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Sing for Love

Sing for Love



Many people admires him, not counting me in. He always say that he admires me from being true to myself but in fact I'm no good at making friends. I don't want a lot of things, just peace and quiet, maybe some pets to keep me company. I am happy with my life as it is. Sometimes I wonder if there is anything else out there for me. Maybe someday. We are a total opposite.

Chapter 1 The Encounter

There's a lot of people in the cafe. I was so stressed this day and barely eaten. I wanted something sweet and cold so I ordered chocolate cake with ice coffee.

I took off my jacket to place it on the back of one of the chairs when a man walked past me. He had masks on, a cap and a tinted shade. Okay self, be calm. There's a lot of weird people here.

I continued typing a report for the next semester as I waited for my cake to be done. It wasn't long before the waitress set it down, along with the cup of coffee.


She said as she walked away.

I took a bite and started to enjoy it. Then I remembered that I didn't order an ice cream. This was the first time I forgot to order my fave. I always had it whenever I sitted and do my work. I think I was just stressed this days so my mind is completely blunt. I raised my hand to the waitress but she's not paying attention to me.

"Hey, can I get a-" she doesn't even hear me as she continues on with her work.

"Damn it, " I said under my breath. She ignored me and continued walking back and serve the new costumer.

I was about to stand up when the guy with a mysterious look sit in front me. I am shock and panicked at the same time because there's still a lot of free spot but he takes mine. I mean, I don't mind sharing but it's slightly big of deal. He seated as if he's already a regular here. I also hear some girls whispering and taking a pictures? Hello? What's this guy?

'What the--- is he a maniac?!'

I asked to myself as I stiffened standing.He takes off his mask and shades but not his cap. I think he's a bit familiar. His broad shoulders, puppy look, his eyelashes, his eyes but I couldn't think where'd I saw him. I shrugged and sitted.

"Excuse me"

He looked at me with a lil bit disappointed face? I don't know, maybe I was just imagining.

"Why did you sit here? I mean, there's a lot of empty seats out there" as I look with those empty seats. His face lightens and smiled a lil bit.

"Why? are you uncomfortable?"

He asked with a lovely yet deep voice.

"N-no, I actually don't mind but--- okay you can sit hear."

I sipped while he smiled at me. I still can't be unbothered with those gals who takes pic and whispering to each other. I looked away from him. He was still smiling at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Are you bothered?," He seriously asked.

"Why wouldn't I? Those girls are whispering and taking a pic of me or you, I don't know. Who wouldn't be bothered about that" I said

His eyes got big. "You don't know me?"

"Why? Are you famous? if you are then good for you, but I won't take any risks to be on social media, get some hates that I didn't know where it came from and why"

"No, I'm not famous. I was just r-regular here. I always stop here and get some beautiful view. The ambiance here is great, isn't it?" he smiled

"Yup, I'm also here as always but I don't think I saw you, but hell yeah, you look familiar to me. I guess I saw you once or twice" I shrugged and get my eyes back to my laptop.

He scoffed slightly,

"What are you doing?" he curiously asked

"School Reports" I replied simply

"Ah," was his response. We two sat in silence for some time until--

"Hey, what's your name?"

I stared at him with curiosity as if I'm asking an explanation why would he wants to know my name.

"Oh, I just want to know. You know, that's not that bad right?"

"I'm not giving my name to a stranger"

"Okay then, I'm Jake. Nice to meet you. So now, I'm not a stranger anymore" I rolled my eyes and shift back my eyes to my laptop.

"Hey, won't you give me your name?"


"What should I do?"

"Shut up"

"That hurts" as he acted up like his heart is in pain. I can't help myself to laugh because of how funny his face is.

'This guy is something'

"Okay fine, I'll tell you if you will buy me an ice cream" I smirked as he pout. What the---why is he so cute?!

"Fine" he stand up gradually while I am shock in my place.

'Oh my gosh, is he really ordering? I'm just joking!'

I was just about to stop him but he has long legs so he's fastly walking out. I just shaked my head and get back to work.

'That guy, he's so fool' and I slightly laughed

After a couple of minutes, Jake is back along with the ice cream.

