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Forbidden Love Of The Lycan King

Forbidden Love Of The Lycan King



She was a slave and he was a King. No matter where to look, they were not destined. But why? Why? Please dont give her hope anymore. If the boundaries was crossed. She thought, she might reluctant to let go once again. He pushed her to the wall, his left hand pulling up her waist while the other pinching her chin. He lowered his voice to say, "Don't leave me anymore. Its hopeless" the lycan King personally pleaded. Kate eyes flashed, she clenched King Damien arm, it really was hopeless, her restraints was broken.

Chapter 1 The Slave




The familiar howl sounds one by one, urging those who still want to continue their nap to wake up.

As today was a day that cannot let anyone dare to not listen to it.

As today was the birthday banquet of their lycan King.

Light came inside the small hut and hit the pretty face that belonged to the sleeping woman.

Maybe because the light had somehow annoyed the woman's closed eyes.

The woman finally showed signs of awakening.

Aftera time of waking up, the woman finally fluttered up her eyelashes as her closed eyes opened.

Blue eyes soon became visible to the naked eyes.

Kate slightly moved her body but found out that there was something heavy around her waist.

Vigilant, Kate quickly looked over at her back ready to attack, noticing something was amiss.

Only to feel helpless after finally seeing who was the one tightly hugging her waist.

"My King"

Kate softy said, calling out the sleeping King.

The Lycan King.

Yeah, you read it right.

The one that was currently hugging her right now was the king of lycans himself.

The King that had a birthday banquet today.


The man who was still peacefully sleeping in a small bed opened his eyes and adjusted to the light that came through inside.


Damien groaned, he completely woke up but still did not let go of Kate's waist.

His thin and sexy lips curled up as he said in a hoarse voice.

":ets sleep for one more hour"

Damien said softly but was clearly commanding Kate to obey even if the tone that was used had a little bit of pampering into it.

The lycan King was behaving too unreasonably again.

But as a slave, Kate was sure to obey

But also as a slave, Kate was responsible for Damientoday.

When today was the day the lycan King can finally be crowned offcilaly and not let those coveting relatives have the intentions to let Damien step off the throne.

Kate sighed and regardless of the faint anger that she will need to bear.

Kate moved once again, only to flinch in pain, feeling sore in her back.

Yeah right.

She remembered, they did the deed for almost 2 days after the aphrodisiac medicine took turns on both of their bodies.

Kate remembered how intense the king was for those two days.

Kate cheeks naturally had a faint blush as she flushed her cheeks.

The face was red like the color of a tomato.

Damien sat up immediately after hearing kate hummedin pain, massaging the waist and thigh that he knew must be the one feeling sore, he asked with concern,

"Is it better now?"

Damien asked while working hard on lightly massaging Kate waist and thigh.

No matter where to look.

It was not like a king that should have treated their slaves.

Kate cheeks flushed even more as she lightly pushed Damien's chest that was sticking to her exposed arms.

The ambiguous atmosphere suddenly came between the two of them.

Kate blinked her eyes as mischievousness flashed inside her head.

She lifted the corner of her lips as she slowly lessen the distance of her face and Damien's face.

Damien gulped, fiery heat once again rising inside his body.

When a nught thing will start once again between the two of them.




The howl outside sounded once again, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere that Kate alone had created on a whim.

Realizing what she had done.

Kate blushed slightly as she lowered her head.

Her voice stammered as shame rushed through her eyes.

But Damien was not the least bit affected by it as he continued touching his oman body with his hand that was naughtily going down in that certain direction that Kate hurriedly clamped after he was near through it.

"The g-gathering will start soon King Damien"

Kate softly said, managing not to stammer all the sentences that she will need to say.

"What gathering?"

Damien asked, sounding very displeased at the constant interruption and rejection coming from the woman he combined with his body and soul for the past two days.

But as a King.

How can Damien just give up just like that?

So after having encountered Kate certain parts clamped tightly.

He had his eyes look to the one with no protection.

Glancing at Kate's rich chest.

Damien gulped down as he felt thirsty all of a sudden.

