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I'm A Goddess?

I'm A Goddess?



Athena 'Lux' Lumine is part of the Wight's (non-magical creatures, normal people) that was accepted in a high school where all the supernatural beings or creatures study. This is the first time that it happened since Wights has their own small school and most of them do home study to avoid discrimination. But Athena was a bright kid at age of 16 so everyone believed that she'd manage to pull it off inside of the Luxine Academy. After entering the school, a lot of drama, relationship, and friendship was formed without her control, she became the light of everyone as she managed to force them to unite with one another. Aside from that, she discovered something that was buried deep within the past of Luxine (World of Special Creatures). A flame user whom she never thought would help her discover her true identity.

Chapter 1 Wight

Luxine is a world being protected by the five important flames Goddess Lux left to her people: White (Puti), Blue (Asul), Red (Pula), Orange (Kahel), and Yellow (Dilaw).

With the power of these flames, Luxine became prosperous, life became much easier. White flames are the strongest flames that focus on electricity, supernatural strength, and light.

Blue flames are the second to the strongest. These focus on healing, no matter what your wounds were, and depending on how skilled you were, could heal someone.

Red flames are in the middle. These give the heat from the cold world the Luxine people live in. Orange flames are the fourth one. They're the builders of the place. With their power, they could create not just metals but materials they could use for building and making things.

Last but not least, the Yellow flames are one of the most important flames because, without food, people won’t continue living. Yellow flames are also used to make and create foods.

All of these were left by the Goddess Lux before she disappeared; the reason why she left was unknown to all of the creatures residing in Luxine.

A few people got worried about her whereabouts, but many decades have passed and things haven’t changed. The flames never left the left, so all of the creatures claimed that she was somewhere out there watching over them.

“So, is that why flames are surrounding our whole world, grandma?” Athena asked while tilting her head. She was listening to her grandma’s stories while cooking some dinner in the kitchen.

Her mother died after she gave birth to her and she has no idea where her father was because he left before her mother could even give birth to her.

She’s been living with her grandma for as long as she can remember. It has been a blast, so Athena doesn’t have any problems with it.

Plus, her grandma is the nicest person in the world. She teaches her a lot of things that could be useful in life.

“Yes, without those flames, the Pitch Demon could easily enter this world,” Athena’s grandma informed her, so she snorted before smiling.

“Grandma, I’m not a child anymore, you can’t scare me with that Pitch Demon thingy,” She giggled while frying some hash browns.

Her grandma used to scare her a lot about that Pitch Demon lurking outside of Luxine. She said without those flames surrounding the whole world, they would consume the creatures and eat their life forces.

“I’m not kidding around, Athena, you should always remember that I don’t tell stories that aren’t real,” Her grandma firmly said, so she just sighed before turning off the stove.

“Alright, grandma, I’m sorry,” She pouted before preparing their dining table, “Here’s my specialty!”

Athena revealed the hash browns, and melted cheese together with a fried chicken, “Are you trying to kill me, Athena?” Her grandma asked, so her eyes widened.

“N-No I’m not! This is healthy grandma, we had okra and soy sauce for lunch so I think this is acceptable for dinner!” She exclaimed.

Her grandma just sighed before smiling at her, “Just admit you’re excited tomorrow, you’re finally going to register yourself at Luxine Academy,”

Athena flinched before averting her gaze at her, “No, I’m not grandma, do you know what that school contains? It’s full of beasts!” She almost screamed.

She shook her head before raising her fists, “But, that’s not going to stop me from studying hard! I’m going to prove to everyone how capable Wights are in this world!”

Her grandma got worried for a moment. Athena is different from the rest of the teenagers that she knows. She will do whatever it takes to reach the goal that she’s been wanting to achieve.

Athena’s will isn’t something that could be broken easily like some glass, even if it’s already broken, she will do whatever it takes to repair it again.

Wights have always been discriminated against in their world. They’re non-magical creatures, which means all they could do was work their asses off to fit into the world that’s full of magical and powerful creatures.

They work under those magical and powerful creatures, so she knew Athena wanted to change things. She wanted everything to be equal.

“Be careful out there, sweetheart,” Her grandmother worriedly said, so she just smiled before nodding.

“I will, let’s eat dinner early so that I can wash the dishes early and think about what I will wear tomorrow,” Athena beamed, so her grandmother just smiled.

It wasn’t a while until Athena decided to surrender to her bed. She clutched her chest and looked at the pendant that she had ever since she was a kid.

Her grandmother said that her mother left this for her, so she treasures it like it’s their family heirloom. It’s a symbol of flame, the borders of it look like they are embedded with gold when her hands grazed on it. She just smiled and gazed at the top of her ceiling.

“I’ll make sure tomorrow will be a good day,” She whispered before drifting off into a deep slumber.


The next day came, and she was full of high spirits, “Good morning grandma!” She flipped her jet-black hair while fixing her big circle glasses.

It makes her sky-blue eyes big enough to see how she shines so brightly so early in the morning, “Tone your voice down dear,” Her grandma smiled, so she just bit her lower lip.

“I just can’t help it! Though I’m still a little nervous, you know?!” Athena exclaimed, so her grandma knew she couldn’t be stopped.

“Alright, I understand, but you have to eat your breakfast first before starting to set off to school,” After her grandma said those words, she sat promptly on the chair and smiled.

“You made my breakfast extra special, is this a blueberry pancake?” She hummed, so her grandma chuckled.

