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The invented Alpha and Heiress Luna

The invented Alpha and Heiress Luna

Elizabeth noris


BOLD Alpha She must marry an Alpha to save his father's empire. Samantha Wolf didn't wish to rush into a match with one of the insipid Alpha, whom she met at the full moon festival since she have no mate at twenty-two. But since her parents insisted she chooses a Mate immediately, she gave her hand to Alpha Dave Blake. The unexistence Alpha was everything Samantha's desired in a mate: He was charming, dashing-and completely imaginary. Happy to be married to a fictitious husband, Samantha certainly never expected a counterfeit Alpha Dave blake to appear in the flesh and claim her as his mate. Determined to expose the handsome rogue without revealing her masquerade, Samantha didn't count on being swept up in the most fascinating intrigue of all passionate love.

Chapter 1 End of friendship

The two alphas were still snarling at each other, they were best friends but it seems like they will break the friendship if they continue like this, Alpha Johnson invited Alpha Aeden to his engagement party and Aeden learned the girl his friend was to be married to was the girl he chose as his mate, although his mate Nina had a son with him, he didn't want her, he loves another.

"Damn it, Aeden! Before my parents arranged our marriage, I already loved her, she is my mate."

"You're jealous of me, just say so, you knew I chose her first."

"I never knew it was her! And besides, your mate is beautiful and has a child for you."

"I never want to have a child with her, she plans everything."

"Nina is a beautiful and smart girl......"

"As I said, you can have her, I know who I want, and she's Audrey."

"I can't leave her to you"

"That settles it"

"What do you mean"

"The End of Friendship"

"It hasn't come to that yet, Aeden, think of all we've been through..."


Johnson pulls out his phone and checks the caller ID, Karen...

"Karen's calling, I think Audrey woke up."

the phone keeps vibrating.

"Please bring Nina home, she is your Luna, you need her, the pack needs her. Alpha is incomplete without Luna, let's stop this madness." Johnson said as he took his calls, "Yes Karen..... How is she?"

"Fine, I'm coming now"

Regaining consciousness had its downside, a pounding headache spreading to her stomach. Nausea made Audrey gasp. Acids burned her throat. She spits out the liquid fire next to the bed she was sitting on, her back against the hardwood. Her vision only swayed in part due to the tremor. In front of her, two wolf figures wrestled and clawed. Their fur-speckled faces had impossibly wide mouths with dangerously long and pointed canines. Her chest area had expanded, with the woman's golden-brown fur hidden by shreds of her torn brown flannel shirt. Heavy breasts bounced as she grabbed the silver-gray man, but held their shape.

"Johnson?" Audrey murmured, her hand touching her face where another pain was aiming, a finger moving in front of her eye, showing blood.

The male thing growled, glaring at her, then cried out in pain as a long, claw-like fingernail sunk into his chest near his heart. Within a second he had the woman turned and face down, his claw dangerously at her throat while his other hand pressed her face into the stone floor. "Enough enough?" it sounded like he said in his growl.

The female wolf on the floor transformed into the most perfectly formed woman Audrey had ever seen if perfection meant the busty hourglass figure of a men's magazine model, which it did in Audrey's case. Lust penetrated her pain and fear. And even the scowl on the dirty blond woman's face didn't erase his beauty, slim and sharply etched with a long nose resembling Johnson's, that added character and dazzling hazel eyes from which a tear pooled.

Reverting to his familiar form, Johnson carefully removed his naked body from the woman, tense muscles preparing for her renewed assault on his mate. She stayed on the floor and glared at Audrey, close to tears. Johnson didn't seem threatening, glancing from her to Audrey and cautiously approaching his lover.

"Are you all right?" he asked her.

Audrey rubbed her face. "I'm bleeding."

Johnson squats down next to her and pulls her hand away as gently as possible. He breathed a sigh of relief. "It's just an asshole. I'm glad I pulled her away before she disfigured your sweet face." He kissed the wound. The woman growled. "Shut up, Nina," he growled back.

Both Audrey and Johnson watched as Nina stood and her body was on full display as she removed the remains of her tattered shirt. Her khaki pants lay beside her feet in a puddle of the fabric where she had fallen as her broad hips narrowed during her transformation. She stood with her fists on her hips and glared at Audrey.

Audrey swallowed. The spooky woman was breathtaking.

Nina spoke in a low and sexy voice, "You promised Johnson." My mate is your best friend and he never wants me, you promise to choose me as your mate,"

"I've found my mate, Nina," he explained, wrapping his large arm around Audrey, who stiffened.

"That skinny thing?" Nina spat. "I threw away the cunt like it was a sack of leaves, a little sack at that. And look, she's shaking like a leaf. It's my time, Johnson. You promised."

"Of course she's scared," Johnson sighed, "I didn't tell her about our relationships. Instead, she faces the worst."

Nina laughed. "Good. She will reject you and you will come back and run to me." She knelt, raised her hand, and touched Audrey's cheek. Audrey trembled at the touch, but as Nina pressed her perfect body against Johnson, anger flashed in her eyes. The flash made Nina smile.

