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Parallel Love

Parallel Love

Andrea Luna


The world we live in actually has many dimensions. Only humans are never aware of it. If we get deja vu, it's a sign that we, who are in another dimension, have done that activity before. If one of us comes to an extent where our figure is still alive, rest assured... we will disappear. At least we should switch places. That's what happened to Alice. Alice swapped with Maya. Alice was trying to walk alone in the woods when her best friend Molly had a wedding. With only a cheap flashlight that he got at the hotel where he was staying, he walked through the forest, until finally he was trapped in the mud, which sucked him in slowly. Until Alice was powerless to lift her body out and Alice fell into a hole that was a sea. A different dimensional sea from the world Alice lives in. The dimension where Taran lives. Different world. Different continent. The same humans as the world Alice lived in. Alice was saved by Taran, who was at sea at that time. Finally, Alice stayed at Taran's house. All the residents of Taran's house, namely Taran's servants, Taran's friends, and even the people on the Island where Taran lives, are hiding something. Because Alice's face is the same as Maya's, Taran's wife disappeared on the same day when Alice appeared a few hours and was presumed dead from the list of people on the island. As long as Alice lives in Taran's house and on the island, Taran likes Alice. Even though Taran had liked Alice ever since he saved Alice when she almost drowned in the sea. It could be said that Taran had loved Alice his whole life. How come? Taran met Alice when they were both in high school for the first time. Through dreams! Real dream! Which Taran realized, but Alice didn't. Taran doesn't dream of Alice anymore when Alice likes someone in real life. This makes Taran frustrated and considered crazy. Likes women in his imagination, plus Taran finds Alice in his world. Maya Fitria. Too bad Maya isn't Alice. Taran marries Maya without even touching Maya as a wife. Taran still doubts Maya. This causes Maya to run away from the house and is accidentally sucked into the light hole. The light hole led Maya to Alice's world, while Alice entered the light hole through the mud in the forest to Maya's world. They swap places. Will the truth be revealed that Taran is married and has a wife similar to Alice? Will Alice be able to return to her world? What happened to Maya? Does anyone know that we live and have a twin in another world?

Chapter 1 The Beginning


Today in the morning,

The clinking sound of spoons and forks colliding on a transparent glass plate. Taran thinks this cool morning is lovely. He enjoyed his breakfast solemnly without saying a word. Every now and then, Taran looked at a woman sitting right in front of him. The woman chewed each of her breakfast quickly. Finally, Taran's enjoyment was interrupted when the woman stood up without a word and shifted the chair until it made an ear-piercing sound. She walked to the back, holding her plate of leftover food, and placed it on a kitchen bar.

The woman had short hair and looked arrogant and boring. Of course, for Taran. Taran Wisesa. Tall and handsome, his personality looks-wise, and his skin is a bit brown because of the influence of the tropical air on the island surrounded by beaches. Maybe it's getting hard to describe because Taran looks perfect. Compared to the woman who distracted Taran from enjoying breakfast. The woman is Maya Fitria. The woman's face was tense. Not much to say. In fact, she returned to the dining table to take the plate in front of Taran even though Taran had not finished his fried rice breakfast.

"You're always like this," Taran said resignedly as he chewed the rest of his breakfast and immediately took a sip of the rest of his orange juice.

"You will be late," Maya said with a straight face.

"Can't you just let me enjoy breakfast to the end?" Taran starts to complain.

"You will be late," Maya said again; she was busy tidying the dining table.

"How could I be late?! It's my own company." Taran was getting fed up. He rose from his seat. He left Maya, his wife. Of course, Maya was still busy with her dining table.

Taran didn't look at his wife. His wife is not what she used to be. His wife changed when he married her. Taran is also aware; he too began to change after marrying Maya. Taran had thought that marrying Maya was a terrible decision for him. Maya is the wrong choice. He was starting to regret it. The figure appeared again. Wait. The one who had already driven Taran mad to death?! Why did it appear recently? He just wanted the woman in his dream to come true. Not Maya. Maya was not the woman he was referring to all along. Dream? Last night Taran had another plan. After a long time, he had not seen the woman he loved. Again, of course not Maya.

