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Xu Lee stood with her hands akimbo on her waist, as she looked up at the remaining mountain to climb. She speculated whether or not to continue climbing. Her legs were already sore with the soles red like a cherry wine. Oh my God I have to go and prepare for practice, she thought. Xu Chen her grandmother was very strict to let her pass today's practice. Since the death of her mother, Xu Chen has made it a rule that she would learn Kung Fu in order to save herself in case if something happens. And now she did not come out with any of her body guards, she has to be cautious. Xu Lee started climbing again with her chest heaving up and down due to exhaustion. She bent down to rub her feet and as she looked up, she heard the sound of woofing noice. Who could it be that is coming, she thought. Did Grandma Chen send someone to look for her... The sound of the horse grew closer and she looked to see the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. How come she had never encountered him, she asked thin air. She has to stop him before passes her. ' Hey you wait over there!' She exclaimed, as he made to pass her by. He stopped but didn't get down with a frown on his face. ' Why is that missus?' He asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Xu Lee took him in, seeing no regalia. So he's not a prince, but he's my prince, she thought. ' Can I ride with you?' She asked, not breaking contacts. ' Okay,' He replied. ' I think Wonder can spare a room for her Majesty,' he smirked. I got the sarcasm that he tried to hide, but didn't do so well at it. They rode to the top of the mountain and he turned to look at Lee. ' Xu Lee.' She said, ' Emerald Tur'. He nodded and continued the ride. Finally they arrived at the palace, and he halted the horse as the horse refused to go any further. ' Thanks for the ride.' Xu said. ' I didn't get a name. ' Xiao Yaun.' He replied, guiding his horse on his reins. ' Wonder time to go,' Xiao said as he patted the horse on his head. He nodded and turned and rode off. Xu Lee watched as he rode the horse with such perfection before finally opening the palace gate with her face code. ... Xu Lee got home to meet a very angry Grandma Chen who seating impatiently with Hea Dong in the garden close to the battlefield. She hurried to her with a sullen face with her hands on her eyes. How could she explain where she had been, she thought. She looked at her Grandmother's feet as she dare not look into her flaming eyes. ' Where have you been?' Xu Chen asked. She had been so worried sick since she was told Xu Lee wasn't at home, especially at the time that was supposed to be her practice time. ' No where Grandma.' Xu Lee replied, still not looking at her. ' What do you mean by no where?' Xu Chen asked. ' What language is that because it's obvious it is not Chinese.' ' I'm sorry Grandma.' Xu Lee pleaded, finally raising her head up. ' That does not answer the question.' ' I only wanted to breathe in some fresh air,' She said. ' So you are now being suffocated in your own home Lee?' Xue Chen asked. ' Grandma l was only missing mom,' She said almost in tears. ' Everything in the house reminds me of here, and it waaas...' She said choking on the words. ' Oh darling Lee, come here.' Xu Chen said, spreading her arms open for Xu Lee to come in. ' That's the more reason I wanted you to learn Kung Fu, so you could defend yourself anytime in order not to be killed like your mother.' ' It's alright now, Lee.' We don't want to show Hea Dong our emotional side so she wouldn't use it to defeat you in a battle.' Xu Chen said, causing a giggle from Xu Lee and a smile from Hea Dong. ' Not a chance.' Hea Dong said. ' I know that,' Xu Chen said smiling. ' Now time for practice.' She said loosening Xu Lee from her embrace. ' Yes Grandma Chen.' Xu Lee replied, getting up. ' I will be retiring to my chambers Lee.' Grandma Chen informed. ' Learn very well so you could beat Jackie Chan in a battle.' ' Grandma, seriously?' Xu Lee asked. ' Why not? Grandma Chen replied. ' And I'm counting on you Hea Dong.' She said, throwing her a look. ' Sure your Majesty.' Hea Dong replied, and Xu Chen made her way towards the courtyards. .......... ' So have you been practicing on your own?' Hea Dong asked over blades of sharp daggers. ' Sometimes.' Xu Lee replied. ' I mostly practice at night when I'm unable to sleep.' ' Yeah I understand, but doing something else at your sleeping time is not actually good for your brain,' She offered. ' There's no time made specifically for sleeping Miss Dong,' Xu Lee said. ' One can decide to sleep when you are working and vice versa. And not sleeping at night doesn't make one's brain to become shaft, I find myself to be very creative at night most times.' ' Like what exactly does your word " creative" implies? ' Drawing and sketching,' Xu Lee replied as she

Chapter 1 The Wedding

Everything is happening too fast and everyone seems to be very happy because they would be partying tonight. Today is my wedding day, and I am very happy now because I have found a solution to a possible dilemma.

