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Wasn’t Part of the Plan

Wasn’t Part of the Plan



When Gianna Emerson best friend gets dumped by her boyfriend; Gianna is determined to make him go through the same pain and hurt he made her best friend go through. Get close to him, make him fall in love with her and then mercilessly dump him. It was the most perfect and flawless plan except that it didn’t involve Gianna falling helplessly in love with him. What’s more, her Favourite rule of friend is “though shall not fall in love with your friend’s ex”

Chapter 1 The Beginning

In the present day an era it was particularly hard to find a person or people one could actually call a friend. With the generation wannabe cold blooded hormonal teenagers wanting true honest relationships but never wanting to put the efforts into being an actual friend themselves. It was almost laughable.

That was the thing with the human mind and its greed; never giving anything but wanting the whole world in return. But they were rarest occasions where things that could only ever be seen once in a gorgeous sapphire blue moon, were real people wanting to put in that work an effort into being a friend and loving you for everything that you are or seemed to be and wanting to grow old with you.

It was an unexplainable thing to have such a person; its rarity was well known by Gianna Emerson after all she'd had her own far share of brittle relationships right from a tender age and going further friends that never stuck by you. It was more accurate to say she had never really had real friends in her past.

But, come spring two years ago she had met Becky Waters and for the first time she could actually call someone her best friend. It was light the light at the end of a dark dreary tunnel or rain after years of famine; a miracle she had never hoped would be hers.

Now, what would do you on receiving an SOS call from your only ever best friend, your other half, the person you're supposed to grow old and die with matching be-jeweled grave stones; worse case she's balling her eyes out over the phone. The answer was simple for Gianna: you grab a shovel and a body bag and cycle all the way to your best friend's house by 9pm, you also needed to well versed in the art of burying a human corpse prior of course, luckily she had read up on that months ago.

It was important to understand the assignment. She had somehow successfully secured the shovel to her bike and the body bag had been folded perfectly and tied tightly to her seat before she took off in the night. The street lights illuminated the dark streets making every cranny visible and after taking a turn down a familiar path, she pulled up at her house, parking her bike by the fence.

She quietly jumped over it, with much skill. She had been jumping fences for two years now, it would have been weird if she hadn't have gotten used to it at some point. Soon she was climbing up to her window obviously avoiding the front door. The large glass windows were already open so it was much more easy to climb in; pulling herself with the upper body strength she had developed with consistent visits to the gym and morning press ups in her room before going to school.

She was immediately greeted by the bright pastel pink walls with tiny lights hanging over each corner of the room; pictures holding various fond memories were plastered on the wall, the one adjacent to it holding a life sized picture of Harry styles wearing a rainbow colored suit; more girly aesthetics on another wall and just above her large princess bed was her name ‘Becky’ designed with lights.

On many occasions she had observed that the room itself resembled the owner, and secretly she had envied it, wishing she could have something like that for herself too; not the pink though, but being able to make the room hers. She shook the thoughts out of her mind; forget the room, she was there for a reason.

Atop the large princess bed was a lump beneath the thick duvet. She moved closer to it hearing soft sobs that immediately broke her heart and reinforced the rage with in her.

"Bee?” She called softly, sitting at the edge of the bed that had immediately sunken in. Her bed had always been extremely soft, she had wondered how she had never gotten joint pains from sleeping on it. It sucked you in forcing you to lay in a very uncomfortable position all through the night.

She had preferred harder bed herself, loving the stability it gave. The lump suddenly moved swiftly. She pulled the covers and was jumping onto Gianna with enough force causing them to topple over and land on the carpet floors beneath them.

Becky sobbed out, louder now that her friend was here, holding her in a bear tight grip despite her slender arms. Gianna, initially startled, patted gently on her bouncy strawberry blonde hair.

"It's okay Bee, I'm here.”



Becky sniffled rubbing her tears on her black shirt then looked up to her. Her baby blue orbs glistened despite the tears, the rim of her eyes was puffy and red from crying. The whole site tugged on Gianna's heart tighter.

"What happened? Who do I need to bury? I got a shovel and a body bag ready for them.”

"Be serious Gianna, I'm not in the mood for joking.” She pouted her lips, slowing pulling away from the hug to rub on her puffy eyes.

"Do I look like I'm joking? If you want to see the shovel just look outside your window, I'm dead serious.”

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