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Introduction "Rigo? Let's visit the hall. I heard the mayor has a throw party today, because it's the birthday of one of his princesses." I looked at Jax because of what he said. Birthday? Princess of the mayor? I shrugged because of what Jax said. "You know me Jax, I don't do formal occasions." I simply promised and really paid attention to the video game I was playing. "That's why I asked you, it's not a formal occasion. It's a party as in, similar to clubbing." He said. Clubbing. I just ignored him. "Oh? You don't want to? Remember Riguel Traspe is in arrears with me." I was just blown away by what he said. He is bringing that up again, because if it wasn't for him, Mommy would have caught me clubbing at dawn. Fortunately, he said I slept over with them. "Fine. Fine. But don't call me Riguel, you dumbass!" I stood up and dropped the controller on the coffee table in front of me. "Yes! Wear something good!" He shouted and left our house. after I got ready I immediately walked to the garage of our house, and I was surprised to see Jax standing there and smiling at me. Thickness of his face, will he really go with me? I just sighed and my car rang. when we got inside, he immediately turned on the radio in my car. "The whole basketball team is going to this party." He said while I was driving. "Why? They are not that into clubs." I said. "Even if I don't, I won't miss it, the mayor's two children are beautiful, I want to meet them." Smiling Jax said, I was just shaken by what Jax said. "You know you, the pity of your race if you don't take advantage. Try to mingle my friend." he said and showed me his goofy smile. "I swear when you see maybe the mayor's kids you might like them too." he said smiling. I had no choice but to nod at him, moreover, as if I would fall in love with a woman that easily. when we got to the hall I was amazed at the noise around. This is the first time that the hall is so noisy, and many people from outside come inside. I also saw a few from our school. Is this party so famous? well, obviously the mayor's daughter's is celebrating. Mayor Santillana has been running this city since I moved here. I also heard that since he was the one who walked here, the town has become more prosperous and safer. when we entered the hall I could clearly see how much hype the area was. So I smiled, this is nice. It's time to get hype up! I immediately went to the drinking section and got some hard drinks. "Look what we got here! Rigo Traspe?" I looked at the woman who spoke and I just smiled at them. "I never thought. I'll see you here!" Who is this? I am not familiar with this girl. "Oh, I'm Brianna Salvez." Oh, Brianna the student council president. "Mind if I sit beside you?" "Nah, I don't." he smiled at my answer and immediately sat down next to me. She talked a lot and I could do nothing but listen to her. Brianna is pretty I can say, but I don’t like her that much because she runs the council in a very wrong way. She just stopped speaking when the Mayor suddenly came out in front. Immediately everyone fell silent, even I fell silent as well. Saint Santillana is a very intimidating person. "Good Evening folks, thank you for attending this party for my Princess." His introduction. "Let me introduce to you my two daughters, Evie and Avie Santillana." I stared at the entrance of the hall and I couldn’t explain how I felt. The way she walks, her bored eyes, her hair, everything is beautiful to her. And for no apparent reason I was immediately nervous. uh-oh, This is bad. Evie..I will remember that name until this night ends.

Chapter 1 1

cHAPTER ONE: Why are you so rude?

St. Ignatius' Academy. Uncle Ignatius' school, I don't get Mommy why they transferred me to SIA, they know that wherever they transfer me, everyone will still judge me. Being the mayor's daughter sucks! plus, being the First Mafia Boss' daughter, sucks too!

everyone is putting their own expectations on me. They are expecting me to be like my Father, or my Mother. Because, they are both excellent leaders in the underground.

moreover, I would rather be a normal citizen than have the blood of a Santillana!

"Isn't this exciting Evie? Us, in new school.that means, new environment, new friends, new! "

"Bullies?" I finished Avie off. Immediately her face frowned because of what I said.

"Oh, come on Evie! Uncle Ignatius promised us that nothing would hurt us here! And plus, this school is cool !"Shee laughed and said, this school is cool ... well that sounds funny.

"You should atleast laughed at my joke!" She Annoyed, I just shrugged my shoulders at Avie and walked faster.

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" I sarcastically laughed. She just rolled her eyes at me.

while we were walking, I looked at my phone and saw Soren's caller ID. Soren is my younger brother, who is really spoiled. Dad spoiled him a lot, moreover Mom said Dad really wants a son back then, but Avie and I were both girls who came out.

