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My Mate, Their Prodigy

My Mate, Their Prodigy



“ Why would the fucking goddess choose me a human mate?" These were the very first words Calvin Shammah the second son of the alpha spat when he set his eyes on his mate Jayla. Jayla, the only known human in the Sapphire Pack, was raised as a Prodigy to become the wife of the Alpha and mate to the one person without her best interest at heart. Her very normal and boring lifestyle is disrupted the day Calvin walks into her life. She is more than willing to do all it takes to get her to mate him, because if she wasn't having him– no one else was.

Chapter 1 Episode 1

"Jayla." The head nurse called out to the only human girl in the facility. "There's an emergency in room thirty seven, hurry down there and arrange her bones. We don't want them healing back in the wrong direction." Jayla scurried to the mentioned room readjusting her nursing cap that had fallen off earlier during her last emergency. Soon she was bursting through the door of room thirty seven. The girl lying on the bed looked somewhat familiar to her, but now wasn't the time to recall where they'd met. She looked down at the girls' limb, this was the case of a severely fractured bone.

What could she have done to cause this? Jumping down one of the cliffs for fun? That was certainly not what a twenty two looking she-wolf would do. She cracked the knee back to shape, with little sounds of discomfort coming from the girl and wrapped a cloth around it and waited for the healing to take place. It was a quite slow buy sure process. "Your legs would be better in a few minutes." She assured. Those were her first words since she entered the room, the girl on the bed rolled her eyes as if to let her know she didn't have to try to make her feel better. But that was Jayla's job, at least for now that she was still interning at the pack hospital. She picked up the girl's file laying on the cabinet, trying to digest some of her information as she would do with all her patients when someone comes bursting through the door. "Fuck." He groaned while Jayla busied herself with the girls report not glancing up to access the presence of the male. "Why would the fucking goddess choose me a human mate?" He facepalmed himself and Jayla felt her blood freeze. She was the only human she had ever come across, did that mean.. She lifted her eyes off the book and felt dizzy in an instant, she couldn't feel anymore cursed. She had been mated to her nightmare, someone who had no regards for everything she held high, the second most important person in their society- Calvin Shammah. The second son of the Alpha. He stood there in his six-three glory looking like would devour her for something she had zero control over. Instantly she remembered who the girl on the bed was, his girlfriend. Pretending to not have heard his outbursts, she excuses herself mumbling unclear words. "You seem tensed." Someone coming from the opposite direction said to her. She flinched a little startled. "Jayla." The head nurse screamed again and like she always did, she scurried to the direction of the voice. There wasn't any nurse as hardworking and very into the job like Jayla, everyday had to see her in at least five different rooms before her shift was over. Over the years, she'd learnt not to tire out.. not to show weakness, because no body really cared. "Nurse." She breathed panting as she came in full view of the woman. If she wanted to be as fast as those damned wolves when it came to running errands, she had to burn calories running.. one of the too many reasons she was on the slimmer side that most of the she-wolves her age. To many, she was way less than average in size. "Your shift is over." The woman announced handing her the keys to her locker where she had kept her regular clothes. Grinning she stood upright and took the keys from the woman before leaving for the locker room. She walked endlessly, climbed too many stairs that wore her out before she could reach her destination. Everything in the werewolf world was bigger, faster, more.. more than her regular human life. At least she knew what it was to live as a regular human, she had lived in California with her parents for the first ten years of her life before they died in a plane crash and somehow she managed to find herself here, under the care of her new parents who adopted her after the crash. "At least we'd go skinny dipping, I bet you couldn't even score yourself a hi from him." The voice of a teenage girl rang out from the locker room. Not like she cared who the person was. "Adira." The other one yelled out, probably out of shame as they were in a public place. "Someone's here." Aha, they'd finally caught on her scent. She walked into one of the stalls and hurriedly did her business, she didn't exactly fancy attention Her regular clothes consisted of a hoodie that had a false omega scent which her guardians had given her for her to blend in, and black leggings. She stared at her reflection in the mirror, her skin looked pale.. eyebags had formed under her eyes, she was the walking, talking description of exhausted. To look alive, she splashed cold water over her face and wiped it off. She fetched her lip gloss from her bag that contained everything that could ever come in handy. Swabs of the thick gloss coated her lips and she repeatedly smacked them together, evening it out one tired smile and she was out. As she walked down the passage with an earpiece plugged in and her eyes glued to her phone's screen, scrolling through for her favorite song, she could hear Calvin ask about her. The hospital was quite small, considering that a lot of wolves depended on their quick recovery than depend on nurses and stay all day in soft beds covered in blue sheets, so in no time, she was out into the lonely street with a soft melody playing blocking the external noises from her. Her life had always been like this, her and her mobile phone and a couple of people who bothered to talk to her. She was a human, a weakling and not good enough in their society- people didn't fancy her that much. Being the only human wasn't her choice, her guardians adopted her as a prodigy when she was ten.. her purpose? Still unknown to her after eight years. The world around her wasn't her natural habitat, but she had adapted a lot and held their beliefs with prestige. "Watch where you're going." The incoming girl grunted attempting to shove her but she quickly dodged the assault. Her natural human senses had developed greatly over the years, hearing, reflexes, you name it. After all that's what you should expect from someone who's lived with animals. She hummed the song as she walked down the road, taking the familiar long path that led to the place she'd always called home.. except now she was older it felt less like home. ** "Look who's here." Kendo, the biological daughter to her guardians called out making everyone turn to face her. She rolled her eyes at the girl who had been her older sister for the past eight years. Kendo was a pretty she-wolf that had a soft spot for everything colourful from birth. It hadn't been noticable till everyone caught on the obsession when she'd started dying her hair at fifteen. "You look beat up." Kendo comments and Jayla sighs, keeping up with wolves at the hospital was very much equal to looking very beat up at the end of a shift. "I am beat up. What's for lunch? I'm famished." The girl with bright pink hair threw her hands up in the air with too much agility. "Nothing's for lunch. " The statement almost made her almost pass out. She was beyond exhausted and there wasn't anything to eat? She walked toward the kitchen lazily, her bag still slung on her shoulder and everything she came withs still on her. "Jayla." Her mother (guardian) greeted with a smile. The older lady had her back to the wall as she sat on a chair in the kitchen making a meal out of the fruits in the basket next to her. Jayla ignored the woman's outbursts and proceeded to the fridge, the woman was no longer a mother figure in her life.. just someone who adopted her as a prodigy for reasons still unknown to her. Not too long ago, Jayla managed to stumble into the couples discussion of wether or not she was serving her purpose in their world. They had been to caught up in their argument that they failed to perceive her and ever since then, there's been chills in the air at home. But it wasn't like anybody cared. "Thank goodness." A sigh escaped her tired lips as the first bowl of ice cream she opened was still filled up and was her favorite flavor. "You're supposed to be eating healthy Jayla." The woman scolds in a motherly tone. Jayla spares her a glance. "Am I in a fattening house? To prepare me for my purpose?" She asked almost enraged. The woman was very pretentious and it struck a nerve. There wasn't any proper meal and she was asking her to eat healthy? Mother in deed. "Please, my day's been tiring. Not like you care, just give me a break." She grabs the bowl and turns on her heels exiting the kitchen immediately and running to her room. Her eyes burnt and glistened with unsged tears

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