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Alpha's Beautiful Wife

Alpha's Beautiful Wife

Queen Le


Luna was born on the night of the full moon, a passerby told her parents: "When she's 18, she's going to have a big accident." 18 years on, people have forgotten about this. Luna, when taking a yearbook photo, suddenly disappeared. She is lost in a strange land, where two tribes of wolves are fighting. Luna was brought back by Mark as a trophy. He is strong and ruthless while she is thin and weak. What will Luna's fate be?

Chapter 1 Fall into a strange world

Inside the city's largest hospital. In the VIP section of the obstetrics department. There is a pregnant woman about to give birth at 11 p.m. Her stomach hurts a lot. But the baby shows no signs of being born.


The bell rang at midnight. The cries of a newborn baby girl echoed throughout the obstetric corridor.

"It's been hard for you."

The man tenderly hugs his wife and newborn daughter. Today he is the happiest person.

"I have been thought we will name her Luna, Luna Bella. Is that okay?"

"Okay. Our daughter will be named Luna Bella."

A gust of wind blew, making them both shiver. The electric light on the ceiling flickered, and baby Luna was still fast asleep.

A man suddenly appeared at the door of the twos room. This man was dressed strangely, with a cape that covered him from head to toe. His voice went quiet.

“She is beautiful but can only live with the two of you for 18 years. She doesn't belong here. When she's 18, she's going to have a disaster. She'll go back to where she was supposed to be."

Mr. and Mrs. Bella was very scared. The two hugged their child tightly. When they looked up, the mysterious man was nowhere to be seen.

Bella has just given birth to Luna. She has received bad news from the mouth of a mysterious man. She is sad and crying all the time. Mr. Bella tried everything but still couldn't find out who the mysterious man was.

Eighteen years later, no one remembers the mysterious man and the warning that year.

The mature Luna is as beautiful as a flower. She has lovely big round eyes, red lips, and milky white skin. Her voice is so sweet that anyone can listen to it. It's just that she doesn't grow like a normal girl. Luna doesn't have periods even though she's gone through puberty. Bella takes Luna to the doctor, but her body is not abnormal.

Luna lived a very happy life, loved by her parents, rich, and loved by her friends. Luna is about to graduate from high school. Today, she and her friend in class will do a yearbook photo session at a mountain outside the city. The trip is well worth the wait.

That morning, Luna wore a beautiful lotus-pink dress and followed her friends to the mountain to take pictures. Everyone is happy. This place is still wild but has been exploited for tourism, accompanied by a guide, and is very safe.

Everyone quickly went deep into the forest. Take photos until late afternoon to complete. Everyone is descending the mountain to prepare to return to the city. Suddenly from all directions, fog surrounded them. No one knew where this mist appeared. By the time they discovered it, everyone was disorientation.

Luna didn't dare to move, she called out her friends' names, called her teacher's name, and called her guide, but no one answered her.


A voice was calling her from the front, which Luna thought was her friend, so she began to follow the voice.

"Class rep, are you right?"

No one answered her. That voice just called her name. In front of her eyes was a fog. Luna could not see the way and did not know which direction she was going. A thin light appeared. Luna thinks it's one of her crew. She rushed towards the mysterious light, but she tripped and fell.

At the same time, in the Continent of Glorious. The two powers in the continent were at war.

The Glorious Continent was divided into three regions. The north, under the rule of Richard Henry, and the south, belonged to Mark Helen. Among them was a smaller state to the east, held by Robert James. Mark and Richard faced each other fiercely. Robert chose a neutral position and did not start a war.

Today was the day Mark and Richard met to discuss the signing of an armistice, but they could not reach an agreement, leading to direct disputes.

In a ruined city, the sound of gunfire and the howling of wolves made anyone who heard it shudder. Richard rushed to Mark. He transformed into a large black wolf and bared his sharp teeth toward Mark's neck to bite.

But Mark was on guard. He quickly dodged. While Richard had not even had time to land, Mark transformed into a werewolf. He used his claws to hit Richard's ribs.

Richard screamed in pain, fresh blood quickly gushing out. Mark transformed into a human, with one arm stained with Richard's blood.

Mark raised his hand to lick it, scornfully cursing.

"Inferior thing."

Richard was angry and was about to fight back when a sweet scent wafted through the air, enough to make all the famous generals under the hands of both sides present no longer awake. Their primitive nature has led them to search for where the sweetness comes from.

“Damn it, why are there Omega here?" Mark looked around but couldn't find an omega.

A scream echoed from the air, and the figure of a girl quickly fell. The closer the girl was to the ground, the sweeter the scent of Omega.

That girl is Luna. After accidentally falling, she lost consciousness until she heard a sound, but this sound made her panic even more.

Between two dilapidated high-rise buildings. Plastic roof protruding outside alternately. So Luna's falling force is also reduced. She landed, and although not life-threatening, it was enough to cause her pain of fainting. A feeling of shortness of breath and dizziness made it impossible for Luna to sit up.

Mark is surprised. He is a strong Alpha. He is sure that he can overcome all temptations from the scent of Omega, but now he can't control himself when that sweet taste amplifies. Just a panicked Omega. She's not even in the heat.

Who is this girl?

Richard also had the same question as Mark. He was a man in the fight who stepped up to be the leader of the north zone, but now he couldn't resist the taste of this strange girl.

The howl of wolves on the night of the full moon in the heart of the ruined city made Luna jump in surprise. She saw from every nook that cranny strangers were staring at her.

The sound of pleading for help and fear seemed to be drawn from the throat.

"Help... someone helps me."

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