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Saved By The Married Billionaire

Saved By The Married Billionaire

Authoress Rosa


She was stuck in a mess with her ex-boss but was saved by a billionaire. The problem now is that she owes him everything and that includes her body. "Be my fuck girl or I'll expose your sex video" After becoming the nanny of Mr Bruno's son, Samantha's life became her worst nightmare.

Chapter 1 Nightmare

Samantha POV:

As I walked alongside the road, I felt strangely uncomfortable. Why was I feeling this way? I looked to my left and then to my right without pausing in my footsteps. I was too scared to look behind myself. What if things repeat themselves?

My not looking back did not put a stop to the inevitable. Here we go again. I felt his touch on my shoulder and I screamed. When I tried to run, he held me back.

"You owe me everything. You belong to me," he whispered creepily into my ear.

"Help!" I screamed but no one heard. Sometimes I wonder why I still scream. It's not like this hasn't happened to me before.

"Don't waste your time baby," he said to me.

Next, I saw myself and him in his room he kept his grip tight on both my arms as he secured my arms behind my back. He tore off my skirt.

"Now I will have you the way I want." his hot breath touched my ears, causing my skin to form goosebumps.

I felt something touch my ass, skin again skin and I screamed in fright. I woke up sweating like crazy on my bed and breathing heavily.

"What sort of dreams are these?" I asked myself.

Rita, my sister woke up beside me. She saw the state I was in and I knew she knows what just took place.

"That dream again?" Rita asked. I didn't answer.

"Did you at least see his face this time? I'm sure this is not ordinary. The person doing this must exist in real life." Rita said.

"That doesn't exactly make me feel better you know," I said to Rita.

"I'm just saying... How can the same dream keep repeating itself? It's been two weeks straight." Rita said.

"It's just a nightmare and that is what it will ever be," I told Rita,

"Okay," she said, not in complete agreement with me.

I got off the bed and went to the bathroom.

Standing in front f the mirror, I washed my face. Looking myself in the mirror, eyeball to eyeball, something in me said that Rita was right.

But then how could she be right? I mean, I haven't come across any man of that nature. I don't even have brothers who have friends I can hang out with so why this? Why this sort of nightmare?

The bathroom door opened and my heart skipped a beat.

"Mom?!" I exclaimed in surprise. I sighed in relief.

"Yes, it's me. Is everything okay? You've been so jumpy these past few days." Mom said to me.

"I'm completely fine," I told her.

"Are you sure?" she worriedly asked me.

"Yes, mom. Totally. I am okay." I answered.

"If you say so then." Mom said and made for the door.

I looked back in the mirror and saw my mom through it. She looked back at me before finally opening the door and leaving.

I let out a sigh of relief once more when I saw the door shut behind her.

I never mentioned my dream to my mother and I don't plan to do so any time soon. My sister and I are almost the same age but I am a year older than her.

She was and still is the only one I can share it with and feel comfortable doing so. I put the paste on my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth.

"Rita?! Come brush your teeth!" I said after spitting out the foam in my mouth.

"I'll be right there!" she replied from inside our room.

"Better hurry up so we wouldn't be late for work," I said and resumed brushing my teeth.

I spat it out then rinsed my mouth and toothbrush.

"Rita?!" I yelled at her.

"Fine! fine! I'll be out now." Rita said, putting her phone aside.

I entered the bathroom and this time Rita followed me.

While she started to brush her teeth, I took off my clothes and took a towel with me as I entered the bathtub and drew the curtains closed.

I turned the shower on and closed poured all over my face and body. I loved cold water in the mornings. It helps me calm down and feel refreshed.

After soaping and rinsing my body I finally came out of the tub and at the same time Rita went in, wrapped in a towel.

"Make sure you hurry up this time. I don't to be late for work. You know people like buying coffee at our cafe very early in the morning." I said to Rita.

"Sure. I understand," she said.

I left the bathroom and sat on our bed while applying cream to my body. Soon my sister came out and did the same. We put on our uniforms and headed out for work while mom stayed at home.

Our mother has a disability and isn't able to work. She and my father were caught up in someone else's accident. Dad's body, suspiciously, wasn't found in the car but mom on the other hand lost every feeling in her right hand and partially destroyed her eyesight in the right eye.

She was fired from her working place and no other jobs were given to her from any other place because of her state. That was about three years ago and thankfully I and Rita were of age to get jobs and earn for the family.

It was a miracle our home wasn't taken from us back then as we were scared. I have been secretly saving money to treat mom but the amount needed is so high that I'm not even near a quarter of the amount.

"Earth to Samantha." my sister said to me as I felt her hand on my wrist.

I jolted back into reality. "What?" I questioned her.

"You were about to walk passed the cafe. Where did you go?" Rita jokingly asked me.

"Never mind that. Let's go in before the boss gets here." I said to Rita.

I unlocked the door and we both entered the shop. Rita picked up a broom and started sweeping up while I wiped the tables and dusted off the chairs. Soon after, our boss entered the cafe.

"Good morning sir." Rita greeted him while I pretended not to have seen him.

Our boss, Mr. David, has been hitting on me for some days now but I pay him no attention and pretend not to notice cause if I let him know I see what he is doing then he will work his way into me. I am not ready to have an unwanted pregnancy.

"Good morning Rita. It's too bad your sister isn't as well behaved as you," he stated while I kept cleaning and tried my best to avoid eye contact.

Mr. David walked passed me and brushed his body on my butt as he stupidly reached for a jar.

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