"Sorry that took a while because a lot of costumers came in." he says as he placed the ice cream on the table. I looked at him holding my laughter because I still can't stop thinking how he's desperate to know my name.

"So, now, what's your name?" he seriously asked then he sitted. And me, that's it, I burst out laughing!

"What the--- are you really desperate to know my name?" as I continue laughing

"Well, obviously yes" I stopped. He's serious now.

"Okay fine. I'm Jame" and had a bite of ice cream and just continued. "And I currently studying in college"

Jake just nodded his head and also ate his ice cream."Hey Jake?"

He looked up "Yeah?"

"Is this your favorite ice cream flavor?"

"Nope. I asked Selene what flavor you always order"


"The girl right there" Jake pointed the pretty girl who's standing behind the counter.

"That's witty of you though, I love matcha very much" as I take another bite of ice cream.

"Is that your favorite flavor? Matcha? Or are you planning to steal it from me" I asked him.

He smirked "Yes, maybe" he winked at me as I roll my eyes "--but to be honest, not really. I love chocolates but I think I should also try something different, so I thought why not? Also I want to try something different"

"Oh okay" I looked down eating more ice cream. "But tell me if you get bored or don't like it, I'm here to finish it all"

I also winked at him as I take a look at my cellphone. Crissy sent me something, I take a look at the picture she send and rolled my eyes. Crissy sent me a picture of guy SHE wants me to DATE. She said that my life is a lil bit boring so she's worried with the thought of I won't marry a guy because I always rejecting someone who's interested in me. I mean, what's the rush?

I placed my phone a lil bit irritated and Jake seems to noticed it.

"You okay?"

"Yes" I sighed "No"

"Spill the tea" I sighed and looked Jake's on his face. His visuals is insane, he's like an angel who comes down to--- okay this isn't the time for this Jame, focus!

"My best friend, Crissy, always wants me to attend blind date or date someone who I don't know. Like, the guy she sent me, she wants me to date him this Sunday" I took a bite of ice cream.

His face turns serious "That's not good. Why would she push you onto something you don't want? She's your bestfriend right? Then she should respect your decision"

"Yeah..." I sighed

"That's exactly her point Jake. She's my best friend so she's worried that I might not get a guy to marry with."

I looked at the flowers that in front of us.

"I'm not rushing things, and this"

I pointed my laptop with my school reports

"This can make me happy too" I paused,

"This may be boring but I'm not rushing things, even if it's love. I actually don't care if I'll die alone, I'm too trained for that"

I sadly smiled and stared at him

"I'm too dramatic right? sorry I---"

He cuts me off,

"No, I was asking you in the first place. And, we're a 50% out of 100% being a stranger, they say that stranger makes you feel better because that person will never see you again, right?"

'I won't see you again?'

I was a lil bit sad of that thought. I snap back at reality,

'Jame, how come you've already attached to someone who knew just in a minute?!'

"Y-yeah, I guess so"

"Okay, back to the topic. Are you going?" I look at the space.

"I don't know, maybe no, maybe yes"

"Why would you go into something you don't want to do at the first place? Jame, you're a grown lady now, you just can't let anyone control you"

I nods at him, "I know but sometimes, I'm just doing this for myself. Crissy is like my late mother though, she doesn't stop until she won't get what she wants" I faked a smile.

"Late mother? what happened?" I sighed

"I-I, you don't need to answer, I'm way too curious for being a stranger right? Sorry, I stepped my line"

"That's okay, my mother controlled me from everything I did. In the whole 16 years of age and now I'm already 21. I lived in luxury but not truly happy. I always obey what she wants me to do, she always say that she's doing everything she could for me to have a successful future. That is also the reason why I'm not into relationship until now because that's the way I lived on in a half of my life" tears are forming into my eyes.

"J-jame, I'm sorry, I-I, here" he gave me a tissue

"Thank you" I wipe the forming tears in my eyes

"My father isn't with us, the day I was born. I didn't know him. I didn't have a chance to stare at his face, so now, I'm completely alone because my mother died 2 years ago"

Jake is completely shock, even made an O with this lips

"Crissy is the one who made me feel that I'm not alone all this time, so I think I understand where she's coming from, although I can't stand what she wants"

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Jame" he look pale.

