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Secretly Married To A Billionaire

Secretly Married To A Billionaire



Yannie's memory loss as a result of a car accident has allowed her to become especially close to Raegan Brent Ruiz, the only son of one of society's most powerful and respected men. Yannie agrees to stay at Raegan's mansion because she has no recollection of her true identity. Yannie accepted the young man's offer to be his personal assistant in exchange for allowing her to stay at Raegan's house. But she did not expect that being his personal assistant would be the reason for her to fall in love with her boss. Even though she tried to keep her feelings for her billionaire boss in control, she couldn't, especially when Raegan admitted that he is also interested in her. She let herself be entirely captivated by the young man. Her weakness will always be her billionaire boss' passionate kiss. Yannie would not cut the connection between them until she discovers Raegan's dark secret. Why would she want to continue what they had started if... If Raegan Brent Ruiz is already married?

Chapter 1 Unfamiliar


Yannie's POV

"Aunt Cora, I will take care of that. Go downstairs so that you can now have your lunch. Besides, I don't have anything else to do. I'll take care of it now."

I'll just finish what I'm doing, Arya. These medicines should be in the proper cabinet if we want Señorito not to get mad. You know that young man, he is very organized. He doesn't want these things to be scattered on the table, especially since these are medicine. It would be better to fix them before Señorito arrives because he might be the one to notice the clutter when it happens."

I woke up because of the noisy conversation of two people who were not familiar to me. Based on their voices, I guessed they were both women, but I had no idea who they were because I hadn't opened my eyes yet. I feel pain in my head so I pretend I'm still sleeping so that the headache I feel might not get worse.

I just kept my eyes closed while listening to the two of them talking. I also have no choice, but to just listen silently.

I heard that someone pulled a chair. "She's been unconscious for almost a week. Since she was brought home, her condition doesn't seem to be improving. In your guess, Aunt Cora, when will she wake up?"

I had no idea what they were talking about, but it piqued my interest to listen more secretly.

I can't quite imagine that I am the one they are talking about.

"I don't know! Seriously? I'm the one you're gonna ask? I'm not a fortune teller that I can make a prediction for someone. If Doctor Guttierez can't tell the exact day she will wake up, then expect that I couldn't answer it, too. I didn't study medicine in the first place, Arya."

"You are so serious, Aunt!" I heard one of them laugh. "I am just asking when you think she will wake up, I didn't say that the day you will give me should be exact and accurate." She laughed. "She's already full of sleep, maybe when she wakes up, she will be awake for a week. But I'm hoping that everything will be okay. Even if we don't know what really happened to her, we still can't help, but to worry about her."

"That is also what I am praying for, that she will be okay. If she wakes up, we can be assured that her condition is now good and we have nothing to worry about anymore."

After that, silence prevailed between the two of them.

I feel like the two women are still near me because I can still hear the sound of the thing they are fixing. I guess that's what they said earlier that it should have been arranged before the Señorito they were referring to arrived.

I became curious about who Señorito was. In the words they used, I'm sure that they obviously respect that person and seem to be in a higher position compared to the two who were talking earlier.

I wanted to know who these two were, so even though my forehead was still hurting, I still tried to slowly open my two eyes. As soon as I woke up, my head hurt again.

What happened to my forehead and why does it hurt? Did my head hit something hard? Did I get a lump?

When I finally opened my eyes, I was exposed to the dark brown ceiling. I think it is made of wood. It was clean and the materials used for that ceiling were obviously expensive. It even shines with its super cleanliness. There is no stain or any streak there. It is even more beautiful than a cement ceiling plastered with paint.

After criticizing the ceiling, I glanced around.

A spacious bedroom.

I was even more amazed throughout this room. All the equipment here is very organized, it is obviously expensive. I don't even know if it is a bedroom or it is already a whole house because it is almost fully equipped inside. There was a living room set in the bedroom and I even saw a large refrigerator there, a mini kitchen inside the room.

I tried to remember which room it was but I really had no idea. It was surprising because nothing came to my mind.

It's just blank.

It is not really familiar to me where I am right now. I also don't know what I am doing here. I don't know where I am!

I continued to observe my surroundings.

Next to me was a hanging dextrose. I followed its tube-like shape and was surprised to see that it pointed at my hand. I have a bandage on my hand where it is pointed. Just like what I felt in my head, I also felt my hand ache.

I don't know why I am lying in bed now and there's even dextrose injected into me. I also fvcking don't know where this place is!

What happened?

I tried to remember what was happening now but I didn't remember anything. I can't explain why. I am trying to remember, but nothing really pops up in my mind.

What's the meaning of this? Have all my memories been reset? It's so impossible!

My head hurt more because I tried again to remember what really happened to me. I tried to recall how many times, but ended up nothing.

When my sight was drawn to the woman who appeared abruptly near my bed, I became mentally distracted. She caught my attention and I also took advantage of it to stare into her face.

She was probably one of those I heard discussing earlier, if I'm not mistaken.

Her eyes widened and her lips parted as our eyes met. She did not move immediately and blinked twice more and seemed to be making sure that what she saw was correct.

"Oh my Goodness! As in O.M.G! Is it really true what I'm seeing now? I am not dreaming, right?" She shouted loudly while covering her mouth. There was a hint of shock in her voice.

I heard something fall to the floor. That's where my attention now went. I followed the source of the object that fell and discovered an elderly woman.

They were the people I had previously overheard conversing. They are the only two people here with me, there is no one else.

"What's that, Arya? Why are you shouting, huh? You knew that you had an old woman with you. When I have a heart attack out of panic, I tell you, I am really going to haunt you. You, young lady!"

"Aunt Cora..." she uttered the name of the old woman. Her stare remained fixed on me.

The old woman could no longer bear to get up from sitting on the sofa. She looked where the young girl was looking. She looked in my direction.

She also covered her mouth when she saw me and just like a woman next to her, her reaction was also shocking.

"My prayer has been heard. Thank our kind-hearted God!" She even did a sign of the cross and almost tearfully looked back at me.

The old woman acted awkwardly as she approached the bed where I was laying.

She immediately grabbed my hand to her great delight.

Her full attention was on my whole body. It seems like she's examining me with every look she throws at me.

When she was satisfied in observing me, she turned to the lady she's talking with a while ago. The girl was still unable to leave her position. She didn't even move and she seemed to be stuck there.

"Arya, call Doctor Gutierrez now! Let him know that she's finally awake," the old woman ordered.

They are so worried at the same time, they are panicking and don't know what to do.

Wait, where am I?

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