Johnson held Audrey tighter and growled his response. "You are not my mate, Nina. I finally found her and you..."

The kiss on his cheek and then the mouth breathing into his ear as she spoke and her hand sensually moving in circles lower and lower from his chest over his stomach until she was holding his hardening penis and cradling him, was watched by Audrey with intense jealousy. Nina witnessed the power of Audrey's emotions while taunting Johnson with her breath, "You promised to give me that moon pup, Johnson." to mark me and make me yours forever."

"Oh Nina," Johnson sighed, kissing her cheek. "You know I love you. You're my best friend, my confidant, my advisor, but you're not my mate. I don't feel as much for you as I do for Audrey. We're not meant to be mates."

Suddenly, Audrey jumped to her feet, causing dizziness that she fought to avoid overwhelming, and managed to grab her clothes through her foggy consciousness. Her brain was too physically and emotionally confused to scream at full volume, she yelled in uncertainty, "I don't know what the hell is going on, but I'm going to leave you crazies with your craziness and try to find my friends!" Her wobbly legs somehow carried her across the main room and upstairs and out. All the while she was preparing to be grabbed, but surprisingly, too fast paws didn't stop her.

Fresh cold air intensified the throbbing until she breathed deeper and faster and it grew weaker. Following tracks visible in the light of a nearly full moon and a cloudless sky, she found the tall, low building and the wide ramp that led to the corrugated iron garage door, and next to it a stairway that led to a surprisingly unlocked door for humans.

Holding her forehead firmly with her hand, trying to keep the throbbing from exploding, she screamed, "Michael! Aeden! Karen!" inside the building. The air of the large room full of crates on pallets increased her nausea. It smelled like meat. The cold inside matched the cold outside.

"Audrey!" She barely heard it repeated by two voices.

"Where are they!" she replied, walking past the crates and finding large, silent machines filling the room. "Keep screaming!"

The voices led them to the back of the great room and two descending steps and a corridor. The hallway intersected with another, and the voices led her to the left and further down the hallway, where the concrete walls became glass interlaced with hexagons of gold-colored metal wire.

Joseph, a medium height, moderately handsome male with curly light brown hair falling to his shoulders and a broad face with piercing blue eyes, his body smooth muscled from martial arts and stage combat training, and Karen, an exotic mix of East and West, Oriental and Slavic, with Asian Eyes on a broad and pretty and intelligent face, their subtle contours like a strong boy, not fat but with big bones, stood on collapsible wooden chairs on the other side of the glass, their heads bowed so their voices were carried through holes that the lined the top of the wall.

With a wry smile, Audrey caught her eye and said huskily, "Hi."

"Audrey!" They both spoke at the same time, carefully climbing out of their chairs and pointing further down the hallway.

Unfortunately, the door with the same glass and metal grille turned out to be locked. Audrey bounced off it in frustration, collapsed, and passed out.

When Audrey came to, she sat up with a start and immediately regretted it as the blood spurted out of her head and she felt dizzy again. She recovered and glared at the woman sitting on the edge of the bed by her feet: the stunningly beautiful woman she had seen turned into a monster. Nina smiled.

"You're... impressive," Nina said without malice, but with a seductive undertone. She handed Audrey a glass of orange juice, which Audrey swallowed quickly - a familiar taste.

Audrey found herself back on Johnson's bed, and the sound of birds and a glow outside the open door indicated morning. She smelled bacon and coffee and her stomach growled empty.

"How..." she began.

"Aeden left us some tranquilizers just in case. Johnson brought you back here and we...kept you warm."

"You... slept with him?"

"Slept, yes. Nina's gentleness somehow kept Audrey from flinching as her fingers ran through Nine's hair. "Do you find me... unattractive?"

Audrey swallowed her lust and stiffened.

"Being selfish, Johnson's your mate, why do you want the two Alphas all to yourself?" Nina looks at her and continues.

"Joseph never liked me" although we married when we were eighteen and have a son together he never marked me or made me his luna. His father tries to disown him but he remains adamant." They both want you, and I hate you!" Nina said. Audrey breaks off, terrified of her mood swing and looking for a way to change the subject, "but no more, it's not your fault either, you're beautiful. "

"Where are Michael and Aeden and Karen?" Audrey asked as she didn't want to continue with the discussion

Nina giggled and kissed Audrey on the forehead. "Michael left with Kate. Aeden and Karen are having breakfast." The beauty nodded towards the door. "Here, let me get you dressed," pulling a heavy green wool shirt from her lap and helping Audrey slip her arms in and button it up. The khaki pants proved too baggy and long, but Audrey fastened them with a belt and rolled up the cuffs. At her feet were furry suede slippers, a little oversized but wearable and comfortable. She noticed that Nina wore the same things. "I like comfort," Nina shrugged. "It takes a special event for me to dress up." She smiled and kissed Check on the lips.

"Some women don't need to dress up," Audrey said before she could stop herself.

