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Ocean Eyes

Ocean Eyes

MJ Lopez


Alvin, an eighteen year-old boy who lives in a little house at the foot of a forest have this peaceful life he don’t want. He wants distractions, some frustration. When the second semester started, Alvin met this Mr. Ocean eyes. Little did he know that Mr. Ocean Eyes is the man behind that distractions. And everything will be so cliché that he don’t want distractions anymore.

Chapter 1 I'm Broke

My brain is jamming with this erotic music that is playing on the radio right now. Love is a Bitch by Two Feet, I like it though. It makes me calm.

The rain is pouring outside the house.

Its been two days since this rain started, maybe there’s a typhoon or something going on up above the skies. i don’t usually watch news or either read it so I don’t have memories about everything going on.

“Ma, can I buy things for tomorrow?” The class for second semester will be tomorrow and I want to go buy some things.

“Get my bag,”ma washed her hands after doing the dishes and hurried up to their room. “I’ll be going with you. I will buy some foods for tomorrow too.”

Foods? We still have stocks. Some groceries from last week. Still plenty.

Ma, kissed Pa before entering the car

“Pa, We’re going, would you like me o buy some stuff?” I asked reaching my jacket at the back of the door. “some perfume will do. The usual one, i ran out of it.” He says while sipping canned beer.

I shut the door close and get in a coupe car parked in front of the house.

We only have a small house on the foot of a forest. A dining room and a kitchen on the first floor and two rooms on the second. Ma and Pa’s room, and mine. Also a small pool in the back of the house.

“Alvin,” she is getting something from her wallet. “here,”ma, handed me money. “I’m going to the market and i will wait for you there.”

I grab the money on Ma’s hand and put it inside my jacket. “ What time?” I asked looking straight forward to the wet road.

It’s Almost six pm and the road is slowly getting dark. I can feel the cold inside my jacket.

“Seven will be good.”

I stopped at a red light. Waiting for the car to cross the road. I turn on the radio hopefully it plays good music.

“That’s the new song right? Your favorite.” Ma talks.


I glanced at the dancing foot of Ma, I think she likes this music too. We are now listening to Shawn Mendez’s new song ‘When You’re Gone’

Green light appear above the road and I immediately stepped on the gas. The noise ruin the quality of the song but that doesn’t stop me from listening to my favorite song.

The lights from the supermarket’s name is so bright. You can clearly read it.

“Take care!” Ma shuts the door and I drove to the mall.

This mall is huge. It has this vast parking lot which i like. Usually, there’s so many people here every Friday night to watch live bands, FOR FREE!

I parked the car in a free space on the mall’s parking lot and run until the rain cannot touch me. I take a glance at my pocket with money and confidently head in.

While it’s still six, I headed to a vending machine and get my self some coffee.

So many choices but i chose the one that always caught my eyes. Dark.

I sip my dark coffee and headed into the book store where I usually buy my school supplies.

Blue, black, red, so many notebook choices but i chose the bluish-greenish thing. I don’t know its name. I think its aqua.

Pen, Black is perfect!

I grab some paper and go straight forward to the counter.

While carrying paper bag and coffee walking inside the mall with many people, I feel uneasy. I want to pee.

I immediately run to the men’s Comfort room and inside a cubicle. I put the things aside and start my business.

Yes, there’s a urinal outside, but i prefer here inside a cubicle. I don’t want to pee in just let’s say ‘public’ with so many people beside me. Yes, I’m a girly boy that’s why. But that doesn’t mean I’m a gay though. I still like men things. And hated some of the girl thing.

Indeed, I like boys but at the same time I like girls. I’m broke!

I don’t hesitate to go to a hand dryer to dry my hand. I immediately get a paper towel and go. I’m a little shy but not ‘introvert’

“Shit!” I forgot my things.

But after i turn back a big shoulder hit me and pin me down.

Ocean eyes. Yes, that’s what i see under a thick brows of this man on top of me. His long lashes got no chance to run, I’m attracted to it, IMMEDIATELY!

“I’m so sorry,” I heard. I look up to see this unknown man, now standing in front of me behind the mask. “It seems like you forgot your things.” He handed me the paper bag and a crushed coffee cup.

“Thanks.” I am still mesmerized to the view I saw earlier.

“You, okay?” He gives me his hands. Hesitating me grabbed his hands. I don’t even know what I’m doing. I’m broke.

“Yes I am. It’s just---” I Suddenly stopped talking when I realized where we are. So many eyes are watching.


I quickly walked out the scene and out the mall.

I slammed the door that got me shocked. “Shit! What I just did?” Now, I’m talking to my self. I’m real broke.

I tossed the things that i bought at the back seat and put the nearly broke coffee cup on a cup holder, started the engine and go.

While waiting for Ma outside the market, I grab my phone, open my Instagram and there i scroll until I forgot what happened.

“Shit the perfume!”

I quickly turn the keys of the car and drive back to the mall.

Maybe he’s not there anymore? I don’t know.

“Excuse me, Where’s your perfume?” Can’t find it so I asked a sales lady standing besides the soap section.

“ Hi sir! The perfume section are on that side.” She politely point the location.

There are so many varieties of perfume in here. There is men and women’s perfume. I admit I love Vanilla Scent even if it’s a woman’s perfume.

I grab a ‘Gentleman’ perfume and a ‘Vanilla Scent’ perfume.

“Two scents?”a voice coming from my back startled me. Kinda familiar.

“What do you prefer?” I turn around and see the Ocean eyes. Shit again, I’m mesmerized by it.

“U-erm, I prefer this” says I, showing the bottle of Vanilla Scent. He nod his head and I think he smiles. Shit, I’m really loving the ocean eyes.

“ Give me that.” what is he doing?

“W-why?” I hope he didn’t notice that.

“I’ll go check it out for you.”

“No thanks.”

What the hell am I doing?

“$ 9.78” the sales lady. I grab the money inside my pocket.

But when I handed out the money, this Mr. Ocean eyes have his hand on the cashier already “Thank you” his eyes smiled at the woman in front of us. Why am I so amazed with that blue eyes?

I didn’t stop him from what he’s doing. I don’t want to argue in front of people.

We silently go out and stop in front of the mall.

“You payed $10,” I started “ That’s for what?” i asked.

“For the coffee cup i smashed earlier?” hah! He sounds joke. Just for a coffee cup he will pay me 10 bucks? No way!

“Here,” I picked up his hands and handed him the money from my jacket. “Now, I don’t owe you anything okay?” I hate having debt to someone.

I glanced at his blue eyes watching my hands holding mine. Quickly, I took my hand from his hand and hide it under my jacket’s pockets when I realized what I’m doing.

“What’s your name?”

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