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Laura Spikes had a one night stand with a billionaires son who happened to be a dashing model. After their night of passion, she found him missing at the dawn of the day. Five years later, their paths crossed again. Are they going to leave each other this time, is this more than the one night stand. Let's read to find out.

Chapter 1 The Party

l watched as everyone was busy dancing, each with their partners. Vera was dancing with a blonde guy who had taken her to the dance floor the very moment we got to the party. No one has shown interest in me yet, and so there's no need dancing on my own.

Just as l gulped down the last remains of my wine, I looked up to behold the most handsome man on earth. No beautiful is the word to describe him.

No he's coming my way, I murmured to myself as the hairs on my neck grew up. No he's not, you are not even pretty enough for him to notice you, one mind tells me. He's indeed coming your way, the other mind retorted. I suddenly feel hot and a sudden wetness which I had never experienced poured like water down my privates...

Oh no! I exclaimed, as a clatter was heard



Just as l opened the door, my eyes fell on a very petite girl. She's not that beautiful but there's something about her that makes her different from other girls I have encountered. She has an oval face with a nose like it was meant to be, and going down her back is her reddish brown hair that is already making my hands sweat from wanting to feel it.

I suddenly found myself going towards her which is rather surprising. I have never in my first encounter with women being the one to make the first move, and it feels like I'm hypnotized. And what is she mumbling to herself, I thought.

With just one more stride, our bodies would be touching. She haven't noticed me yet, and she's at it yet again, mumbling to herself.

" Ahem." I faked a cough to catch her attention, causing an unexpected scream. And next she mistakingly pushed her glass down on the floor and 'WHAAH'it goes.



I jerked by the unexpected and just like l turned to look at the intruder, I hands hit the table which sent the glass flying. And oh! the intruder is none other than my mysterious cutie, when did he come so close to me.

" I am so sorry about this," I said, pointing at the floor. He really was even cuter in a close range.

" No need of being sorry, it was my fault." He replied, " My apologies."

Oh he's even a gentleman! I ticked good for him in my head.

" lf you say so."

" Yeah." He said. Why don't we go find a seat at the corner and I would send someone to clean it up."

" Sure," I said as the hairs on my neck grew bigger by the term *we*.



l sat on the edge of the seat searching for my best friend Vera with my eyes so I could avoid looking at him. I could feel his hot gaze on me which was making me uncomfortable by the minute. Mysterious cutie haven't told his name yet, nor has he spoken a word since we left the bar. As if having read my mind, he said.

" I am Jeff," he stated. " Jefferson Karl." I turned to look at him for a moment before repeating the name. lt sure sounds good, I thought, rolling it in.

" Laura Spikes." I said, accepting his offer of a handshake. Just as our hands touched, I felt a great shock which caused me to shudder. Unfortunately Jeff noticed, giving me a smile. l looked down at our hands still entwined together and looked away as I slowly took my hands away. I thought of a nice conversation to bring up, but could think of nothing.

" What do you do for a living?" He asked. He always seems to know what runs through my mind, I frowned.

" I bake." I replied looking at his expression but he didn't give anything away. " I actually bake at home then sends it to whoever that orders for it."

" Nice one," Jeff said nodding his head."Do you care for a dance," he said, running off from giving his identity. He took out his hand while watching me.

" I don't mind at all," I said as I placed my left hand in his.

We walked together to the dance floor as the song plays;

Hold my hands while we walk down the aisle,

l want to be with you so as not to stumble on the floor...

Jeff held my waist as I placed my hands on his shoulders. He played with my ear lobes as his hot breath fanned my body, which caused me to shiver in pleasure. l dragged him closer to my body as we continued to dance unaware of people around. l did not want the music to end at all, since my body seems to react to him. His hands moved down under my dress to my thighs which brought out a soft moan from my mouth.

" Let's leave this place." Jeff said, looking at me with heated gaze. I made no comment as I also was consumed by my emotions.

" Aye." I said, straddling to follow him up as he dragged me along. We passed the people dancing as no one took notice of us as well which was awesome anyway. lf someone should stop us, I would strangle the person. We got to the place his car was packed, and he unlocked it by pressing his car keys. l got into the front seat as his hands continued to rummage through me. I let out a mourn as I digged my fingers into his skin and watched as his breathing sagged, causing me to smile.

After what looked like years, which was only thirty minutes drive from the party, we finally arrived at his house. I grabbed his butt as he took out his door key. Just as we entered the house, we threw everything in the air as his lips finally claimed mine.

Oh Goodness He tastes better than vanilla!

I opened my eyes as he bit my lip, tasting the blood in my mouth which intensified the fire I felt as l grabbed his face and kissed him very hard.

" Eat me Laura." He whispered, tracing his my neckline with his tongue.

" Or should I kick the ball." He asked, his voice so erotic.

" Already in your court," I whispered back which caused him to chuckle.

" You sure don't know the direction I'm going to kick you at".

" I don't mind at all, haha." I replied, as I kissed him hard again. He licked my neck again, with one hand holding my head and the other pressing my bottom. If only he knew how he's making me feel at the moment, we would have gone to sky one. His lips found my throat and sucked on it, as a loud moan escaped my lips.

" Moan for me Laura." He told me. " I just love the sound of it." I pursed my lips as he began to undress me. The way he unbuttoned my bodice showed some experience in it as my face twitched in jealousy.

Jealousy...Why would I be?

" Let's see how wet you are down there." Jeff said as he slid his hands into my panties and rubbed my mounds gently, sending shivers down my spine.