Nina nodded and kissed her again. "I agree," she murmured.

A giggle escaped Nina's mouth as she saw Audrey's strong look of anger and jealousy return to her face. Audrey grumbled, "You seduce me to be with Johnson."

Nina nodded and shrugged. "But it won't be a chore to share it, will it? Certainly not for me."

"But you almost killed me!"

With teary eyes, Nina sighed, "I'm so sorry, Audrey. Just know that if I had made it, I would not only deny myself the miracle that you are but my whole life. Johnson would have killed me. .. I'm in heat and we tend to get wild."


"Come to breakfast, my remarkable little beauty.

Unlike anywhere else she had been with Aeden, the room felt warm. She discovered why as she approached the table. The kitchen, which heated eggs and bacon and coffee, had a wood stove. Aeden emerged from the kitchen with a beaming smile, his hands carrying a thick earthenware plate with eggs, bacon, toast and mashed potatoes, and a large mug of coffee.

"Come eat," he said, placing the plate and coffee in the center of the table across from their friends. "How do you drink your coffee?"

"Hot and bitter," she replied, sitting down where the plate had been placed. She returned her friends' goofy grins with a timid smile.

"Then it's perfect," announced Johnson, sitting to her right and sipping his coffee cup. "Eat. You must have starved." Nina sat to her left.

Her stomach growled in agreement. Instead of asking a million questions dancing around in her dazed brain, she filled her mouth with breakfast. As she ate, she watched the interaction between her friends and her mates,

"Aeden had finally agreed to make you his Luna, Nina when you return to the Full Moon Pack,

I think it's called a celebration."

But..." Aeden stuttered. "How... Audrey is a woman who transformed me, who I loved beyond measure, although Nina is my mate and mother of my son, I never felt the bond between us."

Pain flashed in Nina's eyes

"That's right, Aeden, we agree on something."

"We agreed not to fuck anything... Audrey is the woman I want."

"And what about Nina?"

"She's free to break the bonds, my father won't mind this time."

"You beast!" Nina growled.

"I'm sorry, Nina, but I can't have you as a mate."

"If you think I'm going to give you my mate because of your selfish interest then think again, if you don't like Nina then fuck off."

"It's not as easy as you think Johnson, she's identical to my mother," Aeden says as he stares at Audrey, adjusting from his seat. I had a huge crush on her growing up and she's shy "And beautiful," Aeden murmured.

"But never your mate?" Never. Aeden, as he said, Nina is your wife."

Nina started to cry and hugged her hoped-for mate. The heat of her emotional body and his deep embrace and his smell and her hot breath on his neck and the beauty of her face and its gentle vulnerability as he gently pulled it away from him and stared at it solidified his decision. That means he never wants her.

"But I have to admit it's selfish," he admitted. "I don't move like that, I want to be such a strong Alpha, so fast and so efficient and so precise and so graceful.

"It won't work if you don't give yourself fully to me," she told him, still smiling through her tears.

"Then I can't be selfish. I want you as my sparring mate. I don't touch you as my mate, but you numb my drink and get pregnant with my seed."

"Because I love you"

Aeden smiled.

"I never felt that there was a spark between us."

"Because you restrained your feeling for her," Audrey finally breaks her stillness, "And I don't like it when you talk about me as if I can speak for myself, I love Johnson and I can not choose him over you, go back to your pack with your family, Aeden, we had already had enough of you,"

"Fine, then! Let it be the end of everything! and I don't want to see any of your faces again," with that he left the building, and Nina ran after him.

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The invented Alpha and Heiress Luna

Chapter 1 End of friendship



Chapter 2 Twenty-two years later.



Chapter 3 Who is he



Chapter 4 New son in law



Chapter 5 Villain



Chapter 6 Rogue to be a husband



Chapter 7 The mission



Chapter 8 Someone special to be her mate



Chapter 9 You are not my husband



Chapter 10 Lucky playmate



Chapter 11 Why do you invent an Alpha



Chapter 12 He may kill her father



Chapter 13 The vixen



Chapter 14 Alpha rogue



Chapter 15 A prayer answers



Chapter 16 Anna's plan.



Chapter 17 comes to me



Chapter 18 becoming a werewolf



Chapter 19 18 Gald you are here, son



Chapter 20 something very familiar about you.



Chapter 21 becoming a werewolf



Chapter 22 Control yourself



Chapter 23 stubborn woman



Chapter 24 We are enemies



Chapter 25 beautiful hellcat



Chapter 26 someone wants him dead



Chapter 27 her dark mood



Chapter 28 A mere Luna



Chapter 29 curious



Chapter 30 stubborn baggage



Chapter 31 His father's hatred of him



Chapter 32 ship him off.



Chapter 33 Awaken



Chapter 34 beautiful enemy



Chapter 35 gone for good



Chapter 36 Awaken



Chapter 37 Enemy



Chapter 38 Spine your dreams into reality



Chapter 39 Create his past



Chapter 40 Traitor
