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My Mrs Ruthless Mafia

My Mrs Ruthless Mafia



He is arrogant, ruthless, handsome and a billionaire which sometimes gets to his head. Just from a One night stand to a story filled with love, patience and acceptance. Will Eva ever learn to fully accept Maroon the way he is?

Chapter 1 Plane ride

I hate planes, I really really do hate riding planes but I've got no choice. As I made my way into the plane compartment, I had my heart in my mouth but also I had to steady my breathing as it got heavier.

"This way ma'am" A hostess led me to my designated seat.

"Oh no I can't seat here I've got plane frights" I said moving away from the seat she led me to.

"You don't want to sit near the window?, Oh okay ma'am follow me" she says surprised but led me into another space in the plane.

We walked for a bit before the pilot announced the plane's department time.

"Unfortunately ma'am there's no other seat space should we go back to your original seat?" She asked Looking at me intently

"Oh no I really really can't seat there I might have an episode if i do" I said shaking my head a little

"Okay I understand let's try one more time over the private area" she said walking up to a door that read PRIVATE.

We walked into the space and had eyes glaring at us immediately.

"Am sorry you can't be in here, it's a private space" one of the men says

"Well am sorry, she can't seat at her original seat near the window because she has plane frights" the hostess explained while I tried my best not to have an eye contact with a man sitting at a corner with a very calm feature.

"No she can't-

"It's alright- let her sit here" immediately the man said this we locked eyes and he nodded just then an announcement came from the pilot again making the hostess to squriy away.

I sat opposite the man and I can't help but steal a few glances at him, he appeared to be calm but he was clearly been disturbed by something because he kept frowning.

*Fasten your seatbelts we're about to take off*

I heard that and closed my eyes tightly trying to embrace the plane while it shook as it takes off. I covered my mouth with my right hand and my other hand gripping the seat's arm as I tried to think of good and happy thoughts. The plane shook more heavily as I held on to my seats arm tightly but weirdly the seat's arm felt like it was holding me back, I didn't really think much off it because it appeared to calm me down and just like that the plane stables as the pilot made another announcement but I wasn't paying attention to listen.

I peek at my surroundings to see eyes on me again, I lowered my eyes to my hands to see it holding the man opposite mine tightly. I immediately let go making him to the Same smiling at me.

"Am so sorry, i-

"It's okay- we both needed it" he says smiling. I glanced back down to his strong arm to see that I had left a bruise, I felt bad instantly

"Am so sorry for this, please can I treat it?"

"You can't really do anything to it and don't worry about it it's just a little bruising nothing much" he said closing his eyes and adjusted to lay back his head.

I couldn't just let it be so I brought out a bandage I usually carry around with me just incase. I took out a bandage tape and it had a hello kitty design on it but I didn't mind, I held it above his hand then taped it

"It's not much but it's my way of saying thanks at least" I said when I felt his eyes on me. I looked up and smiled but he looked at me intently with a smile in his eyes but didn't say a word as he layed back closing his eyes. I took that as my cue to keep quiet as I've done enough already, I layed back too and closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

"Ma'am we've landed and we are currently leaving the plane, how are you feeling?" The same hostess woke me up to ask. I stood up from my seat but fell right back- head spinning so fast that I passed out.

I was woken up by a disturbing beeping sound, I opened my eyes slowly to see a doctor and a nurse looking down at me.

I was fully aware of where I was so a sat up and cleared my throat before collecting the glass of water the nurse gave to me.

"How are you feeling now miss" the doctor asked moving closer to Pat my back

"I feel okay actually what happened?" I asked sighing

"You fainted, and am suspecting that you haven't eaten at all today right?" He asked looking at me intently before the nurse scribbled on her note pad .

"Well yeah I was planning to do so as soon as I get home" I said standing up already feeling sick of the place

"Okay miss but let the nurse take you to your car, you still need rest" he said adjusting his Glasses before leaving the room. I sighed looking at the Nurse who smiled at me

"Please sit on this wheel chair so I can take you" she said motioning for me to sit which I did.

As she moved me around I looked around at the hospital until my eye caught a familiar face coming at the opposite direction, as we crossed paths I figured that the man had to be a very important persons for him to have two heavily built body guards following him. Our eyes met as I felt a little zing at the depth of my abdomen.