“Dig in,” She playfully winked, so Athena cheered before thanking the food that she had in her front.

After she ate, she brushed her teeth and grabbed her bag from her room. She fixed her big glasses and combed her jet-black hair one last time.

“Okay, I’m done and ready to go!” She beamed before revealing herself to her grandma. She’s wearing an elegant black and white uniform.

At first, Athena thought that the Luxine Academy had an elegant taste, “You look wonderful, dear, have fun okay? And remember, try to blend in,”

“Yes grandma, I will!” After she said those words, she kissed her on the cheeks before she decided to come to school.

She decided to take a stroll since her school isn’t that far from their house, plus, the morning breeze is the freshest air that she needed to breathe in.

Many strange birds were to be heard on the canopy like they were calling out to their kin, everything in the morning just looked so amazing.

She stopped in her tracks after she realized that she had arrived at the academy. A lot of creatures were to be seen and she felt intimidated because of the aura that was emitted from every single one of them.

Despite the fact that she was a Wight, she could distinguish who was the strongest and weakest one inside the academy.

She thought it was an amazing ability since she knew who she had to avoid, her grandma probably didn't know anything about it.

“O-Okay Athena, you’re doing great,” She cheered herself while fixing her glasses before deciding to enter the main entrance of the academy.

Athena almost gulped after noticing several eyes were looking her way. She wanted to lower her head, but she had to keep her head up high.

“A Wight? What’s a weakling like her doing here at our university?” She heard someone gossiping at the back.

She noticed that they were she-wolves and she remembered that her grandmother wanted her to avoid these kinds of people because they’re very hard to deal with since they only think about themselves and their heat.

Most of them just want to sleep with the boys, so she thought that’s maybe why her grandmother wanted her to avoid them.

Plus, aside from that, they’re one of the creatures that will deceive you and probably eat up your soul if you’re too trusting of them.

“Maybe her ancestors are rich? Or maybe she begged the leaders of this place to enroll her,” The girls laughed after she said those words, and she couldn’t help but face them with her fists clenched.

Athena hates it when people talk behind someone’s back when that specific someone didn’t do anything to them and claimed such horrible beliefs.

She was about to approach them to give them some piece of her mind when someone stepped in front of her, “Don’t even think about it unless you want detention on the first day,”

“B-But they have to know that I’m not–”

“Shush pretty lady, you don’t have to explain yourself to the trash, that would be so weird, right?” The feline purposely raised her voice, which offended numerous she-wolves.

“What did you say, stupid cat?!” The she-wolf almost growled so she raised her eyebrows before turning her back at them. She hates it when wolves are growling since her tail is getting too buffy.

“Sorry, I don’t talk to stinky dogs,” She informed them before pulling Athena away from there before things started to get messier.

Athena was about to complain when she noticed that she was a Feline. She noticed her white ear twitching and she thought it looked adorable.

Felines are half human and half cats. They have the body of a human, but they have ears on their heads and tails on their backs. They are known to be very moody, sweet, and caring. Athena read that in a book.

She likes to read books about many different creatures. She just finds everyone interesting, “S-Sorry, they’re just talking smack behind my back, they don’t even know me,”

“Okay, that’s it, you’re calm, I’m August Marie Almas, just call me August, it’s obvious that I’m part of Feline and you are?” She offered her hands.

Athena curiously glanced at her back and noticed that her tail with a ribbon was waving, “C-Cool,” She beamed, so August just laughed since she thought she looked adorable, she’s her kind of person.

“O-Oh um, sorry that was rude of me, I’m Athena Lux Lumine, a Wight,” She proudly greeted her before shaking her hands. August just smiled before patting her head.

“I’m glad that you’re proud that you’re a Wight, there’s nothing to be ashamed of, are you perhaps that intelligent scholar that’s been the talk around the different parts of Luxine?” August curiously asked, so her eyes widened.

“H-How did you know that I was a scholar?” Athena curiously asked so she thought her expression was adorable.

“You’re cute and like I said, you have been a famous topic around different parts of Luxine, things might be more interesting now that you’re here,” August winked.

“Why? Are you a junior?” Athena inquired, but she immediately shook her head before smiling.

“Nope, I’m a freshman like you, and never mind those stinky she-wolves, they always do that on the first days,” August firmly explained.

“They shouldn’t do that, people are not all fond of being talked about behind their back unless it's a good thing,” She mumbled, making August laugh.

“You’re so funny, I never thought Wight’s were this funny,” She continued chuckling before purring.

“Oh, and by the way, do you know your place around here?” August politely asked. Athena was about to look at her schedule to check when she noticed her wristwatch and gasped.

“Oh shoot! I must register myself before the class starts!” Athena fixed her glasses first before running away from there while glancing around the place. She was pacing back and forth since she looked like she didn’t know where to go.

August amusingly laughed when she noticed her confusion before going back to her, “Um sorry for troubling you, but do you know where the admission is?”

She nodded at Athena before pointing to the right, “I’ll come with you, the last thing you need is to get lost on your first day of class,” August winked at her, so she just smiled before following her.

“Thank you, August,” Athena sweetly thanked her, so she just shook her head before pulling her close to herself.

“Anything for a friend! Now come on, let’s get you registered! We might be classmates, you know?” August pulled her as they ran at massive speed in the hallways.

Athena just smiled because she couldn’t believe that she had gained a friend on her first day at Luxine Academy.

To be continued…

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