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What can you say to a woman who is blindly in love? What truth can you say to a woman who is deep into love? Nadir, the only daughter of Alpha Damien and Luna Adrianna was blinded by love or maybe lust that she could not see the impeding danger that lied ahead of her. On the day of her coronation, her father was killed and few days after, her mother was killed.  She had no one to turn to but her mate and sacrificing all he had, he helped her get out of her problems. But what happens when she realizes the dark world her 'mate' lived in? For love, will she be able to sacrifice her all for him too?

Chapter 1 Episode 1


One could start by staring at the loud cheers of the pack members, or the hot-headed heat of the sun. One could also start with the cling of swords and helmets but Nadir didn't care for all of them. Today was the day that she would be crowned Luna of her father's pack; the Red moon pack. She turned around to stare at her father, who had an expressionless face.

Nadir wasn't surprised seeing the countenance of her father, Alpha Damien was one of the toughest men to have ever ruled the red moon pack, being her father, has been stressful with lots of training.

Her father was of the school of thought that a good leader could exemplify his words by his action. Thus the reason why she was standing here today.

She was to face the toughest pack soldier, in a bid to determine if she was worthy of wearing the glorious crown and ready to be referred to as Luna.

Turning to look at her opponent, Nadir knew that Ceballos was a very soldier that had been trained first hand by her father.

She sized him up once more, taking in the extent of his height, which she estimated to be around seven feet. He had a large muscled arm and facially, Ceballos had multiple scars on his face. One of the scars was so long that it crossed his left eye, almost making him blind. He had gotten it in a fight between the red moon pack and the rogues, who had the intention to invade and take control of the pack.

Suddenly, the loud gong sounded and Nadir tried to remove all-atom of nervousness off her body. From her peripheral vision, she could see her father standing up to address the crowd, who were cheering none stop for her.

The moment Alpha Damien stretched his right hand forward, the entire arena went mute, with only the winds, still making a sound.

"Greetings great members of Red moon pack, today is one important day in the pack, as we all stand to watch our dearest soon to be Luna, engage the most finest soldier in combat, to determine her worthiness for the crown." One thing Nadir could not still get over about her father, was how his voice had the tone of authority laced in them.

"This has been the practice for so many years, we use this to determine honour and value of people with royal blood. So without any more time wasting, let the great battle begin" The arena erupted into a loud cheer.

Nadir looked at Ceballos for a moment, calculating the best possible moves he could start with. She had once seen him fight in the arena before and so many could not withstand him, due to his speed, power and agility.

One thing Nadir had learnt from her father, was never to attack the opponent first. Her father had instructed her to always wait for the opponent strike first, before she can think of doing anything.

Ceballos wasted no time in going after Nadir. Using her shield, she blocked the incoming sword strike that would have definitely caused her much harm.

The impact of that strike, almost causing her to loose her shield. She muttered some curse words, before trying to comport herself. She had believed that her father would allow them shift and battle in their werewolf form, but that wasn't the case.

Ceballos was swift as a cat as he gave a double strike with his sword, the first being blocked from the shield and the next strike, she dodged it from having any impact on her.

Some part of the crowd were in support of Ceballos, and Nadir wasn't surprised as he had always caught the eyes of most people as a skilled fighter.

"Your highness hasn't made a single strike since the beginning of this combat, does this mean that you are a coward?" Nadir was aware of another fact that Ceballos loved using against his opponent and that was playing the mind game.

"Say all you want, I will be the last person standing here today" Nadir proclaimed and it seemed to have propelled Ceballos as he rushed after her. Sleekly, Nadir dodged yet another of his strikes, but not without leaving a mark on his hips.

"Damn!" He exclaimed, holding his injured hips and then giving Nadir a nasty glare. This was exactly were Nadir was good at. Her ability to taunt her opponent with basic strikes and then making them frustrated.

Ceballos once again launched another attack and this time, Nadir stood up to the attack as the duo exchange sword contacts, the impact making a loud sound.

Ceballos was gaining the upper hand as he was much stronger and faster. Nadir couldn't match his pace as the last strike broke her sword.

The crowd reaction was wild as they watched Nadir's sword broke into two and fell to the ground. When Nadir turned to look at her father, there was no expression written on his face... Well literally because on a more closer look, Nadir noticed a look of disappointment in his eyes.

"What is going to be now your highness? You clearly can't beat me without your sword....so I will give you one chance to drop your shield and surrender honorably for that will be much better than the humiliation that awaits you if you refuse" Nadir folded her hands in fist and constant tried to remind herself that it was all part of his mind game.

Suddenly his eyes caught on to the blood drippiy from his hip side and an idea came to her head. She would lure him to attack and if she could give a quick jab to his hips, he would certainly be weakened.

"Come on boy, why don't you stop the too much talk and give in your actions" Ceballos looked at Nadir like someone who was crazy, but attacked.

The moment he was about striking her with the sword, Nadir dodged once more and then accomplished her plan by hitting him on the hips, this time she heard his wolf growl in pain.

"What is the matter Ceballos? Can't fight without the assistance from your wolf?" He attacked once more and just like she did prior, she threw another punch to his hips and this time, she felt the impact herself as Ceballos dropped to the floor, his sword leaving his hand in the process.

Before Ceballos could rush to get the sword, Nadir moved it away from his reach and placed her foot on his body.

"Are you going to surrender now or should I make you pass out?" She asked, as the entire crowd cheered.

"A soldier never gives up, he fights till the...." A loud crack was heard as Nadir stomped his head to the sands.

The entire arena erupted in a loud joy and when Nadir turned again to look at her father, he simply nodded his head, meaning he was impressed by her act.


Later that evening, everyone gathered at the rock of transition, where all werewolf of royal blood are crowned.

The moment Nadir stepped out of her own cave and came forward before the crowd, a loud round of applause engulfed the environment.

"Today has been the very best day in Red moon pack, with Nadir having to defeat the most skilled soldier here in Red moon pack, she is officially ready to wear the crown" Alpha Damien turned to look at his daughter and then asked silently;

"Are you ready for this?" Nadir was never ready for anything in her life as she was at the present moment.

"Yes Alpha" She said, making reference to her father's symbol of authory.

Alpha Damien stretched forth his hand and made a big cut with a knife he collected from his beta and then made the same cut on Nadir's hand, causing blood to drip out and they bother exchanged their blood.

"From the days of the first of the first Alpha till this very moment, there has always been the blood infusion into the next ruler of this pack. Today I have done the same ritual that has been done since time immemorial and now, for the final lap of this ceremony, you are to lead the entire pack into a long sprint across the field of the pack.

Ensure that you do this sprint within the jurisdiction of this pack" Alpha Damien instructed her and she nodded appropriately knowing just exactly what to do.

Nadir rushed back into the cave and then shifted into her very gigantic wolf, it had thick furs and for most of the pack members that have seen her wolf before, they carved a name for it; the night demon.

When she stepped out of the cave, she wasn't surprised seeing that most of the pack members had also shifted into their wolves, except for Alpha Damien and her mother, who is expected to stay behind.

"Go on" He urged her and Nadir noddedz turning to the entire pack members who were waiting for an instruction. She howled toward the full moon and the entire pack members did the exact same thing too.

After series of howling, she stepped down from the cave and took the lead for the sprint and the entire pack members followed suite too.

During the sprint, Nadir turned around to see the number of members that were right behind her and she was bewildered, knowing that the moment her father passed away, she would be leading this people.

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