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"Mr. Henry, let go of my hand," I begged. But I'm well aware that it won't work on him. Because he is a ruthless mobster with a stone heart who does not think twice about killing others. My own family has recently turned me down. I used to have a crush on 'Adrian,' who I fell in love with at first sight. But I always held that word dear to my heart. I have never opened up about this to him because he is my sister’s boyfriend. I've always decided to ignore you and keep my distance from you, but now you're blaming me for the issue, which was caused by my own sister. What should I do now? How can I get away from this monster?

Chapter 1 Dry leaf

Dry Leaf~

It has been storming since the morning. Mr. Jacob and Mrs. Maria are on their way to us from the hospital. Maria was cradling a baby girl who had just been born. “You don’t have to drive fast, honey. Take your time, we’re nearly there,” Mrs. Maria said. “You have no idea how excited I am, Maria.” Mr. Jacob smiled as he stated, “I just can’t wait to hold her in my arms.” Maria gave a little smile when she heard him and then turned to see her baby. It is her first child. Jacob was overjoyed, since he had always desired a daughter. We arrived at our place after a time. In front of the gate, Jacob beeped. The gatekeeper wasn’t there. He walked out and opened the front door after hearing us for a bit.

The gatekeeper tapped on Jacob’s car window as he approached.

With an irritated expression on his face, Jacob lowered the glass and asked, “What is it?” “Sir, we’ve got an issue,” he said. With a tense expression on my face, I gazed at Jacob.

“Is there a problem?” Jacob asked. “Yes, sir,” he said. I glanced at Jacob and said, “Jacob, first park the car and let’s go home. We can have a conversation there. You come with us,” Jacob stated with a nod. As Jacob had stated, he drove gently to the entrance.

After parking the car, Jacob and I walked into our house with our new member. Kazia, the house’s senior caretaker, smiled as she approached Maria. “Mrs., Where is our new princess?” she asked. I smiled as I handed her over.

“Take her upstairs.” “I’ll be there in a minute,” I responded. Kazia smiled and listened to what I had to say. They were all pleased to see her. Jacob tucked my hair behind my ear and murmured, “Honey, why don’t you go upstairs and relax?” “I will,” I responded, with a flutter of my eyelids. But then the gatekeeper walked in. As we approached him, we realized he was carrying a basket. “What is it?” I asked, my brows narrowing. He lowered his head and said, “Madam, before you guys came, I went down to the basement for something.” But when I returned, I found this basket in front of the gate. “

“Yes, but what exactly is it?” I asked. “Madam, it’s---“ he paused in the middle of his sentence and lowered his gaze.I stared at Jacob, and he asked, exasperated, “Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“Sir, madam,” he added, “someone just abandoned this basket with a newborn baby.” “What?” Jacob said, his voice trembling with shock. I kept myself calm and touched Jacob’s shoulder before turning my gaze to the man. “What are you saying?” I asked. “How could someone do anything like this?” I approached him and peered into the basket as I was talking.

My eyes lit up in astonishment and shock when I saw that. “Who did this?” I mumbled as I looked at the baby.

I took the baby’s clothes and moved it. I was taken aback when I saw the baby because the baby was so adorable. It looked like an angel. And I was shocked because I was thinking about the person who had abandoned this baby. That baby gently opened his eyes and gazed at me as I lifted the towel away from him. As soon as I saw him open his eyes, I smiled. While staring at me, that baby gripped my finger. “Come and look, Jacob.” “Maria, leave it,” Jacob stated in an irritated tone. “Let me call the police. They will do anything they want.” “No, don’t contact them now,” I said as I turned back to him. “We can contact them tomorrow. And I’m going to take him tonight.”

“What? What exactly are you saying, Maria? It isn’t possible. We just don’t know who left it here or for what reason,” Jacob said. “Don’t be like this, Jacob. You can’t be so callous, “As I already stated, I took that baby into my arms. I observed a chain with a pendant around his neck.

“I’m telling you, Maria, don’t touch it,” Jacob urged. I, on the other hand, disobeyed him and touched the chain. “Jacob, this baby is wearing a chain,” I muttered. Perhaps it has something to do with his identity. “ Jacob approached me and checked the baby. He was going to say something when he noticed the chain and abruptly stopped. Jacob drew in a breath and reached for the locket. But after a time, he remarked, “I told you not to touch it.” “No, I’m taking this baby with me,” I responded, making a furious grimace. Jacob aggressively screamed out my name, “Maria!” But after a time, he sighed and reached out to touch me, but I stepped out of the way.

“I’m sorry, honey. But please try to understand that we have no idea what’s going on, “Jacob said. The gatekeeper remarked abruptly, “Madam, I may take the baby with me. When the cops arrive tomorrow, I’ll take him with me.” “Nooo,” I retorted. “Why can’t you see that this baby is going to stay with me?” “I’m not going to abandon him in this situation,” I said. “You’re not throwing it away, Maria,” Jacob said, “just give that baby to him.” “Nooo,” I said, cradling the infant against my chest. “He’ll stay with me,” I said, as I took him upstairs with me.

Jacob was staring straight ahead, towards Maria’s path. After she left the room, Jacob glared furiously at the guy and said, “You know, Maria is a soft-hearted woman, so why did you tell her this in front of her?” He dropped his gaze and mumbled, “I’m sorry, sir. I had no idea that Madam would take this action. When I saw the baby, it made me frightened.” Jacob lowered his gaze and asked, “Did you spot any women around?” “No, sir. I didn’t see anyone near this house. I kept that basket inside due to the severe rain,” he said.

“Shut up and leave,” Jacob said fiercely. That man hastily departed the room upon hearing his rude tone.

to be continued..

[Author Note]

This story contains strong themes and brutality. If you are uneasy, you should consider leaving. Feel free to visit my Instagram account, doodlesbymelody, for a character aesthetics video about the book.

Have fun reading.

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