I slightly laugh

"Yes this is your fault, you made me cry" then he looks at me concern

"Okay, it's a joke. It's okay, I'm okay and there's nothing wrong you're asking me that kind of questions. Stranger is bests right?"

'Although I don't think you're an stranger anymore' I sighed with my thought

Jake sighed, "Do you want to know anything from me?" he asked

'Do I? of course?'

"Hmm" I paused, "Okay, as related at my drama of life, do you have parents?"

He sadly smiled,

"Yes, I do have."

"You have your parents so why are you making that face" he look so down

"Because I can't feel them. They always look down on me, my mom said I was her mistake. I don't know, I want to know but who will answer my questions? No one"

I bite my lips, it's now clear to me that I'm not that one who has big problems. I always thought the other way around.

"Your father, is just your step father, if I am right?" he nods

"Maybe this will be offending but I think I know why is your mother acting like that"

He looked at me puzzled

"What do you think?"

"Maybe you resemble your biological father so much, to the point that she always don't want to see you because of the memories of her past that haunted her down".

He falls into silence, and speak, "I didn't do anything wrong and..." he paused "I didn't pray to be born"

I don't know how to react, I'm not that used sharing and hearing problems, but this is a great experience though.

"I think you are right" he continued as I look at him confused.

"My mother said something that I shouldn't be born, and that I was her mistake because my father is a big jerk. She was drunk that time and spilled the tea on me. She also said that"

Jake sighed. I waited for him to continue

"I should die" I was so shocked that I put my hands on my mouth staring at him with a big eyes.

"O-oh my gosh Jake, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't ask you this, I'm sorry I didn't kno---"

"No. Please be not. I want to share this to you the way you shared your problems to me. And I feel way better than best. I didn't tell this story for a long time, I always kept it myself. This is the first time" he reassured me with a bright smile

"I envy you."

"Me? Why?"

"Because you can still smile even with that big problem suffocating your heart."

"But you can still smile, and in addition, I saw you laugh"

A pressure heats up my cheeks--no I'm not blushing!

"I laughed because you're funny and you're fool" I chuckled

"See? You can still be happy without minding your problems everyday. Jame, you're a tough woman, you know how to handle your problems without worrying others. In fact, you're the one who still cares about them"

"Well, I guess?" he nods "The same to you too. I thought you're 99% of people who doesn't have problems the way you smile and handle those handsome face"

"Me? Handsome?" he smirked. Okay Jame you're busted.

"Who? Did I say handsome? I don't remember" okay you're embarrassing yourself Jame

"I know I'm handsome though, a lot of people says that" he winked and I felt myself blushing. wtf

I rolled my eyes and checked my clock. It's already 7 pm in the evening. I also gazed at my laptop which I didn't type a lot of my reports because I was too swayed by Jake and our conversation haha

"I need to get going, Jake. I have to clean up my apartment" as I clean up my trashes and my things.

"Yeah, me too. I have a lot to do" as he also stands up. Wow he's so tall

We walked through the exit of the cafe and stopped beneath the bus stop.

"I'll just wait here" I said and looked at him. It's embarrassing that I literally do the chin up because he's so tall. If I say tall, he's so so so tall is what I meant. He smiled at me and nods

"Well, I don't know when will I see you again because this day will be my busy day" he said

"Pfft what are you? my boyfriend?"

I sarcastically said and laughed

"There's nothing to worry about. Who knows, fate will let us to see each other again" I winked and he gave me a bright smile

"Yeah right, fate." he nods a lot of times "There's a bus, thank you for today Jame. I had a lot of fun because of you. Nice to meet you Jame, I hope I'll see you again"

"Yeah me too" I paused "You gave me a lot of comfort, thank you, a lot" We stared at each other for a long time until

"Aren't you getting in?!" The bus driver irritatedly asked. Jake smiled as I smiled back. I finally getting in and take a seat. The bus is still in place so I wave at him as my last goodbye and he waves at me too. I guess this will be the last then...

Bye Jake...

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