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Adien Riqueza life was perfect and everyone knew that. Was that enough reason to want him dead?. Being new to town, Lelia never expected herself to get involved with the town's most wealthiest and mysterious family but here she was, kissing their son to find who wanted him dead.


Smooth jazz played from the radio in Aiden Giacomo's car, filling the air with gentle sounds as he smoked. Aiden couldn't feel anything, from his fingers holding the vaping stick to his heading bopping gently to the music, he smiled, basking in the ecstasy of the moment. He sighed as his phone rang again, disrupting the moment and slightly bringing him back to reality.

The flash of lighting brought his attention to the gloomy weather and the nearly emptied school parking lot. Dragging his fingers through his hair he continued looking for the phone he had tossed away. Aiden before finding the phone under the seat could tell which name was flashing on his phone and could see the headache that was coming as he answers the call.

"You have Zack's Pizza place on the phone, how may we help you?" He smiled at the silence that followed.

"Where are you?" Came the cold voice from the other line. Adien using his blurred vision checked his watch knowing the man on the other line was about to loose his shit.

" You know what the time it is? " Adien asked flinching from the loud thunder sound.

"This is no time for games where are you.." the voice sounded angry and it made Adien laugh. He looked out his car window as the rain fell harder wondering if he could cut the call and sleep with the sounds of rain hitting his car.

"....Are you even listening to me?"

"No" He responded quickly earning a sigh from the other side.

".....Are you smoking again?" Adien gulped facing the window once more. None of them spoke as the rain kept on falling. "Where are you?"

"Am sure you know that already " He answered proceeding to clear his car of things he was prohibited from having. "How many minutes before your men get here? " Adien asked hiding his vape tube while trying to swallow his pills.

"You know we're just doing this for your own good nothing....:

"How long?" He was tired of hearing for "His Own Good" speech.

" In about ten minutes...don't move!"

" Am not high enough for another speed race around Windsor...nearly got my driver's license taken" He mumbled with a pout as he relaxed in his sit looking at the roof.

"How was your first day back in school?" The voice shocked him as he realised the call was still on.

"Shit!" He cursed and glared at the phone on his headboard. " Cut the call Jeremy" He said still glaring at the phone.

"Just making sure you don't go anywhere..."

"You bloody..." the call being cut before Adien could finish. He stared at the phone In his hands now, scoffed with a smile and threw it back on the headboard. Once more watching the rain fall without mercy.

With the now silent car and rain sounds, Adien could finally think. Getting lost in his thought was something that scared him as he prayed for the sleeping pills he just took to work faster. He sighed as he felt the pills doing it's work and waited for sleep to invade him.

In that glorious moment before sleep took him, something bright outside cut his attention. Forcing his eyes open he took another look and there it was. A bright pink umbrella stood a few feet away from car in the raging rain.

"What the shit is that?" He slurred as he pushed his car door open stumbling to the wet ground under the rain. He shivered struggling to stand as the pills were dragging him to sleep. He walked towards the umbrella on shaking legs, ignoring the rain the soaked him.

He brain sending warning signals to him as he kept on waking towards the alluring pink umbrella. He walked like in a trance towards what he couldn't tell was his imagination or real life.

Getting closer he heard a sound, more like a sniffle from under the umbrella. He stopped then, someone was crying under there and it was rude to invade. Adien didn't want to see tears today. He turned towards the direction of his car to walk back but the wail that came from the umbrella stopped him once more.

He gulped, closing his eyes to the pain he heard from the wail. He sighed, licking his wet cold lips as his legs felt too weak. He turned towards the umbrella, confused, as he walked towards it.

He could recognise his school's uniform as he got closer. Going under the umbrella, the shocked expression of the crying girl made him smile before he felt his body go numb, he knew the drugs had finally kicked in. Not wanting to black out without saying anything, he spoke

" Catch me...don't let me fall..." then he fell into the shocked girl's arm. He couldn't understand what was happening, after he fell, he heard someone yelling as rain fell on his face. He tried to force himself awake but finally gave in to the darkness...the darkness offering him rest.


Letting go off her umbrella, Lelia fell with the stranger in her arms. Looking at him as she waited for the shock of the situation to wear off , she grabbed her umbrella to shield them from the rain once more.

" Please tell me you're just sleeping " she said sniffling as she tried to control the tears which were falling freely before. With one hand she stroked his wet hair as the umbrella could barely cover them both, when this earned a groan from the strange boy she sighed with relief....he wasn't dead.

" Thought I was the only one in school by now" She said softly to the boy on her lap stroking his hair as the harsh rain turned softer. She swallowed as she felt tears coming back up. "I'm sorry I didn't catch you....I really did try to" she sobbed, squeezing the stranger as she cried , seeking comfort from the boy that had come to check on her.....ignoring the fact that men in suites where heading straight for her.

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