The hands that still remained on Kate's thigh roamed and were placed inside the thin clothing Kate wore after waking up.

Damien's big hands grasped Kate's chest full of richness.

The heat that went down because of the sudden howl outside once again roses.

Kate bit her lower lip and hummed lowly as she fell.

Damien moved his hands immediately in her lower part after seeing Kate softened her body.


Kae's soft voice suddenly became sultry as bliss seeped through her bones causing her to soften even more.

the pleasure in her eyes while she was being touched down there was too obvious at Damelin Eyes.

Damien smirked and increased the strength that he used to touch those wet pearls.

Kate Knew she was being teased once again but she really can't afford to have another round as the pre-banquet for damine birthday will soon start.

As the howl outside was getting too intense.

So, still surprisingly with a rational mind despite the pleasure that was given to her.

Kate swallowed all of her thirst for more,suppressing the moan that was about to come out, she says in an almost pleading tone,

"It's your birthday banquet"

Kate answered, not letting any moan escape her lips.

After saying those words.

Kate hurriedly closed her mouth as she said those words.

Damein frowned, he was really hating the woman lying softly in his arms.

The familiar moan that he was expecting to hear was not heard.

The strength that he used to hold those pearls increased once again as one finger made its way through inside.


Kate was caught off guard as she moaned loudly in a sudden time.

She widened her eyes and hurriedly closed her mouth as she brought both of her hands to cover up her lips.

Looking at the direction of the door.

Kate breathes a sigh of relief when seeing everything was still normal and no one suddenly rushes in to the door and happens to see this scene.

Damein did not react too much.

Because he knows that no one will come in and interrupt what he will do.

And even if there will be someone to try interrupting.

It's still okay.

He had ways to deal with it after this matter was over here.

But Kate was obviously not one that would just let go of that.

Damien frowned and just focused on the words that Kate had said to him.

Remembering that today was his birthday banquet.

Dameine put one more finger at the inside of Kate pearls, while saying.

"It will start at 12, it's still 10. Too early for my birthday to start"

Damein explained and answered, his other hand that was fre finally moved and was lifting up the thin cloth that covered most of Kate's private parts.

It really was a sore thing for his eyes.

Kate did not struggle anymore as she knew that whatever she would do.

Damein will simply not listen to what she said.

It can be understandable though.

She was a slave.

A slave wolrf.

And a slave cant never have a power over a lycan.

especially if the lycan she currently was serving for 8 years of enslavement was the lycan King himself.


Kate hummed as her eyes filled with pleasure suddenly turned expressionless.

How can she forget?

She was a slave.

A slave of the lycan King.

even if she and the lycan King had done what most couples or married couples do.

She cannot be considered even as a secret lover in her current identity right now.

Wen all of the slaves dont have the right to be a couple with anyone much more to their masters.

the only thing that was available for them.

Othr thanbeing a slave of all of the chores going on insie the guhe hidden palace deep into the forest.

Slaves can also be rearded as a plaything if they are useles in doing those chores.

Kate was looking at nothingness with dead eyes.

Her head rests quietly on Damein's shoulder while she just leaves Damein at doing all kinds of naughty things in her body.

Kate does not even bother to moan anymore as she was already lazy after being enlightened by those 'facts' visibly presented in front of her.

Damien who felt that Kate suddenly was being quiet had his brows furrowed.

he was confused.

His two fingers that were tightly clasped by those two soft walls.

Damien took the initiative to take them out.


A shameful and nasty sound lightly echoed in the air.

While Kate had her lower lip bitten once again after this process was done too slowly.

Damein pulled Kate's shoulders and looked into her eyes.

Seeing those familiar dead eyes full of alienation to him.

Damein's eyes sank.

He frowned but finally obeyed what Kate had ordered a while ago.

Who made his woman the one with a weak factor in their relationship?

It can't be helped, he needed to be the one to compromise again and again.

Kate turned her head, where Damein could not see.

The lips that were pushed down curled up slightly in victory.

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Forbidden Love Of The Lycan King

Chapter 1 The Slave
