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Meet Liam a 28yrs old bachelor...he own one of the biggest company in Canada he's a s*x addict..yeah he's a s*x addict šŸ¤« he sleep with different ladies at least twice a day but none of them pleases him "Now meet Elsa a 25yr old lady an hardworking lady she had to do different work to live ever since her mom died they had being suffering her dad was a drunkard and she really dispise him alot her father was useless her mom was the bread winner of their family before she died so she has to work to feed she and her little sister and her dad... "Now what happens when Liam was really angry and needs someone to pour is anger out through s*x and he had no other choice to rape elsa "What happens when slept with elsa and she was she first woman who pleases him? "Now what happens when Liam and elsa met 3yrs later and she became is secretary? "What happens elsa found out he raped her? "Will she accept his love or not? "What happens when elsa ex came back and she had to choice between 2 of them? Anyways we'll find out later make sure you like and comment then I'll post the first chapter ā˜ŗļø

Chapter 1 Rape

Ohhhh sh*t yeah f*vk me hard...deeper please....the girl beneath Liam moans....

He felt he he would c*m anytime soon so he came out of her and let his c*m on the bedsheet

Liam stood up and went to the bathroom to freshen up...when he came out of the bathroom he saw the same girl still laying on the bed

"What are you still doing here?" Liam ask authoritatively

"I was thinking we'll go another round..."the lady replied with a smile on her face...


"Common I'll treat you better this round

"GET OUT OF HERE!!!!",liam shouted at the lady....

Ohhh I'm sorry I'll take my leave now...how about my money?

When you get out my PA will settle you.

"Ohh ok."..the lady replied and she took her dress and left the room...

"Liam also left the room and went to his own personal room immediately the maids went to the other room to clean it up...

Liam doesn't like it when he f*vks ladies in his personal room so he prefers to do it in one of his guest rooms

ā˜…The next dayā˜…

Liam woke up at the sound of the alarm he went to the bathroom and freshen up and he changed into his office wear and he left for work.....

Liam got to work and he called for a meeting immediately...the meeting lasted for 45mins


He stood up and went back to his office....after he was done making calls with his business partners

Suddenly an ads popped on his phone and he clicked it and saw s*x video and naked picture of ladies

Immediately he saw it he began to feel h*rny and he called one of his staffs in...

Yea Stella was his sex toy at work....stella really loves liam but she dare not tell him if she doesn't want to die.

"Stella got in and said."sir you asked for me?

Yea what are you still doing there come and and do what you're suppose to do...

Ohhh ok... immediately stella rushed towards him and she knelt down and unzip his pants and she brought our his d*ck which was hard already and she took it into her mouth and she started s*cking it like there was no tommorow.liam came into her mouth and he asked her to lick it all within leaving a single drop.

"Good now zip up my trousers and Get out of here....

"Ok sir."stella replied and she adjusted her dress before leaving his office...

It's was 6pm already so Liam left work and he went back home....

ā˜…ELSA POVā˜…

It was 6pm when I heard a knock at my door...my lil sister rushed towards the door and opened it... suddenly I saw 3men they came in and they pushed my sister out of the way....

"Then one of them spoke...."where's that your useless father....if you guys don't pay me back my money by next week I'll make sure to chased you guys out and seize every single thing in this house....

"Please sir I promise I'll pay you back your money by next week please...."Elsa replied with tears in her face.

"Better... I'll be back next week better make my money available or else....the man said and he left the house...

"Immediately my little sis ran towards me and hugged me .

"Big sis please stop crying I promise when I grow up I'll build you house and buy you whatever you want ok?..

"I chuckled when I heard what she said and I kissed her forehead...."ok my love now go get your shoe I'll take you to our neighbors house I have somewhere to go...

"Ohhh ok big sis...she replied before running back to her room. .

ā˜…Back to liamā˜…

"After liam had freshen up and was watching the commercials he received a call from his worker....

hello what is it

uhmm sir there's a little problem at work sir

what's that?.

uhmm sir someone burnt down the factory and you need to come now

WHAT!!! Who did that nevermind I'll be right there.

Liam replied before hanging up the call and he took his car and went to the factory


Elsa called her best friend mira and asked to meet at mira shop ..

"Hey babe what's wrong with you why's your face like this?...mira asked

"Those men my dad owe money came over today and asked me to pay next week or else they'll sieze everything we have.... elsa replied

"Ohhh babe I'm sorry how much is it?


"WHAT!! How could your father owe such money....

"I know right I really dislike him I wished mom was still alive....elsa replied with tears in her eyes

"I'm sorry babe don't cry ok...where's Stacy?

"I dropped her at our neighbors house before coming

"Ohh ok how about we go partying and stop thinking I'll help you look for a job tommorow ok I know someone who needs a worker...


"Yes babe

"Awwwn thanks...elsa replied and she hugged mira

"Anything for you babe what are besties for....mira replied and they both chuckled....


"Who the hell?...liam shouted at his worker

"Do you know how many good mad money we've lost...ohh sh*t find out who did this I must know who did this by tommorow I promise I won't spare that person...

"Liam said and he left with his guards...he was really angry and he needs to cool himself down so he went to the bar since It was already 8pm

"Both elsa and mira got to the bar...

"Uhmm are you sure this place is ok?...elsa asked

"Trust me babe nothing gonna happen just ignore those people and dance away your sorrow...

"Uhmm ok...

"Yea sit right here I'll go get us drinks ok...do you want alcoholic or non-alcoholic

"Non-alcoholic please

"Hahahaha ok.. I'll be right back


Liam got to the bar and went straight to the VVIP lounge and he ordered drinks...

"He had 6bottles but it still didn't subside the anger in him ...and he called guard...

"Get me on of those girls downstairs... I'll be in the same room you all know don't waste my time get back with a lady in 2mins ok...

"Ok sir...they all answered and left...

"They started searching for who to take to their boss and one of them bumped into elsa ...

"Are you here for the night?....he asked elsa

"What do you mean?....

"Nevermind he call he rest of the team and they dragged elsa up to Liam's room..

"What are you doing let go of me???...elsa shouted and she bit one of them hands

The guard got really angry and he slapped her...

Shut up it's just a night with my boss he'll pay... I'm very sure the money can change your life but here you are crying...

We don't have time to waste take her to the boss....

When they got to Liam's door they knocked and they opened the door and pushed elsa inside...

"The room was so dark that elsa could not see anything inside then suddenly the heard a voice....


"What who are you let me go I'm not a prostitute please....

"You'll be getting paid so don't waste my time

"I don't need your money just let me go and go look for someone else

"You're here already and I can't it anymore..."strip now or I'll have to do it forcefully....

No I won't I don't even know you...

Liam got really angry and he dragged her up to the bed and tore her clothes forcefully...

"Without wasting time he inside inside of her...

Elsa screamed she had never felt this kind of pain before

"Why are you so tight" he asked her... and he began to pounce on her roughly

This was the first time in his life someone pleased him during S*x even if he doesn't know her he still like her.

And this was the first time he had gone 3 rounds with a lady.

Elsa got to exhausted and she drifted to sleep....

That same night liam came out of his room and asked his guard to pay her..and he went back to his house.

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