I am Adriell the son of the greatest vampire in the district. It has always been a tradition that children born on the same day of opposite sex, would marry each other.

But it happens that the one born on the same day as me is not my mate. She is the daughter of Damien, the spirit being. She has her own vampire power gotten from her mother and a special power from her Djinn father. And everyone linked us as betrothed till this day when they wanted to join us together.

But before this day, I had met Nana who I perceived at an instant as my mate but the problem is Nana is a wolf, the Luna of Amagidion kingdom.We the vampires have been in enmity with the wolves for a very long time. Everyone was against my decision to marry her but l can't marry Anna because she is not my mate.

I sat still on my seat with my left hand hooked with the lady by my side. Today is a very special day for me because I am finally going to be with the woman of my ribs, my very own mate.

Nana tugged my clothes and I turned to look at her. She looks back at me with a petrified look. I know she must be feeling guilty because of what we did we did earlier.


The headache I was feeling made me so dumb, as I lay on the floor massaging my forehead. In my dream, one of my servants had woken me up and told me to wake up fast and claim what is mine.

I continue to lay on the floor till I realized that I am supposed to be on my bridal seat. Then it hit me suddenly, as memories started to come back.

In the subconscious of my mind, I see Adriell and the one he loved tying me up after hitting a stick on my head. Oh no, I can't take this. They two will have to pay for what they have done.

I have to go look for her before she takes my man away from me....

I try to get up which is difficult because my left leg seems to be paralyzed due to the attack made on me. But I won't let them win me in this battle. Adriell is mine or no one else.

I finally manage to rise up but staggering still, while holding my knee. I walk down the hall touching the wall for support as I have the urge to fall back down and rest.

I walk pass the rest room which is at the corner of the hall I am holding to, and I hear a voice that sounds just like Nana's. I move towards the door placing my ear on it and sure enough, it's her.

I can't go in without transforming myself. Luckily my mom is a Djinn and I have the Djinn spirit in me, I can disappear and appear anytime but Vampires can't. Only the ones that are fully vampires can, and now I am going to have my revenge.

Mom told me for a Djinn to disappear, he or she just needs to see themselves exactly where they want to be. I teleported myself right inside the rest room without making myself obvious.


Marrying Adriell has always been my dream. We fell in love at an instant, and we both knew from the start that it's not possible to be together as a wolf and a vampire. But it was all a connection of the heart, nothing much could have been done about it .

But luckily Adriell and I found a way out, and that explains my outfit today. We both will have to marry discreetly as the bride has been taken care of.

I look into the mirror trying to access my face. It was flushed pink from crying too much earlier. My family doesn't know of my soon to be marriage with Adriell. Even if they know, they won't give their blessings.

I splash water on my face, as if trying to wash off all the anxiety and pain my love affair had caused me so far. Taking my face towel from my bag, I wiped my face with it as I something move.

" Who's there?" I asked, afraid to shout before someone notices me. My instincts are blowing horn at something dangerous about to happen. I know this feeling, it never comes without a specific reason. I turn around to face whatever it is that is there.

" Is anyone here?" I asked as I saw no one. I turned back to the mirror, it might be nothing other than my imagination...

Facing the mirror again, it flashes by. This time all the hairs on my body are giving warning signals. I turn back yet again but there is no one else here other than me.

Just as l am about to pick my back up, it came in full. What is in front of me loos so ridiculous.lt has a fiery view and I know it, something landed on my head. All there is about it I don't know, all I heard was laughter. And the voice sounded so familiar before I finally blacked out.

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