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thin line between love and hate

thin line between love and hate



"you hate me i get it, but was it necessary to embarrass me in front of the entire class?? you hate me because you think i am this monster of a person but today it turns out that you are the monster" Luna said looking at me. she has tears in her eyes and i couldnt help but feel guilty, i took it too far in a fit of rage. "i hope that i never see you again in my life, you have officially made an enemy out of me Austin mendes.. have a great life" she said to me and handed me some papers. i read what she wrote and i couldnt believe it, did i misjudge her???

Chapter 1 Austin Mendes

A person is not always what other people perceive them to be.

sometimes its better to make judgements when you yourself have reached the same conclusion and that can only happen when you get to know them yourself...

Hating someone because the person you love hates them can be misleading and bad on your part and this was the case with Austin Mendes.

Austin is a 17year old, popular in high school and everywhere since he is the son of one of the richest man in Metairie, a small town outside New Orleans …

Austin is a jock who is different from other jocks, in most cases the jock is always self-centred, rude, and full of himself but not Austin…

he was intelligent, goal orientated, quite and kind and so was his girlfriend Sharon who also happens to be the love of his life…

He got along with everyone except the one girl he hates with passion and that is Luna.

he has been classmates with that girl ever since they got to high school and he hated everything about her and somehow all the time she always manages to make him hate her more…

She is always surrounded by people and everyone wants to suck up to her and be her friend for some reason…

she was the type of girl he would never date, loud, rebellious, proud, self-centred and a bully, yes, she your typical perfect teenage high school bully…

She bullied his Sharon, the love of his life when she transferred to this school.

Sharon left her previous school because she was also bullied there and when she came here, she found another bully that made her life more miserable but not anymore…

Austin found Sharon crying in the library when they first met and she was just a girl who wore sweaters and kept to herself so she was invisible that he had never seen her since that day.

at first, she wouldn’t open up to him about why she was crying but that day he liked everything about her...

The tone of her voice was kind, low and she was even too shy to look him in the eyes.

she is everything he would want in a girl, intelligent, understanding and they have a lot in common...

Like the same taste in music, movies, food and they are both caring and understanding and what made him love her even more is that they both want to pursue a career in business…

he was heading to the toilet during class and on his way, he passed by the principal’s office and there she was.

she had her blonde hair in a messy bun and she was having tea and biscuits with the principal and that too in the middle of a class…

He has had the same classes as her for like forever and he knew that she was not in class for the past 2 days and when she does come to class, she is always late, and the teachers just let it slide…

Like always she wore dark clothes and a leather jacket, and her helmet was nearby, yes, she is a bike person after all she is reckless.

From where he was standing, he just saw a girl who was sugar coating the principal into not punishing for her being absent for 2 days, she does that a lot, varnishes out of nowhere and they don’t even punish her…

She was obviously telling the principal one of her funny stories because he could not stop laughing and she just kept going.

he watched her talking like they were no worries in the world, like she doesn’t make other people miserable…

He realised that he has been staring for long when she turned around and looked his way a small smile graced her lips before she went on talking to the principal…

Her smile made him feel something and he just dismissed it as anger or hatred and he quickly left a little embarrassed that he was caught staring…

from the toilet he went directly to class and then a few minutes later she came in, everyone in class started cheering as if a queen just entered.

“you are late Luna” said Mr Wilson but his facial expression wasn’t that of a furious school teacher, it was like it wasn’t a big deal that she was late for class…

“I am so sorry Mr Wilson” she said taking out a container of brownies causing Mr Wilson to smile more and gesturing her to sit down...

That is exactly what Austin hated about her, she walks around like she owns the school, and the teachers don’t even give her detention….

“I see you are ladies’ man again Mr Wilson” she said before sitting down, Mr Wilson just looked at her as if asking her to elaborate.

“the lipstick on your collar” she said pointing at the part of the collar and everyone burst out laughing and cheering for Mr Wilson who started blushing…

“I am glad that we are over evil ex Mrs Wilson... you deserve to be happy Sir” she said doing an air fist bump with her teacher who also joined her…

Austin has had to tolerate all this ever since she came here, every teacher is her best friend even the strict ones…

Class continued; he was next to Sharon since they have a few classes together, so he stopped paying attention to Luna…

As the bell rang, he went out and walked Sharon to her next class before going to his, before he could g to his class his sister Mia called out to him so he had to go to her.

“I am going out with the girls after school so they will drop me home” she said to her brother giving him as little details as possible because he wouldn’t like who she was going out with...

Before her brother could say anything, a hand touched her shoulder and when she turned around, she saw Luna.

“don’t forget, after class you will find the rest of us where I park my bike” she said before being called by her friend Merissa and leaving before winking at both of them...

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