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Ibrahima Thioye : Be my light and I'll be your shadow

Ibrahima Thioye : Be my light and I'll be your shadow



He was cold, cruel, broken, dark but especially guilty of countless atrocities, bathing in an ocean of blood. She was sweet, fragile, broken, innocent but mostly victim of almost everyone who had to cross her sad path. He was the feared chief of the Senegalese mafia. She was nothing more than one of the toys of a narcissist and crazy mafia. On the verge of madness he had just regained his light. In the wolf's mouth she thought herself doomed. He will desire peace. She will long for vengeance. He will thus become her shadow, darkness. She will become his light.

Chapter 1 Prologue (1 2)

Are you afraid of the reaper? Yes, probably.

He defies it every day.

Have you ever waltzed with death or considered doing so? No, I have not.

He waltzes with it every day.

Do you have human blood on your hands? No, surely not.

He bathes in its body and soul.

Do you fear the Devil, him, and his misdeeds? Yes, for sure.

He is feared by it.

Do you fear the occult and mystical forces? Yes, without a doubt.

He is feared by them and is untouchable.

Has hearing a person's name ever made you tremble with fear to your bones? No, probably not.

His name makes everyone tremble, from the oldest to the newborn babies.

And finally, have you ever wondered what the darkness would look like and what it would be called if it were human?

Whether you have asked yourself the question or not, there is only one answer: he, one of the most beautiful, the cruelest, known as the executioner of the country, the one because of whom the Devil no longer dresses in Prada, the one of whom the reaper is afraid, the one of whom death does not want, the man with a heart of stone and a cursed soul, the one nicknamed ''The Black Devil'', the executioner of Senegal: Ibrahima Thioye.

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