At night,

Maya drives her car carefully. Her eyes focused on the future. The street she was walking on was really dark. There were no street lights along the way because Maya passed through the wilderness on her left and right. There are only a few houses with some distance from one place to another. Finally, Maya arrived at her destination. A forest was quite close to the beach. Maya can hear the sound of the waves from a distance. It was as if the night wind that blew brought the sound of the waves to Maya's ears. She parked his car at the edge of the forest. No one has touched this forest. Although there are some logs of logs in some places. Yes, the thick shrubs and some thorny plants make it difficult for lazy people to enter this forest. But not with the beach. On weekends, this beach looks crowded. Next to it is a well-maintained garden. Tonight, it is unlikely that any visitors will come to this beach. It's ten o'clock at night!

Without any fear, Maya walked toward the forest. She was tired of the beach and the sound of the waves. Before getting married, she asked Taran to build her dream house near the beach. So that she could see the sparkle of the blue sea water from the reflection of the scorching sun. Moreover, when the full moon appears across the ocean, accompanied by the appearance of many stars.

Today, it occurred to her that she wanted to go to the forest to calm down. Keeping her face away from her husband. Maya knew her husband was acting as if he didn't care about her because of her own doing. What did she did? Maya didn't feel like doing anything. The anger that she had been suppressing for months finally peaked tonight. She wanted to see how her husband would think if she wasn't home tonight. After a few months of marriage, Maya knew it was as if her husband didn't want her anymore. Her husband wanted another woman.

In the forest, she only heard the sound of dry twigs being trampled. Wrong. She should have worn sports shoes, not heels. This decision was sudden. The backpack that she had been carrying for a while now felt heavy. Her heartbeat also began to feel fast, and she was curious to go further into the forest alone. Only this half of the forest, then she will build a tent here. Suddenly, Maya saw a light that appeared slowly and then became brighter. Pretty dazzling eye. The woman was flabbergasted, astonished, and curious. She approached the ever-widening circle of light. The wind blows from time to time. Her short hair fluttered. The wind emerged from the halo. Until finally, Maya tried to touch it, and it was as if the circle had a magnet pulling her inside, then the light disappeared without a trace in an instant. The forest was dark again. Maya disappeared. Only the light of the full moon can be seen illuminating the forest. Even this time, there was no sign of life.

Five hours later,

All the police officers scattered into the forest. Only a silver car parked at the edge of the woods. Maya's car. No sign of robbery or anything in the car. Not even a hint. Taran looks panicked when he finds out that his wife is not answering his calls. Maya's tactic worked.

"Is this what you want?" said the man with rather long hair, his skin darker than Taran's.

"It's not the news of loss that I want. This makes me sad. The divorce that I want." he said. His voice trembled. There was a feeling of guilt in him.

"Divorced?!" The man with long hair glared at him. "Where have you been..." He stopped talking. Shocked to hear Taran's words.

"Just this morning crossed my mind, Danil." Taran calmed his friend, who was still shocked to hear Taran's words. Danil stood frozen.

"Yeah, this is worse than a divorce. He disappeared, not even a sign of her leaving this island. It's a small island." he said again, looking at his cell phone.

"I've already checked. Not a single human left this island. You know, right? Today is the day when all the ships are not sailing." Danil explained. Taran knows that. Taran leaned his shoulder against the car seat. He looks resigned. He was lazy to answer Danil's explanation.

"Within ten hours, the residents on this island are not found, just let it go," Danil explained again. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his jeans. His shoulders lifted as he took a deep breath. He also looks resigned.

"FUCK!" Taran hits the steering wheel hard. He was annoyed. Maya makes things up.


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