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The Ultima's Princess

The Ultima's Princess



Ultima werewolves rank higher than the common Alpha and Luna in a pack. They were the first werewolves, long before even humanity could ever exist. When they are enraged, their eyes turn blood red, and sometimes go insane with rage, or even kill someone in the blink of their eyes. One of the dangerous powers that they have was the ability to transform humans into werewolves and werewolves into humans. They’re the strongest and most dangerous werewolves around the world and are almost extinct. The last Ultima Alpha, Zyren Marchand, wanted to find his Luna in order to stop this. But his Luna wasn't anywhere around the pack, she's a royalty, surrounded by nobles, people that would look at them with disgust. A princess whom he thought could never understand his pain, especially the power that he has that could be a curse and a blessing at the same time.

Chapter 1 Extinct

“Alpha, Kronos died last night because of grass sickness,” Zyren's beta, Christopher Lowel, informed him while kneeling, so he just nodded at him.

They're currently inside his office, he was looking at the sunset from the window, some of the stars were finally showing.

Christopher Lowel was his childhood best friend, one of the people that he trusts ever since their ancestors built their pack.

Only a few werewolves decided to come with them since Ultima’s are cursed with abilities that sometimes they couldn’t control.

Some of the werewolves got terrified and decided to start a pack of their own elsewhere, far from them where no one could even reach them.

“I know, I felt it,” He sternly replied, so his beta apologized before finding the right time to say a few important words he might need to hear.

“Alpha, we're about to extinct and I think it's time for you to look for you Luna,” Christopher informed him, so he just sighed.

He has been thinking about this for days and he knew that was the only option he had, “I know, that is why I'm going out tonight,”

Christopher stood up and was stunned by Zyren's sudden reply; he usually just ignores him whenever he mentions that statement.

“Are you talking about the engagement party of Princess Tatiana and Prince Nicholas?” He curiously asked, so he slowly nodded his head at him.

“That's the party, all of the maidens around the kingdom are gathered there, it would be a perfect opportunity to look for her, especially all of those humans there would be distracted,” Zyren coldly replied.

“But Alpha, you know how dangerous it is around that kingdom, especially if they found out that you're–”

“No one will find out,” Zyren cut him off, so he lowered his head before nodding at him like he understood that he could do it.

“Prepare my suit and shoes, I'll be back in my room before cleaning up some documents,” He ordered, so Christopher left upon his order.

He already cleaned up his desk and just wanted some time alone for himself while looking at the breath-taking view from the outside.

The sun was almost gone, a few stars were shining, and he was sure that it was a million miles away from them.

Zyren was never prepared for looking for his Luna, he has reasons why he doesn’t want to. He used to have a dad and mother, but they killed one another.

His mother was scared of his abilities as the Ultima werewolf while his father got furious because his mother cheated on his father, sleeping with other werewolves.

They got so enraged with one another that they didn't realize that their love and fear for one another had killed them.

Zyren cupped his face before tapping his cheeks, “You're not a kid anymore,” He spoke to himself before leaving his office.

After he stepped inside of his room, he noticed that his fancy tuxedo was there, together with some leather shoes.

He grabbed the expensive golden watch his father left him back when he was in his teenage years. Zyren turned 22 a few days ago, there wasn't much celebration since he wasn't fond of that.

After reminiscing about his past, he decided to slip into his clothes before looking in the mirror to fix his fancy-looking tie.

He has pitch-black illuminating eyes, but these eyes turn into blood red that could kill werewolves and humans in one stare.

Zyren tried to calm himself down and noticed that his eyes were slowly turning scarlet, “Not today, Zyren, you have a job to do,”

After he calmed himself down and wore his leather shoes, he went downstairs and was greeted by his beta and the people inside of his pack.

Only a few women were left and most of them are old and married, so he was sure that his mate wasn't here since he couldn't smell her scent.

“Everything's ready for you, Alpha,” Christopher greeted him, so he just nodded before proceeding outside.

His eyes noticed that there was a carriage waiting for him in front, “Really, Christopher?” Zyren grunted before glancing at his beta.

Christopher raised his hands in defeat, “Alpha, you wouldn’t get in if you don’t have a carriage,” He informed him.

Zyren wanted to grunt but his people were looking at him whispering, ‘Alpha’s finally going to look for his Luna!’

‘It’s about time he had babies!’ He clearly heard that even if those werewolves were on the far corner of the trees, just watching him depart.

Some of them were afraid to approach him because he hasn't controlled his temper yet, but he’s trying to learn from it.

“Alright, I’ll be back as soon as I can, if she isn’t there, I’ll start traveling to visit numerous packs,” Zyren informed everyone, so they had this platonic smile on their faces and cheered for him.

After he entered the carriage, he waved his hands to bid his people goodbye. It would be much faster to get there in his werewolf form, but it would cause huge trouble.

Especially because humans despise their kind, probably because they are inferior with the extraordinary power they possess.

Zyren shrugged off his depressing thoughts before thinking about how he would look for his mate. His father told him before that it just happened in an instant.

He told Zyren that his eyes will lock with his mate the moment he sees her, and he'll feel breathless as if he was going to run out of air. Her scent will make his werewolf go crazy, so he thought maybe his father was overreacting.

Such emotions don't exist, “We're here, Alpha,” Rodrigo, his Gamma informed him, who was disguised as a coachman.

“Thank you, Rodrigo, you may go home, I'll signal you to fetch me later,” After he said those words, Rodrigo left with the carriage, and now he was observing the huge establishment before him.

