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Into the Devil's trap

Into the Devil's trap

Mimi S Hannah


New story Alert!!!🎉🎉🎉 🌕Into the Devil's Trap🔰 {She's Caged into a different world} By Bonojo Mimi Hannah🌼 Have you ever imagined being in a grocery store and within the twinkle of an eye everything changed and you found yourself in a different world entirely?? Nicole must have felt like that when at the last minute of death, she found herself in a different world. Caged ,Trapped and suddenly became a King's slave?? Let's go on a long tour....do you wanna find out how she ended up there?? Stay tuned. The main story is starting tomorrow💙💙 Mimi Hannah is here with a Banger....🎊🎊

Chapter 1 Her maltreatments

Episode one.

Nichole POV:

“Two packs of baby diapers, Three pack of tissues papers, Four new toothbrush! and just one toothpaste. Oh! I forgot to add Sanitary pads. ” Aunt Maggie listed everything as she bring out some cash put from her purse.

“Add one more....3 pack of cigrate and one bottle of liquor!.” Noel--Her husband said while he lit his cigrate.

Oh my! How do I remember all these?

What kind of life have I come? A wicked aunt and a drunkard uncle. Damn it!


“What do you want to say? You can't go or what??” She yelled cutting me off.

“No aunt but...it's pouring heavily out there, you don't expect me to go in the rain.” I said as I swallow hard staring at her scary face.

“How do that concern me? I have no business with that! You should go now, you hear me?!.” She yelled while her husband look at me smirking.

“Should I use the Umbrella aunt?" I asked but instead she scoffed

“I didn't buy the umbrella because of a Numbskull like you! Remember I gave birth to my own child...I bought the umbrella for her, you get that!.” She yelled as she pull me out.

I fight back the tears that wanna pour outta my eyes. No...Not now.

I ran out of the house standing under the rain ..even with the fact that she's my mom's immediate sister. Sometimes I find it hard to believe she's really my aunt!

I ran to the Gladys house, that place is safer than the beast my aunt Margareta is. I knock on her door and she opened immediately. Gladys is more like a friend to me.

“Am sorry to disturb you Gladys...my aunt sent me out” I said while she offered me to sit.

“I know...sorry about that dear ”She smiled handing me a cup of warm tea. I sip even though I haven't eaten since.

“You know, that your Aunt don't act like one at all! She's too wicked like how could she sent you out under the rain? For what reason exactly?” She muttered while I nod and smiled.

“Like I was told, Mom abandoned me right after she gave birth to me. Sometimes I keep wondering why my own mom leave me behind and let me suffer like this! Am just fed up!.” I said frustrated while Gladys move closer patting me on my shoulders.

“It's fine...it's OK. ” she consoled while the tears have been holding back came rushing down to my cheeks.

“ I should go now before Aunt start to look for me...you know what she's capable of doing and I want to take a look at Ken. He's not been picking my calls these days. ” I stood up as I make my way to the door.

“You and this Ken? Can you trust him?? Like, hope he's not like other men out there who's ready to f**k anything under skirt?.”She asked rolling her eyes. I pull her hand closer and smiled softly.

“See Gladys, Ken loves me and I trust my boyfriend..he wouldn't dare betray me like some men out there. I trust him more than anything! I confide in him so much...and I love Ken. I believe he would be the one to get me out from Margareta's threats.” I found myself blushing as I mention Ken's name.

“Okay...I hope so, I just want the best for you dear.” She said while I nod and with that I walked out of her apartment. The rain has stopped so I made my way to Ken's house.




I reached Ken's apartment and there I met his Motorcycle outside. Thank goodness! He's around...I was about calling him but an idea pop into my brain. I should appear to him like a surprise!

I miss my boo so much. I climb up the stairs that led to his room. I beamed happily as I nervously knocked on his door.

I knock but no response...Is he sleeping? I look at flower vase beside his apartment...there I found a spare key.

Just in case you don't know, I know every thing about my boo. I use the key to open the door....

Huh? What? Scattered clothes all around and it's definitely not Ken's clothes!---- Bra??! What the hell is going on here?!

I started hearing moans...what on earth is going here?... My heart started pounding and I was beginning to get wrong ideas...Yeah, wrong ideas!

I shake my head repeatedly. Ken wouldn't do that to me...he wouldn't do that to me. I ran towards his room and there the moans grew louder and instantly without any further ado, I opened the door.

No?...no! No!!!! Ken's is cheating??

“Ken!!” I screamed and immediately the both of them flinch getting off the bed.

“Nicole...I can---.”He tried coming close to me but I landed a slap on his face.

“How dare you do this! How dare you have S*x with a cheap whore! You're a bloody ingrate! I hate you!” I yelled while I sob softly.

My heart broken and shattered...I trusted him so much...why?

“Nichole...please ” He tried touching me.

“Don't you dare touch me! If you don't want me to do what you will regret!.” I pointed my fingers at him. He was looking like the bastard he was.

I walked out of his room sad, angered and broken. Fuvk love! Fuvk that stupid love!

“Nicole! Nicole! Nicole!.”I heard that bastard calling but I was fast to run downstairs.

Then, the rain started dropping...once, twice till it became heavy but right now I don't care about the rain.

I cried in the rain...I walked like a mad person inside the rain. My tears joined the rain to dropped. Lonely I walked along the street.

To be continued.

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