down.

I did the same and battled the urge which told me to yell at her to get me the f*ck out of here.

"Definitely not." I replied.

"Why?" She asked. "Don't tell me you were struggling to keep up."

I laughed. "I could ride the whole club without halting for a sec."

She smiled as she turned on the car. "I do believe you." She said poking my arm. "Those muscles aren't for nothing."

"Let's get out of here." I said honestly. "This place makes me sick."

She giggled. "It stinks of STDs." The car accelerated quickly away from the dull faded building, with a broken signboard above.

Jona dropped me at my home and sped off to her mother's place as today was her father's remembrance.

I stormed into my apartment and began packing my things.

No one needed to tell me that my days of being Thomas Parker were over. I needed to get out of town immediately, not only because there were two dead girls back at the unknown street club room but mainly because I was slowly losing my mind and control over myself.

I could feel Jordan fighting inside me. He wanted freedom. He wanted to feed and continue feeding. He wanted the old me back.

Lucky for me, Jona had taken me to one of the roughest clubs in the state where numbers of dead people accumulated each day. So, worrying about being caught wasn't my problem.

I took off the bright colored clothes I had on and wore my normal all-black attire which I had missed for a long while now.

Then, I threw away the blonde wig I had on and let loose my long ebony black shoulder length hair.

I also didn't forget to take off the green eye lens I had worn for years.

Then I stared at the mirror and I watched in fear of who I saw.

It wasn't Tom I saw in the reflection. It wasn't the responsible guy who had a Job, a best friend, a favorite cafeteria. Neither was it the guy who watched the morning news, attended the Protestant church every Sunday and gave money to charity every week.

It wasn't that guy, it was me… The old me. It was the guy who everyone feared and for good reasons.

It was Blade Ferguson, the most hated Alpha ever.

I carried a small backpack which had everything I needed and from the window, I left the apartment, leaving Thomas Parker behind and everything he had done and achieved in two years.

As I sat in the bus, I sighed loudly. I was going back home to meet my goddamn brother after what… Six years?

Although I would have loved to have never set my eyes on him again, I knew I needed his help and the thought of it ate me up inside.

"Home sweet home." I muttered.

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