He stopped in front of my wheel chair then bent down so we could speak face to face.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked

"Am feeling quite well now, you did this right?" I asked as soon as it dawned on me that this was all his doing. He looked at me smirking then brought out his business card

"That's my business card, I'll be patiently waiting on your call" he said before standing up to his feet, he glanced at me one last time then left. Before he passed right by me I looked at his bruised arm to see that he still had my hello kitty bandage on it "cute" I thought as my nurse took me out of the hospital.

My driver and luggage was already waiting on me outside, I stood up, tipped the nurse then entered my car.

"Anything I should be worried about miss?" Alfred my personal driver asked

"Oh no Al nothing at all" I said rubbing my forehead trying to clear the handsome man's face from my head

"How was your vacation to Paris?" He asked Looking at me from the head mirror

"It was perfect, merci" I said before Chuckling which he followed suit.

Alfred has always been like a big brother figure to me even if he's 10 years older than me I'd still see him as a big brother. I knew him since I was 5 years old and now am 25 nothing has changed he has always treated me the same, he's father had worked for my father and now he's working for me as my personal driver.

"How's mom and dad?" I asked looking out at my window

"They're fine, they told me to inform you that they'll be gone for two days so you have the mansion to yourself Eva" he says sounding all serious

"Okayy that means I can party all night" I teased bouncing up and down

"Careful miss Eva, and also they said no parties" he said smiling knowing he had killed my fun.

"Okay I won't argue because that's was what Paris was about, I had so much fun that I'd love in my room for a week" I said laying down and closing my eyes. Alfred didn't bother saying anything which I was thankful he didn't, so I closed my eyes as my mind drifted off to the handsome man I met on the plane.

He was everything a woman could ask for tall, built, and handsome he looked like a special kind of God created his handsomeness.

I turned and turned as I remembered the way he looked at me and the way his hands held mine tightly when the plane was taking off, I felt so tight but at the same time so gentle. I sat up then opens up my purse and took out the business card he gave me. It read "Mr Ruthless" on it which I found weird but I stored it in my phone with the same name on the card.

"We're here miss Eva" Alfred said making me look out to see the familiar mansion I grew up in.

I alighted from the car and maids rushed to me so I'm holding an umbrella for me to get in while others rushed over to the car to pick up my stuff. I dismissed the ones with the umbrella as I quickly made my way to my room.

All this luxurious living lifestyle was what I was more than familiar with but sometimes my parents over do it that it gets under my skin. I got into my room and took a long hot shower calming all my nerves, after my bath I called on my assistant maid to serve me tea which she did.

"How was the trip ma'am?" She asked as she poured me a cup of tea before serving the biscuits

"Oh it was marvelous I enjoyed myself I really did" I said before taking a sip

"Oh how delightful, and am glad you did" she says standing up straight looking at me

"Do you know when mum and dad would return I heard they went out and they will be gone for some days?" I asked standing up and moving to my room's balcony

"They told us the same thing nobody knows when they will be back but I guess it will be for just 3 days" she said thinking back to what seems she over heard

"Okay Alissa thanks a lot" I said coming back to the room to sit on the bed

"What would you like to wear miss?" She said making her way to open my closet before looking back at me. I was in no mood to wear big gowns as it is so I chose a light dress

"Just a light dress would do and I don't mind the colour just surprise me" I said Chuckling before taking up my phone to check what was up on social media. In all honesty it wasn't easy been the princess of the state mostly with parents like mine because they go all out with their luxury and power but one thing I loved about my parents was their kindness and generosity. I mean they were the king and queen after all. I Still wondered what they had to do that was so urgent that they left before I arrived, anyways I was still glad they had left me alone at least I'll be on my own for three days.

"Miss? This would do" Alissa said making me look up at her. She was holding up a mini dress which made me smile broadly because she had really surprised me.

"Well done Alissa, give it here" I then collected it from her to change. The dress was soft and smooth which I loved, I looked at myself in my standing mirror loving my appearance before during a little twirl and giggling.

"Am glad you like it miss" she said moving to sit on a chair in my room

"Yes I do, thanks for this" I said before moving to style my hair

"Miss have you had anything to eat today?" She asked sounding a bit worried

"Just the tea but am quite hungry now, I'll like to take cheesecake please" I said before finishing up the styling

"On it kiss I'll be right back" she said hurrying away downstairs to get me the cheesecake.

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