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The Billionaire Alpha's Mate

The Billionaire Alpha's Mate

Joy Sparks


"Please, just take a look at her, if you don't want to do this for the company's sake, at least do it for my dying daughter." "I'm sorry but nothing can change my mind, I already said that I'm not going to-" Before he could complete his speech, his nostrils were flooded with the most pleasant scent he had ever smelt and the amazing scent seemed to be coming from the sick girl on the hospital bed. After his first shift which wasn't a full shift, Colton's struggling with himself and his inner demons when he has to go to America to take over his mother's company that is currently being mismanaged. The desire to make his imprint on the sands of time and to show his parents that he can be a leader drives him to take the job but before he can rejoice, he find out that to take charge of the company, he will have to marry one of the blackwood sisters, the children of the man who mismanaged the company. He objects of course but when he meets the dying beauty, he has no choice but to agree, it is agreed that he will marry Jessie since she's the eldest of the two and is unmarried but the youngest sister has already caught his eye and heart. Torn between his heart and his mind, what do you think he will choose, will he pick love and damn the consequences or will he save his mother's company? And what if one of the sisters is his destined mate.

Chapter 1 Prologue

"This is amazing, Kevin, all the things we've accomplished." Jane beamed at the man before her.

He was the man of her dreams, everything she wanted in a man but she never dared to voice out her feelings.

"Yes, Jane, we should celebrate after signing the contract." He smiled at her.

"Of course." She looked away from him and swallowed.

Today was the day, today was the day she would finally confess her feelings and she hoped that he felt the same for her.

She'd known Kevin since her first day in college and they had both been fascinated with the technology in relation to business.

They had talked about their ideas for a startup company for years and finally, their dream was coming to reality.

They had both co-founder Kingdom group of companies, Jane had fifty percent shares and Kevin also had fifty percent shares.

"Did you or your lawyer want to go through the contract first?" Jane asked Kevin and he shook his head.

"I trust you, Jane, and I already know that everything you put there is fair and right." He placed his hands on her shoulders and smiled.

"Of course but I think you should go through it first or at least the buy-out clause." She adjusted the glasses on her nose.

"Okay sure." He picked up the contract and skimmed through it. "I think this is fine." He responded and turned the document to the end where he would sign.

"Ah yes, I mean did you have any issues with-" She hid her face as she blushed.

"Jane, you worry too much, it's okay, everything is fine now, all we have to do now is celebrate." Kevin smiled at her as he picked up his pen and signed the document.

He passed it over to her and she signed without hesitation.

"There, done, we've done it." Jane beamed and then she could not help herself, she launched into Kevin's arms and held onto him tightly.

"Sally," Jane yelled, still holding on tightly to Kevin.

Kevin chuckled and hugged her back, they were both very excited about the signing.

"Yes, Ma," Sally responded almost immediately, she was Jane's assistant.

"Get us a bottle of champagne and two glasses," Jane ordered.

"Three glasses." Kevin corrected.

"Three?" Jane looked around confused.

"Yes, three." Kevin pulled away from her and smiled. "I want you to meet someone." He said and walked to the door.

"Oh?" Jane gasped softly and Sally left the room to get the champagne and glasses.

Jane had hoped that it would be only the both of them and after the toast, she would have confessed her feelings, she'd planned on drinking a few glasses so that if her confession did not go well, she could blame it on the alcohol.

"I want you to meet Naya, my fiance." Kevin walked back into the room with a stunning woman and Jane looked at him in shock.

"F-Fiancee." Jane's voice broke as she stared at the woman, she felt a stabbing pain in her chest as her heart broke. "I-i didn't know you were planning on getting married."

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you." Kevin beamed at her holding the woman by the waist and she nodded slowly, swallowing back her tears, she gave him a tight smile.

"Hi, there, I'm Jane, nice to meet you." She rushed over to Naya and introduced herself.

"Oh, you're the little friend." Naya looked her up and down and muttered with disdain on her face.

"What?" Jane was taken aback by her rudeness.

Naya was a stunning woman, she looked like she had just come back from a vogue magazine shoot.

"Um, no, that's not what she means." Kevin intervened immediately and frowned at Naya. "She's my best friend." He said and Jane felt another stabbing pain.

She did not know which hurt more, the way Naya addressed her or Kevin calling her his best friend.

She should have known she'd been in love with him since their college days but he'd always seen her as his nerdy best friend.

She never saw him with another woman so she'd always nurtured the fantasy that they were going to be together one day but now her hopes were dashed and her heart was beyond broken.

The saddest thing was she had to pretend like she wasn't hurt.

"Yeah, um it's really nice to meet you, Naya, congratulations to the two of you." Jane croaked out as she picked her things, she could no longer endure the pain and she had to leave before the tears began to pour out.

"Wait, are you leaving, what about the champagne." Kevin tried to stop her.

"No, it's alright, I just realized that I had something to do at home, you two enjoy the champagne." She lied and quickly shoved past Kevin.


"Let her go, Kev, how could such a person be your friend, she's so ordinary."

Jane rushed out of the office and she made a beeline for the elevator.

"Ma, I have the champagne here." Sally tried to stop her but she avoided her and closed the elevator immediately.