Not our fault though. i answered Soren's call and waited for him to speak.

"Hulaan Mo?" His introduction.


"Dad is going to pass his throne to me and not to you." I can sense that Soren is already smiling from ear to ear.

I really don't care about Dad's position in the underworld. it's not a big deal for me when it comes to Soren. And I know that Soren will be given that because he is the man. he is more suited than I am, and I don't see any problem with that.


"Oh, nothing. I'm just sharing it to you. I thought you were going to take it from me." He chuckled. i was just blown away by what he said.

"No, I won't..I love my little brother so much that I can give it all to you." I sneered at him. I can imagine his disgusted face HAHA!

"Ew! Stop that Evie! It doesn't matter."

"What was that again?" I recall the name he called me.

"Sister." I smiled.

"Right. Now, I'll hang up ... my class will start soon."

"Sure. Take care. Bye." He said and I dropped the call.

Avie looked at me.

"Is that Soren?" She asked and I nodded.

Among the three of us, Soren and I are closer. I usually bond with him because i prefer his trips than Avie's trips. avie usually play some boring dolls, before. While me and Soren often plays ps4, or video games.

And I really think that is so entertaining and I'm not bored.

"Soren is such a rude little brother, he won't talk to me unless I'll play with him with his cars." avie's voice was sharp when she said that I did nothing but shrug.

Avie and I broke up because I was one year ahead of her. I immediately put my earphones on my ears and searched my assigned classroom.

I stared at my schedule, Class A - 1? Perfect, just on the second floor. when I got to the second floor I immediately entered my classroom. the noisy students immediately fell silent, they all stared at me as if they couldn't believe it.

'Isn't she the mayor's daughter?'

'So the rumors are true? Is she here with the SIA student? '

'She's hella gorgeous!'

i sat at the very end by the window and ignored the strange looks they had at me. They can say what they want but I don't have a care. This is repeated over and over again.

in the end transfer Avie and I again because of the issues that will be thrown at us. we can't live freely, and I already know that. They don't need to slap the reality out of us, again and again.

I looked in front of me when suddenly a man was standing in front of me. right in front of my desk, I looked up at him and raised my eyebrows.

Who is this?

"Hi! I am Jizan Zoldyck.you are Evie, right?" He said smiling. I just ignored him and shifted my gaze out the window again.

i turned up the volume of the music on my earphones, until he felt like i didn't want to talk to him so he just sat in the chair in front of me.

later our adviser also entered. We all introduced ourselves like every normal first day of school would do. but to our surprise, the door to our classroom suddenly opened and a curly -haired man appeared before me.

He was smiling and still panting, his curly hair was messy, and I noticed a diamond earring on his left ear. do I think men are not allowed to wear earrings as long as they go to private school?

"Excuse me, Mr. Traspenot you don't have the right to be late ㅡ"

"Sorry, prof. I need to pull out some strings before going here." he jokingly said, he smiled again and that's when I noticed his dimples on both cheeks. He is cute.

"I won't tolerate this kind of act, next time! Be more responsible! Now introduce yourself." Our prof said. He nodded to our prof and immediately confronted us all.

i heard some voices of women saying that he was handsome blabla. I was just blown away by the wind and leaned my back on the backrest of the chair.

"Good morning! I am, Rigo Traspe. Nice to meet you all." He said and flashed his killer smile again, he has a bright personality huh? but, I don't like positive people like him. We definitely won't get along.

My female classmates screamed as I was left speechless. stupid bitches, everywhere. Senior High, that's still being implemented.

I was surprised when he suddenly walked in my direction and sat in the empty seat next to me. yeah, just great. I think this is one of the things I can fight this year.

"Hi." I slowly turned to him and raised an eyebrow at him.

"It's ugly, it's just hi." He said while still pouting, and I find it so cute. I just shook my head and focused my attention on the front.

"Why didn't you pay attention at your birthday party?" I was surprised when he suddenly whispered to me.

"What the hell, are you up to ?!" I immediately said and pushed his face away from me, what's wrong with this man ?!

"Evie ... evie ... why are you so rude?" Shake he said while still laughing.

to be continued...

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