" Please continue Jeff," I screamed. " Don't ever stop what you are doing."

" Yes my lady."

I claimed his mouth on mine as I began to unbutton his shirts. My eyes darted on his perfect body as I swallowed hard.

He was just so fucking breathtaking.

l placed my hands flat on his chest as I traced his every little aps. I continued to torture him with my lips as he moaned. I smiled as I was able to turn a goddess like him on. I moved my hands down until I felt his hardness which looked ready to explode any time soon. I stopped kissing him as I bent to unbuckle him, and he caught my hand and clapsed me against the wall.

" Not so soon my lady." He said as he pinned my hands to the wall.

" I can't control it anymore Jeff." I said. " Please enter me."

" You are rushing Laura," he chuckled. " We are yet to begin our journey to pleasure land." He's manhood throbbed through his jeans which seemed to agree with his master.

Ah-ah-ah, I moaned, feeling the heat through his pants. He hooked my legs round his waist as he carried me up to balance on his weight. I licked his face which was in very full view now, leaving a drool on each side if his face. He grabbed my mouth again as we kissed passionately. I puckered on his lower lip, as he invited my tongue to french kiss which I responded to happily.

We just couldn't get enough of each other.

" Do you wish to pursue any further," he asked. " You can choose to stop it here."

" Did you think I would want to stop midway," I laughed.

" I don't want regrets tomorrow." He said.

" Who is talking of tomorrow." I asked, " All I want is now, this moment."

" Okay." He said. " Welcome to my world."



I carried her towards to the stairs to my bedroom. I hurried up as I could feel my little man feeling uneasy and ready to come see his new ma'am. Just by watching her face, I could judge she felt the same way. How could she have turned me on that easily, other girls had to fight to have his little man move. But with her, he was eager to come out.

Too eager...

l fingered my key in my breast pocket as I continued kissing her, as she was still heated. I sucked her lower lip as I fumbled with my key on the door, which seemed not to open. I took my face from Laura's unwillingly.

" Someone gats open the door or else I will enter you on this hard floor." I said, brushing a quick kiss on her cheek before finally kicking the door open. I walked into the room with her hands still on my chest during little wonders she alone only knows how to.

What the fuck, who lectured her on what my body likes.

I placed her on the floor as she brought my mouth down hers. She really is brave... I didn't give mind to much thoughts again as I decided to be in charge of the situation. l pulled her towards me as I unclasped her bra, and immediately took one into my mouth while I fumbled on the other. She tastes sweeter than any girl I have had a fling with. I pursed as l claimed her mouth again and pressed my index finger into her breast twitching from side to side.

" Uh-uh, ah-ah". She moaned holding tight to my hair.

" Continue moaning for me babes." I told her, sliding down her undies to see how wet she was. Darm! she's as wet as a mob. l liked that much as my little man hardened like a rock.

" Kiss me Jeff," She said amidst gasps of pleasure.

" Not after I lick your juice," I told her, squatting in front of her and gently licked her wetness which tasted like a salty liquid. I inserted my index finger into her as her suddenly became rigid. I tried again opening her bud but still hardened.

" Laura please give yourself to me that I can enter you." I said licking the drool of liquid flowing through. I rubbed her thigh and touched her there with my little man as she slowly calmed down. I pushed my finger into her hole, which tightened before freeing up.

" You taste so sweet oh." I said, taking one of her twin peaches into my mouth again, savoring her sweetness.

" Jeff inside me." She begged, running through my chest and twinddling with the hairs on my it.

" Beg me," I said, laughing at her.

" Jeff pleaseeeee." She said as I covered my mouth on hers, sucking hard on them, and releasing moans which were good music to my ears. I took her face in my hands, as she slid her hand into my groin. She struggled to unbuckle my belt with shaky hands, as hot sweat rushed through her body which was evident how much her body wanted him.

I helped her unbuckle it and left her to release the caged little man on her own, as I turned to continue with my business. l placed my hands on her tummy, moving my hands up and down before slowly touching her privates. l fingered her clitoris before burying my face in it. I licked her and looked at her to watch her pupils dilate in time, as she moaned.

" Are you ready." I asked, silently wishing she wouldn't say no.

" As ready as I can be." She answered. l took one condom which I had already in my drawers before sliding over my dick. That was all I needed before I thrusted into her, as a sharp cry left her mouth. I looked at her and waited until she was alright before riding her. I moved in and out of her as I claimed her mouth again. I was nearly at the end of my release but I wanted her to reach her climax first.

We kept riding as if she were a fast moving train that you can miss. I turned her over to shift positions made her rock me this time around. She bent down towards my dick and put my little man in my mouth and sucked it well and hard before I finally exploded in her mouth.



I looked at the creamy liquid that had come out of Jeff's dick, and rolling my hands in it to feel it's slimy nature. I put his dick again in my mouth, like i was licking lolipop, and sucked it really hard and looked up to have a peek of his face before playing on it like a guitar.

He's little man hardened again like steel, and I looked at him with confusion in my eyes.

" My little man released. Now you have woken him up." He said, " You shall pay the consequences for that."

He took me into his arms again as he cupped my face and kissed me passionately, leaving me breathless.

I moaned lightly, fanning his face with my hot breath.

He continued to ride me till I exploded before we both collapsed on the bed. We layed unmoving on the bed without talking, like each was wondering what just happened.

Before I fell asleep, more like in a daze, I caught him mumbling something while caressing my cheek.


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