The minute the elevator door closed Jane burst into tears, she was very sad and her heart was broken, even before she could confess her feelings she had already lost him forever.

She rushed out of the building and hailed a taxi, she got in and tried to wipe her eyes.

"Where to miss?" The driver asked her.

"The boutique." She said and looked outside of the window.

She was so sad and her self esteem was bruised, she needed a self-esteem boost, Naya had said she was ordinary and she'd been called basic all her life, perhaps because she didn't bother about makeup, her hair was always neatly packed in a tight bun behind her head and she always wore sweaters and plain skirts or pants.

"Thank you." She paid her fare and got out of the taxi in front of a large beauty store.

She glanced at her reflection in the store glass and she felt ugly, her skin looked blotched and reddened and her eyes were swollen from crying so much.

"Hi dear, how may I help you." The store owner smiled at her as she entered the store, if the woman noticed the look on her face, she did not show it.

"Make me beautiful, please." Jane sniffed.

"Oh, Gina, Terri, come here, our customer wants a makeover." The woman beamed and pulled Jane closer to her. "Oh wipe those tears sweetie, we'll make you so pretty you'll be turning heads wherever you go."

Jane truly doubted that but she agreed with the woman and wiped off her tears.


"We're all done, why don't you look at yourself in the mirror." The woman who Jane had found out was called Sage, said.

"Yeah, Hun, you look spectacular." The other women, Gina and Terri urged her.

Jane felt better than she did before while getting the makeover but she was very hesitant to look at herself in the mirror.

"What is this magic?" She gasped as she looked at her reflection, stunned. "Is this me?" She asked and touched her face for clarification.

"Yes, Hun, it's you and you're very beautiful." Sage stood behind her and lifted her chin. "No one deserves your tears, Hun, no one is worth it."

Jane continued to look at her reflection in the mirror transfixed. She'd never been able to say this before but somehow she was able to say it now.

"I'm beautiful."

She had a sparkling blue sequin mini gown, she'd never seen so much of her cleavage out before, the dress molded against her body, and Jane was shocked at how sexy she looked, she did not even know that she had such curves.

She had wide hips, a round ass, and a small waist, her black hair curled around her shoulders till they reached her waist, she had on clear contacts instead of her regular glasses and they made her eyes pop.

"You know what I think we should do?" Gina asked.

"What?" Jane asked, smiling at her reflection.

"We should go to the club." She said and all the other women squealed in agreement.

"Yeah, I've closed for the day anyway." Sage nodded.

"The club?" Jane wanted to frown, it was not really her scene but she didn't have anywhere else to go and she was too beautiful to go back home and cry herself to sleep.

She even looked more beautiful than Naya, she only wished Kevin could see her like this.


"Sure, let's go " she agreed and they rushed out of the shop, hailed a taxi, and left for a club.

Jane almost regretted going to the club, it was too loud and she hated the disco lights, it hurt her eyes and the smell of alcohol in the air nauseated her but she loved the look everyone was giving her, the guys wanted her and the girls were envious of her and they wished they were her.

She'd never been looked at like that before.

"I'm going to the bar, I need some water." She told the three women who were already close to getting wasted.

"Yeah, sure, fine." They told her and she laughed before leaving.

The club was not so bad and neither was alcohol she decided as she realized that she hadn't thought of Kevin in the hours she'd left the office.

"The gentleman over there sent this to you." The bartender passed her a drink and she chuckled.

"What is it?" She asked, looking at the red-looking drink.

"Sangria." Someone replied behind her and she turned to see the gentleman who sent her the drink behind her.

"Sangria." She repeated and he nodded.

"Beautiful drink for a beautiful lady." He said and she blushed slightly.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." She said and she realized that she wasn't just saying that, the man in front of her looked very handsome and tall, she could see the outline of his muscles through his shirt and it made her warm inside.

"What's a woman like you doing in a place like this?" He asked, taking a seat beside her and she frowned, her insecurities showing up.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked, feeling offended.

"Nah, don't take it that way, you just strike me as someone who doesn't frequent this kind of establishment." The man said and showed off his pearly white teeth.

"Yeah, actually I don't." Jane sighed and took a sip of her drink.

"I could tell." The man smiled.

Jane kept drinking with the stranger till she couldn't stop herself and she began to tell him all about Kevin and Naya, then she was sure she cried but somehow she ended up in bed with the stranger that night.


Jane woke up feeling very sore, she had a bad headache and she was very sensitive to the light.

The minute she felt a large muscular hand on her waist, she knew something wasn't right, she opened her eyes immediately and sat up in bed abruptly.

The action caused the man to wake up and he sat up instantly.

"What did you do to me?" Jane cried, she could not believe that she'd ended up in bed with a stranger, she could barely even recollect his name.

She wrapped the blanket around her naked body and bit her lips sadly as tears poured down her eyes. She was a virgin, or at least she'd been a virgin before last night.

"I don't want to be sorry." The man said and she looked at him angrily. "I know this isn't what you would have wanted but there was no stopping you last night, I would have had better control if I'd known that you were a virgin, I thought this was what you wanted."

"So you're saying it's my fault."

"No, I'm saying that we shouldn't fault each other, just let me take responsibility."


"Marry me and come with me to Mexico."

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The Billionaire Alpha's Mate

Chapter 1 Prologue
