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Melting his Cold heart.

Melting his Cold heart.



Theodore De'Leon , 30 year old smoking hot billionaire In LA, also the CEO of lardons tech corp . He also runs the Mafia in Sicily , Italy . He was just a young boy when his entire family were brutally murdered by their enemy, Giovanni Romano. Theodore , enraged and heart broken, swore on his parents grave that he would take revenge no matter the cost. After long years of hiding , Theodore is finally ready to carry out his revenge . As a part of his revenge , he arranges a fake marriage to Aria Romano , the first daughter of the Romanos'.

Chapter 1 Mr Stranger.

Aria POV

I picked my shoes and tiptoed out the door , I had to be really quiet so I won't wake them up .

I slowly opened the gate leading to the stables .

"Hey Silvia." I smiled rubbing my horse , it neighed .

"Shh!, we have to be quiet so we won't get caught."

I gently removed the rope and walked her outside .

The morning was just dawning , everywhere was so quiet .

Please God , keep them fast asleep.

I succeeded in getting out of the mansion's gate .

I grinned and climbed on Silvia .

"Hiya!" I rode her to our favorite place .

Silvia has been my best friend as long as I can remember and surprisingly she's the only thing they haven't taken away from me .

She was gifted to me by my Nana when I was five .

My eyes watered , I miss her so much .

She was the only member of my family that treated me like I was really human .

Well she and Simon.

Simon is my Older cousin who lives with us , he's my dad dead brother's only son , but Dad loves him just like his own son.

I live with my family in the Romano mansion located next to the big ranch.

I'm not sure whether I can consider them my family though cause of the way they treat me.

My mother died when I was just four years old , I don't really remember her much .

My dad got remarried to Mom or as she prefers I call her , Ma'am Celine.

She has never accepted me as her daughter and she made it so clear that she doesn't even like me .

and sadly my dad doesn't like me much either , he accuses me of killing my mother and that I was a bad luck child .

I always cried myself to sleep anytime he says that .

My mom died in an accident , It was just me and her in the car but I survived , so I was told .

I have just two step sisters , they are ma'am Celine children .

Martina and the youngest , the baby of the house - Paola , But i call her my little Paolita.

Paola is so cute and small even though she's five .

I love her so much and she loves me .

We have a special bond , maybe because I practically raised her .

Martina is the first daughter of Ma'am Celine and also my Dad's favorite daughter.

She's exactly like her mom .

Rude, arrogant and proud.

She also treats me so badly , she doesn't consider me as her sister at all .

She's 22 and she's in college but she goes from home .

I remember begging my dad to enroll me in college but he refused , he stopped my education at just high school , which I was home-schooled.

I have a passion for arts , I Love painting and drawing .

I also loved to sing , But ma'am Celine and Martina mock me all the time , they say I have a really bad voice , so I don't even bother singing anymore.

I had small painting equipments and a painting board .

Simon got them for me as presents for my 15th birthday.

But the moment Simon left the house that day , Ma'am Celine took everything and burnt them .

Simon is really nice to me . He treats me well and considers me his little sister .

He's also very protective of me.

He stands up to Ma'am Celine and Martina sometimes when they treat me badly .

The only person he can't really face is Dad , but he tries his best .

Recently , Dad sends him on so many Mafia errands.

He's presently in Mexico.

I feel so sad because I can't even talk to him , I have no phone .

He left me in the mercy of the people I call my family .

I don't know why they hate me so much .

all my life , all I have ever done is try to fit in , I try so hard so they can accept and treat me like one of their own.

Maybe I understand Ma'am Celine resentment towards me , I'm not her biological daughter , but what of Dad , I'm his daughter for God's sake!.

I wiped the tears rolling down my cheeks and sat on the swing .

I'm never allowed to leave the mansion .

So I always sneak out to come here so early in the morning to enjoy the serenity and the view , then I return back before they wake up.

I found out about this place the first time I tried to escape .

I shut my eyes trying not to remember the horrible scene that followed when I got caught .

I was just 16 , I couldn't take the ill-treatment any longer .

I remember that night , they had guest , I was so sick but Ma'am Celine insisted on me serving them , I cooked all the meals and prepared everything .

We have servants but I consider myself one of them .

I sleep in the servant quarters and work non-stop in the mansion , even on the ranch and stables .

They made sure I always had work to do , not that I care though , I actually love it .

I practically grew up with the servants , they were the ones that actually treated me like i was family .

The head-worker – Ma'am Serena , is like a real mother to me.

She has been working for us for as long as i can remember.

She loves me so much .

Her son , Matteo , is a friend to Simon , he works on the Ranch .

He's also like a senior brother to me .

I feel so loved and welcomed when I'm with them .


My head throbbed so badly , my eyes felt dizzy and the plates I held on my hands suddenly slipped , I heard the crashing noise.

"You stupid girl , you can't even do one thing right!" Ma'am Celine yelled as she slapped me .

She dragged me to the kitchen ,

"You wait here , I swear I will deal with you this night , Little scum." She hissed at me and went back to attend to her guests.

I knew I would be a dead meat if I wait there , she would beat me up to a pulp , so I did the only thing my mind could think of .

I escaped through the back door and ran away , I got outside the ranch and I kept running .

Then I saw the torchlights and heard voices , my dad had sent his men to look for me , I gulped .