The castle gates were open and there were numerous guards surrounding the place as if they were waiting for supernatural creatures to come and attack.

Due to his attractive face and body-built, he easily passed the guards, thinking that he might be a prince on some land.

He was just thankful that no one was there who had wolfsbane hidden in their pockets, just thinking about it was making his blood boil.

‘Snap out of it, idiot!’ Zyren scolded himself to avoid making his eyes turn blood red and followed the festive crowd to go to the center of the castle where the party was being held.


Princess Tatiana Fleur was staring at the bright stars and full moon in the almost Starry Night Sky. It was her engagement day today, but she wasn’t a bit happy about it.

‘Who would be happy?’ She sighed before resting her hands on the cold rails of her terrace, listening to the faint music downstairs.

“Princess, it's time for you to get ready,” Her lady-in-waiting informed her, so she just sighed before stubbornly lying on her queen-sized bed.

“Can't I just not attend that, Lily?” She pouted adoringly, so her lady-in-waiting shook her head before smiling.

“It's your most awaited day, your brother and the Majesties are looking forward to this main event for you,” Lily happily informed her.

“But can you love someone you haven't met yet, Lily?” Tatiana asked. She was devastated since she was going to marry someone that she doesn't know well.

She has read numerous romance books and she thought that arranged marriage never works. Both parties are being unfaithful to one another.

Usually, she reads romances about supernatural beings, but she was well aware that they’re banned from their kingdom due to some issues from the past.

“I apologize, Princess, I don’t know what to feel since I haven't felt or experienced that before just yet,” Lily bowed her head apologetically.

Tatiana secretly chuckled. Lily has always been formal even though she told her many times to address her by her name since they’re going to stay with each other for a while.

She was just thankful that her lady-in-waiting was kind. Tatiana trusts her to do a lot of errands if she can't comply.

Tatiana gracefully stood up from her bed before proceeding towards her changing room, “I'm ready to get change and get on with this night to make my family proud,” She informed her.

“That's the spirit, Princess,” Lily happily said as she accompanied her to get changed into the loveliest gown she has in her wardrobe.

It wasn't long until she slipped into her white ball gown with golden linings on the corners, a shiny gold ribbon was tied on her back and her hair was curled to perfection while some of her strands were tied up with some fancy, slightly glowing ribbons.

Tatiana has bright sky-blue eyes, similar to beautiful daylight, hazel nut locks of hair, and her skin was fair that most of the noble ladies envied her.

A lot of people have complimented her eyes, they told her it was an asset that she should proudly boast to others. But she thought otherwise, beauty wasn’t meant to boast, it was always with everyone, a lot just fails to appreciate it.

She looked like a flower that just bloomed on the first day of spring, “Princess, you were always lovely, but now, you're just so breathtaking,”

Tatiana blushed before standing up, “You did all this for me, Lily, compliment yourself more,” She smiled.

Lily felt embarrassed as she started accompanying her princess downstairs where the king and queen together with his brother were waiting for princess Tatiana.

“Someone's finally going to prove themselves,” Prince Leonard, Tatiana’s brother commented, looking at her with amusement.

Tatiana knows that he was just trying to piss her off, but she has a kind heart, so she curtsied before smiling at him.

“Greetings Your Highness and Your Majesties,” She greeted politely, so her parents adoringly looked at her.

“I'm happy for you, my princess,” King Harold smiled before reaching out to her hands as her mother stood beside him.

“I know that you haven't met him yet, but be kind to him, okay?” Queen Fiora, her mother, worriedly reminded her.

Tatiana just nodded, “I won't disappoint you; shall we meet our guests?” She invited them, so they all agreed with them.

Loud music was to be heard as the familiar trumpet rang in her ears, cueing that they had to go out after the announcement of their names. She was used to this, but now, all she thinks about is her future with this man that awaits her hand.

All she hoped for was that he was kind, gentlemanly, and has a good heart. Those are all the qualities she would want her ideal man would have.

“Your Royal Highness, Princess Tatiana Fleur together with her family, ruler of the Kingdom Cassia!” Their spokesperson announced, so everyone started cheering and clapping their hands.

Princess Tatiana put a smile on her face as she waved her hands at everyone. She stopped after seeing one strange person around the group of elegant people.

All of them were shining because of the glitters and fabrics of their gowns and formal clothing, but he was different.

His pitch-black eyes were glinting with desire, and both of them felt breathless after they locked eyes with one another.

She felt her hands were getting cold as ice when an unfamiliar image blocked him from her eyes, “Princess Tatiana, I'm Nicholas Charles from the kingdom of Kronos, your fiance,”

Princess Tatiana's eyes finally focused on him, and she was surprised to see such a fine man, who looked the same age as she was.

She curtsied before smiling at him, “Greetings, I'm Tatiana Fleur, princess of Kingdom Cassia,”

“You're more beautiful than what I have imagined you to be, you're just right for my taste,” Nicholas sounded proud.

Princess Tatiana squinted her eyes at him, ‘Right for his taste? What am I? Some flavor of cake or something?’

Tatiana brushed aside her absurd thought since she had to be nice, this prince was going to be one she was going to engage with after all.

Despite the fact that the prince asked her to dance, those pitch-black eyes couldn't be erased from her mind.

There was something about it that she couldn't just easily forget or even ignore. It was rare, she hadn't seen anyone with pure eyes like that.

To be continued…

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