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The licensed murderer

The licensed murderer



Detective Vanessa" he called urgh can't he adapt to the name Nessa for heaven sake "yes sir" I said "well take a look at this file and pictures " he said pushing them to me. I looked at the picture and was shocked to see dead bodies "something happened at #3 pollens drive , we found some dead bodies in the inn, everyone in there is dead except the receptionist who pretended to be dead " he said "hmm I see I replied "I want you handle the case alongside your new assistant Ezekiel Montero "he said as he looked straight into my eyes " a new assistant?" I yelled "watch your tongue woman " he said while glaring. What a jerk asking me to watch my tongue what if I don't want to i thought in my head "yes you would meet him in a while now get to work " he said smiling A new case is given to Nessa and she has to find the killer Who is the killer?

Chapter 1 What a day!!


"Karen!!! Hurry up I'm late for work and so are you, we can't both be late for our first day of work." "I'm on my way Nessa" Karen yelled

"Urghh I'm gonna drive without you " I threatened as she ran quickly down the stairs.

You wanna know who I am? Well I'll tell you. I am Vanessa Morris a detective, just got a job at the FBI station and am running late for work. Great all thanks to Karen. Back in the days, every kid had this dream of being a doctor, scientist or any science related course. But I was always different, I had this dream of being a detective and fight crime because when I lost both parents no one took up the case. Well Karen is the daughter of Mrs kay a woman who was kind enough to take me in.

Enough of talk and all that let's get back to present . Karen finally got her bag a d we zoomed off.


Nessa is such a freak I hope she doesn't chop my head off before I even get to my work place.

Oops forgive my manners I didn't introduce my self. I am Karen Smith , Nessa assumed sister. I got a job at a cosmetic company as a make up personnel I hope my boss Mimi is nice.

"Thanks Nessa for dropping me off "I said as I waved her goodbye. I walked majestically into the company I felt all eyes on me I didn't care as I walked to the receptionist and asked her where the CEO'S office is and she directed me.

I knocked "come in" I heard a female voice answered . After we have discussed I was asked to do a test with a fellow colleague.


I got to the office and I was directed to my office. I sat and began arranging files when I heard a knock on the door ."come in" I said . A young guy walked in "Hi I'm MK " he said "well I'm Vanessa Morris but you can call me Nessa " I replied. Then he suddenly said Mr shawn wants to see me , so I walked with him to Mr Shawn's office.

Getting there, before I could knock he said "come in " so we both went in. "Welcome to my abode, I am shawn Donald, you might have been showed your office right?" Mr shawn said "yeah" I replied "Good well, the person beside you is Marvis Kindo your assistant "he said .

I turned to look at Mk and he winked we were asked to go back to our offices. On our way out I confronted MK "what did you say your name was again?" I asked "MK, Marvis Kindo just the way you are Nessa , Vanessa Morris" he said with a smirk on is face , a smirk I wish I could wipe off arghhh ."oh now I get, sorry" I responded.

We continued to walk down the hall , as MK waved as people as we pass by which was weird to me cause as we all know am not a people person. Argh I’m getting tired already and I haven't even started yet I just hope Karen is doing okay and her boss is not being a bitch like her previous boss who bosses her around “Karen do this ,Karen do that ,Karen u have to go for this contract “ it was so annoying to watch Karen complain daily. “So you get what I mean" MK said bringing me out if my thought I didn't even hear him speak “ you said what” I asked “you didn’t get a word I said I knew it , so tell me who are you thinking about hmmm is it how cute the boss is ?”he asked “Tf I don’t even think of him as cute I mean he is kinda old in a way “ i said. He just smiled as we walked to the coffee machine and I made a cup for my self and he watched me and started ranting about how coffee tastes bitter and me trying to convince him that he should try the one karen makes. Getting to my office MK tagged along arghhh I don’t think he is leaving me any time soon. “So Nessa lets know more about each other “ he said “ Okayyyy well as you know my name is Vanessa Morris I lost both of my parents when I was six “ Ahh I can still remember that day vividly on my sixth birthday mum and dad were so excited to take me to the park so we went to the park and I was having a lot of fun ,they got me ice cream we took pictures and went on a train. Suddenly I saw a man aiming a gun at my dad before I could alert him my dad was already on the floor my mum started crying and when he was also about to shoot me my mum went in and she died immediately and I started crying for help. This story always get me in tears “so sorry Nessa you went through a lot at a young age “ he said “ enough talk about me let talk about you tell me about yourself ?” I asked “ well I’m Mk , my parents live in California I have a little sister she’s 10 years old and well I'm gay , I like boys and it’s okay for you to judge me I get that alot even my parents were not cool with it “ he said “ no I’m not going to judge its who you are and you don’t need to change that so it’s okay “ I said smiling at him."thanks Nessa" he said " how do you do that like how did you manage to make me emotional " he said fake glaring " part of my charm" I smirked.

There was really nothing much to do just to arrange files then I was done for the day, sid my goodbyes to MK and went home. God I'm hungry!

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The licensed murderer