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Sold To The Mafia Drug Lord

Sold To The Mafia Drug Lord

Scholastic Treasure


Tough-hearted lawyer, Alicia has vowed not to involve herself with her Step-dad's case, yet her mum was determined to go the extra mile so she could get her husband out of prison. Her mother made a deal with th mafia boss, so he could help her with his influence but on one condition. He will get her daughter in return. Will the lawyer succumb to his deal? What can she do to revoke the deal since she is already engaged to the love of her life?

Chapter 1 Episode 1

Chapter One


Venice, Italy.

"Miss Alicia Gold! Are you just going to sit down there with your legs crossed?"

That was mum. A very authoritative woman that always wants everyone to do whatever she wants. She is in her late sixties and she is still strong and healthy compared to others in the same age bracket. My Step-Dad, her husband, is being tried in court because of a hit and run case. He may likely spend nothing less than seven years in prison and my mum's not having it.

"I am talking to you, Alicia." She said.

"You can't just come into my room like that and expect me to answer you." I shouted at her and she clapped her hands together in mockery.

"This is my house, Remember? I have access to anywhere I want to be."

"You should have a little courtesy, mum. Invading other people's privacy is not a good one." I answered politely but as usual, she takes offense at the slightest thing.

I will not lie to you. Living in this house with my mum was a very bad idea. I am 25 for Goodness sake and I am still ordered around like a child.

"I won't tolerate any more insults from you, Alicia. You are warned."

"Mum, that was not an insult." I protested.

"What are you even doing? Nothing?"

"I am taking a break. I have been working throughout last week."

"I just came to remind you that your father has a court case. In case, you have forgotten."

"He is not my father." I blurted out. My mum has been trying to force my stepdad down my throat ever since she remarried. She looked at me, meeting my gaze with piercing hazel eyes that matched mine. My mum looked exactly like me or rather I am the younger version of her facially but her character is nothing close to mine.

"I did not hear you properly, Alicia." She snarled and I turned my eyes away from her.

"Are you going to keep me quiet?"

I stood up from where I was sitting and tried walking towards the door when she blocked me.

"You are going to walk out on your mother, Alicia Gold." She ranted and I sighed.

"What do you want? I already told you I do not care about the court case. What else do you want?" I cried out.

The old man is expected to know the law. In a civilized country like Italy, you can not just hit someone when you are driving and run away. He did not even care that the person became unconscious. All we can do is pray that the person does not die while in the hospital because it will be that he killed her.

My mother was already fuming in anger and she was waiting for the right time to pour it all out on me.

"You are a Lawyer and with you here. I do not expect him to go to prison for seven years. You have to meet the judge concerning this case."

"Excuse me ma? Is this a command?" I interrogated her.

"Take it however you want. I do not care."

"You are my mother and you should know I do not involve myself in anything that has to do with corruption." I explained and my mum laughed. Was she trying to mock me?

"What do you know about corruption? Are you the first to be a lawyer?"

"You can say that again. There is nothing you say that will make me help that man. He should face the law. Do I even know how many people he has done this to?"

Immediately after I said that, a swift slap landed on my face and I staggered, breathing heavily. I should have expected that. I raised my head slowly and saw she was not even looking at me. My hand was on my face as I was trying to recover from the shock.

"You slapped me?" I asked.

"Yes, I slapped you. Just hear the nonsense that is coming out of your mouth."

"You slapped me because I decided not to help a murderer?"

After my father's death, things changed in the house. My mother barely spoke to me and when she did, it was just to argue with him. Her marrying another man was the worst decision she ever made as I became more disconnected from her. Maybe she simply did not know how to handle me and my emotions.

"He is not a murderer until proven guilty, Alicia. Do I have to teach you your job now?"

"He almost killed someone and you want me to go out of my way to help him? No, I won't." I shouted angrily, gnashing my teeth.

"You should take him as your father. He is not a stranger."

"My father is dead. I do not know that man who you are living with." I threw my words at her and she was taken aback.

"He treats you like a daughter, you should not say that." My mum calmly said.

"To hell with him. I do not care about him. You can do all you want to help him but leave me out of this."

"Your father did not teach you how to be self-centered, Alicia."

"He also did not teach me to involve myself in corruption. Have you forgotten he died while trying to save you mum? Is this what he gets in return?"

"He is dead, Alicia. The dead should be forgotten."

"I really can't believe this coming from you. He would have just left you to die. I am certain you were secretly seeing that man before he died."

My mum opened her mouth in awe and wanted to say something but nothing came out of her mouth. She went close to the window and looked outside.

"You didn't oppose me. That means I am correct. You were cheating on Dad!"

"I will appreciate it if you keep shut!" She screamed. I could see that she was deeply hurt. I was hurt too but she was the one who brought up all these painful memories. I can vividly see my Dad screaming in pain when he took the bullet for her. He loved her but he could not get that love in return.

After a long silence, she turned to me as if she remembered something.

"Did your father also teach you to follow poverty-stricken men?" She asked. This was it! She never fails to bring up my boyfriend's situation whenever we have an agreement.

"Leave Carmine out of this."

"You think I will sit back and watch you get married to that thing." She asked, laughing devilishly. My heart sank into my stomach and I became weak suddenly.

"You can't do anything to him." I cried out and she came closer to me and her mouth was close to my ear. The breath from her nostrils caused goose bumps all over me.

"You really think I can't do anything right?" She whispered and I shifted away from her. I used to wonder why she doesn't like my boyfriend and now I am wondering what she is up to. I can't believe I came out of this woman's womb. This is not the same person I knew before my father died.

"Arrivederci." She said in Spanish and walked out of my room leaving it open.

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