I hid behind the big tree opposite the swing hoping it would shed me from them as I couldn't run further .

but I was unlucky , they saw me .

"Please! Please! Let me go , please don't take me back there!." I screamed as I struggled to get out of their hold.

I was taken back home forcefully .

The look my dad had in his eyes was fierce , he looked at me with so much hatred as he brought out the horse whip and gave me several strokes on my back.

*Flash back ends *

I touched my back , the scars are still there .

I sniffed , then I noticed the day was already getting brighter .

Oh no , no! , I should have gotten home earlier!

I panicked and quickly got on Silvia .

I decided to take the tarred road , meant for cars , they weren't any cars anyways .

But all of a sudden , I saw a car approaching and it was On a high speed , I lost control of Silvia and before I knew it , I landed on the ground and blackened out.


I opened my eyes , my head ached . I groaned as I sat up holding my head .

Then I noticed I was in a car and it was moving, huh!

I looked up and saw an unknown man driving.

I screamed .

"who are you , are you trying to kidnap me? , let me go!!!."

I tried opening the car door but it was locked , I banged on the window .

"You should calm down , seeing as you almost got into an accident." The man said calmly in a really deep voice.

Accident?... oh , I remembered.


"Silvia... my horse , what of my horse?." I asked panicking .

"She's safe , I have got her handled ... now give me the directions to your house."

No no, he can't drop me at the mansion , they already probably know I'm gone by now , I gulped , sweats began to form on my forehead.

"Drop me here." I ordered .

"I can't , it's the least I can do since I almost ran you over ,give me your address." He said still calmly.

"I said drop me here! , drop me here!!!!." I yelled , trying to get hold the steering.

He stopped the car abruptly.

"are you trying to get us killed or what!" He snapped now .

"Unlock the door."

He looked at me as if I was crazy and unlocked the door.

I got out and tried running but I noticed I had an injury on my leg .

"Argh!" I groaned .

The unknown man drove his car to where I was and ordered me to enter again , I refused stubbornly and continued leaping away.

Suddenly he got out of his car and carried me .

"Hey! Put me down , stop it! ... you can't take me home please." I screamed .

My screams fell on deaf ears , he placed me in the front seat and put on the seatbelt , then he walked to the driver's side and drove off .

I could see the mansion from here now , it was really close . I swallowed fearfully.

"Please drop me here please." I pleaded.

"I live in that mansion over there , it isn't far anymore." I added with tears already forming in my eyes .

I was already afraid of what my dad would do to me .

I know I could easily escape from here , but Dad would find me eventually and moreover where could I even go to , I don't know anywhere .

"You live in the Romano's Mansion?" Mr Stranger asked coldly.

I nodded and got out of the car , still leaping.

I looked back at him , he was still standing there looking at the mansion .

Does he know my dad or something?.

I got to the mansion and stood in front of the big gate , I wiped my sweaty palms on my skirt and walked in .

I went straight to the servant quarters, it's a good thing it was closer to the gate .

I walked briskly into the kitchen and met Ma'am Serena .

"Ohh child , my child." She hugged me .

"Why didn't you tell me before you left , I would have covered for you ... your dad has been looking for you all over." She trembled with so much fear in her eyes .

Then she saw my bloody legs , "what happened to you?!" She cried out .


"Aria!!!" I heard my dad's thunderous voice .

I shivered .

He walked towards me with so much Rage and landed me a big slap that made me fall on the floor.

"You disgusting brat! You tried to escape again! , do you know the trouble you are causing for this family , huh!" He yelled kicking me on my belly close to my ribs . I cried out .

"I will handle you for real this time , I will find a permanent solution to your stupidity!" He growled angrily and walked away.

I coughed out , tears kept rolling from my eyes.

I looked at Martina , she smirked at me before she walked away.

I held my hurting ribs , I miss Simon so much .

"Oh dear , get up ... I will help you clean up." Ma'am Serena said sadly helping me get off the floor.

She helped me dress the wound on my leg and massaged my belly.

"Why me?" I sobbed , she hugged me and placed my head on her Chest.

"It will be fine my girl , it will all be fine." She consoled.

When I rested a little , I decided to go to the stables to check if Silvia was there .

I pray the unknown man kept his word and returned her safely.

She neighed when I got in , I rushed happily to where she was and hugged her .

"Silvia , oh Silvia." I rubbed her soothingly.

I didn't know what I would have done if I lost her . I just hope they still wouldn't take her away from me .

I sat outside the stables looking at the stars , it was night already.

Then I remembered Mr stranger and the way he carried me back to his car , I blushed .

That was the closest I have ever been with any man .

I have never had a boyfriend before , I couldn't possibly have.

Ma'am Celine and Martina would Rat me out to Dad and he would kill me.

I sighed .

The man was handsome though , with his sleek black hair.

He was so tall and had a manly body .

My cheeks got hot again , I shook my head to get rid of the stupid thoughts .

I closed the stable and walked to my tiny room.

I laid on the bed , I wasn't able to sleep , I just rolled around.

I laid upwards facing the ceiling , as my famous thoughts about having a Prince Charming came back.

I have always imagined how my life Would be if I finally got married .

Most people are happy in their Marriage , so I guess mine would be the same .

He would take me away from this bondage and treat me like a princess , I smiled .

He would love me so much and care for me .

Probably Then, my fate would change.

I rolled to my side and soon fell asleep .

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