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The Twisted Hero

The Twisted Hero

Zuby Zee


In a quest to save a friend, how far is too far? Andrew's crush Susan disappears on Andrew's sixteenth birthday, now Andrew has to do what ever it takes to find her. While trying to find her, Andrew's family dissapears too. The mysterious dissapearances continues as Andrew slowly begins to find out that there are supernatural forces at work in his city. Vampires and Werewolves

Chapter 1 It Begins

The most painful truth I realized very early in life is that sometimes, we don’t get the chance to step into the lake for someone that will willingly jump into the ocean for us. ‘Who really is a hero?’ Is he the person that saves everyone but loses himself in the process. Or the person that saves himself but sacrifices everyone else in the process. This question was what woke me up every morning, even after knowing that in the end, nothing really mattered. Not family, not friends, not even my own life mattered.

The rose coloured world I knew started changing from the day I turned 16, the day I collected my report card from school.

Like any other morning in my house, breakfast was already served, it sat on the dining table even before I got to the dining room. My parents and older sister was already seated, waiting for me to join them. Walking down the tiled stairs, my Mom beckoned me over to the table. As I sat down, I couldn’t help but notice the stethoscope hanging around her neck “Are you late already?” I asked.

“Yep, I woke up late today and am meeting a patient in an hour, by the way how was your night?”

“It was good" I replied as I sat on the only empty seat at the table, the seat right beside my sister. My sister had a record of zero tolerance for me, she already started eating, her black braids decorated with beads suited her so well. Maybe it was for my birthday celebration, maybe.. My dad was seated opposite of me, he was already geared up in his black suit. His beards were always trimmed, his glasses always glued to his face. My dad was a very popular lawyer around, people would often ask me if I am really his son due to my poor performances in school. That was the last time I had a family breakfast, I wish I cherished it more. Twenty minutes later I was riding in my dad's car, headed for school to get my report card.

The classroom was already packed with students waiting for the teacher to arrive, I sat on a sit in the back row, the row reserved for students poor in academics. Our form teacher, Mr Nicholas walked in, a pile of report cards rested on his hands as he made his entrance. Mr Nicholas had a big and bald head, this feature earned him the nickname Stone Cold given by the students. The nickname was taken from the retired professional wrestler popular in the ‘nineties’ and early ‘two thousands’. He dropped the report cards on his arms on the table right in front of the classroom, as if he was taking note of every student in the classroom he glanced round the classroom for some minutes. Mrs Alice walked into the classroom right after Mr Nicholas. Mrs Alice, a lady in her late twenties but possessed the looks of a young secretary. her white blouse was always tucked in her black skirt that was a little above her knee. Mrs Alice stood right beside Mr Nicholas facing the class, her presence alone lightened the mood in the class. Every single student stopped chattering, they all turned to hear what the teachers in front had to say. “It has been a very good session, some of you performed very well while some performed very terribly.” Mr Nicholas paused for some seconds, took glances at each student in the class then he continued. “Susan, stand up” Susan stood, her long blonde hair was not the only distinct feature she had. Her most eccentric feature was her blue pupils, when looking into her eyes it felt as if I was looking at the galaxy with all the stars in it. Due to the fact that I was seated behind her, I couldn’t see the tiny brown freckles on her cheeks. Her blue blouse well tucked into her brown skirt. “Everyone, put your hands together for this brilliant girl.” Mr Nicholas clapped started clapping the moment he finished his statement. Mrs Alice joined right after him, clapping with a big smile on her face, the students were not left out, they clapped and cheered. “Out of the twelve subjects she did this term, she had a perfect score in ten. Her G.P is the highest in this school, I am proud to call this girl my student.” Susan kept staring at her feet the whole time Mr Nicholas spoke, her cheeks was bright red. “You can sit now dear” Mrs Alice said.

“Andrew Rack, stand!” Mr Nichols' face changed the moment he mentioned my name, from happy and proud to disgust. I stood to my feet, the whole class turned to look at me, I felt trouble coming my way. “A round of applause for this boy" Nicholas said, everyone in the classroom started clapping except Mrs Alice. “This buffoon got zero in all his papers” The students in the classroom busted into laughter on hearing Mr Nicholas’ words. “Sincerely speaking, Andrew, you should be in Jss1" Roars of laughter was the only sound I could hear in the classroom, some students were even falling off their seats. The laughter didn’t affect me, I enjoyed the spectacle, as though I was a movie star standing in a podium with all attention on me, the laughter to me sounded like screams of praises. To my surprise, not all the students was laughing, this peculiar student; Susan, had a frown on her face.

The school activity I enjoyed the most was going home from school, this is because I always walk home with my two closest friends. Susan, the blonde girl from my class and Kelvin. The three of us grew up in the same neighbourhood, so I’ve known them for as long as I could remember. Kelvin was taller and bigger than me, he had a very good build. His headsets were always around his neck, makes me wonder why he even brings them along with him. “What was your position?” Kelvin asked, I knew the questions was directed at me but I ignored it and kept walking. “He was the last position in our class. Andrew, I am really angry at you right now" Susan said with a frown on her face. Kelvin kept walking, he didn’t want to say the wrong things and risk annoying Susan even more, so he chose the safest path of silence. “Why do you like being laughed at?” Susan asked me. “What do you mean?” I asked, but the question was no mystery to me, I knew quite well why she was asking that. “You know what I mean, don’t act dumb” Susan replied. “Andrew you can do so much better than this.” Kelvin added. “He got zero in every subject we did this term” Susan said, “What?! How is that even possible.” Kelvin said with a lit up face. “Andrew, the possibility of getting a hundred percent in all your exam is the same with getting zero in all your exams. To get everything, you have to know everything, likewise to get nothing you have to know everything.”

I forgot how smart Susan was. But if she didn’t find out, I would be a little disappointed. Of course I knew all the answers to the questions, but I chose the wrong ones because, people's jeers at me was a lot more fun compared to the cheers. Yes you can’t compare the cheers which most time was not genuine to the jeers. I turned to Susan, she was looking at the road, her face was bright red. I couldn't understand why something so little, will make her so angry. I didn’t know what to say to her, so I just kept walking uttering no word. Kelvin gave me a heavy slap on the back, “you are really crazy man,” Kelvin said with a smile on his face. I smiled back at him, “I am having a birthday party at my place today. I really want you two to come.” I said. “We will be there don’t worry,” Kelvin replied. We walked for a while, then we all branched off into our different houses.

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